Chapter 818
"I'm just talking casually. Zhenjun should not take it seriously." Ning Xia blushed slightly, a little embarrassed.She is not used to others looking at him with such a focus.This makes her feel very uncomfortable.

"You are right." True Monarch Yuan Heng affirmed.

"There are indeed some problems with Cui Ke. And she has a lot to do with Liu Zhen."

The answer was both expected and unexpected.

After all, none of them expected that Liu Zhen would be so bold as to kill the granddaughter of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

However, when I think back to Liu Zhen who I met that day, I feel that the other party's behavior is simply not normal, and it is completely expected.Behavior that perfectly matches her motives.

In fact, it was the first time for everyone to see this young lady of the Liu family, but during the short time they got along, the words and deeds of the other party opened their eyes. It turns out that there are such people in this world.

For some immature or conceited people, people like Liu Zhen are their best "nurturing soil".

But they don't know that if they are not careful, they will become the best knife of this ambitious man, and then they will stab into their own hearts little by little, and irrigate each other with their own blood. The key is still ignorance throughout the whole process.

Obviously, Cui Ke is such a victim.And judging from the current situation, she was further harmed.If there is no accident, this life will live in the shadows.It's really pitiful to think about it this way.

Even though he was almost injured by the other party that day, Ning Xia couldn't help but feel sorry for him.A great future is ruined in the hands of such a villain. Will I regret what I have done today when I think about it in this long life?
However, there is no if.Everything is a foregone conclusion, a big mistake has been made, and it cannot be changed.

But there is one thing that she is very curious about, what is going on with Liu Zhen who did it now?Is it dead or alive?
With such a vicious hand and ruined Cui Ke, Ning Xia did not believe that the other party could walk out of Cui's mansion safely.Will be killed? !
"This Miss of the Liu family really has some tricks. First, she tricked the little doll of the Cui family to win him over, making him depend on her heart, and often instilling some thoughts in her ears."

"That Cui Ke is also a careless person. She has not been taught by her parents all year round, and her grandfather who raised her is not good at this kind of worldly wisdom, so she has always been so muddled in this regard."

"Liu Zhen is different. She is a woman with a lot of wealth. If it wasn't for her lack of cultivation, her pretentiousness and her lack of control, more people would probably be tricked."

"Following this person, Cui Ke was directly led astray. It was time for Zhenjun Chongri to retreat, and he had no time to talk to her, so this little girl ran more and more astray on the way of going astray. And there is a faint feeling of deterioration. "

Is this the legendary "those who are near vermilion are red and those who are near ink are black"?Then Cui Ke was dyed too fast!It's all for Liu Zhen, the type that even parents and grandparents can do without.

Ningxia could almost imagine the despair in Zhenjun Chongri's heart.

"I haven't finished talking yet. Don't be in a hurry to discuss it." Zhenjun Yuanheng shook his head and stopped everyone from discussing.

"If it's just because of causing trouble, Zhenjun Chongri wouldn't hate the other party so much."

"I just didn't expect that Miss Liu's family is a delicate heart, but she is also a black heart. You can't harm someone's name because of your own selfishness."

"In order to better control Cui Ke, she also gave him Xinglin powder, and she carefully selected a small amount to penetrate into the body every day. Over time, people began to become irritable without knowing it, which was completely different from the past."

"Xinglinsan is a very powerful and inferior elixir. Occasional use can have miraculous effects, but most of the time. But if it is used all year round, the foundation of the body may collapse a little bit."

"I don't know how much this granddaughter, Zhenjun Chongri, has taken. But I can confirm that her body must have been affected. Therefore, even if you don't look at the broken arm, Zhenjun Chongri may not let her go. "

Everyone suddenly realized.This entanglement is really bloody.

It was only then that Ningxia remembered the meaning of what Zhenjun Yuanheng said when he left that day, which was that he reminded the other party of the problem.

No, have you forgotten one thing... You haven't said how the two turned against each other afterwards.

"After that? I don't know what happened after that?"

Ghosts believe.

"Didn't I be with you on this journey? How would you know?" Zhenjun Yuanheng said helplessly.

"Okay, hurry up and finish eating, we have to go out again later, don't be hungry and faint on the way."

All the disciples hissed in dissatisfaction, but they had no choice but to stop.

After watching the disciples leave the hall, the smile on Zhenjun Yuanheng's face faded.

In fact, he didn't tell the truth just now.Although no exact testimony was obtained.But guess what it might be like.It's just that he doesn't want to pollute the children's ears with it, so just pretend he doesn't know.

But he didn't know the details that he guessed were almost the same, only the "polish" was missing.

In fact, what happened to Cui Ke was actually related to her.

After Ningxia and the others left that day, Zhenjun Chongri quickly closed the courtyard and detained Liu Zhen here so that they could be dealt with in the future.

Cui Ke's physical condition still needs to be confirmed.So before that, Liu Zhen cannot be allowed to escape.

It's a good idea, but it can't stop a pig teammate.

If it weren't for this unlucky child who insisted on visiting in the cell.If she hadn't thought about saving people with all her heart, maybe nothing would have happened.

Now Zhenjun Chongri regrets his inaction at that time very much. He always thinks that he has time to teach slowly, but he did not expect that this trip indirectly harmed his granddaughter.

He was thinking about it, and talked to Cui Ke Haosheng later.Let her understand what kind of person the guy she has always trusted is, and then silently repair the relationship and return to the previous situation.

But the cruel fact didn't even leave him a chance.Taught her that lesson with bloody realities.It's a pity that the tuition fees paid can never be recovered, and the arms can never go back to the past. The price of this lesson is undoubtedly extremely high.

Until now, Zhenjun Chongri couldn't figure out why Miss Liu's family did this?Obviously he hasn't had time to do anything.

They are supposed to be the victims.

"What about the Liu family? How did Miss Liu's family react?"

Zhenjun Yuanheng sneered: "He knows the current affairs. Before the Cui family even arrived at their door, they announced that they would expel this woman who ruined the family's reputation."

"When I turned around, I picked up the people from the Chongri Sect, tried my best to please, and swore that I knew that girl best, so I would definitely help."

That flattering face is really disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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