Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 821 Shining On The Stage

Chapter 821 Shining On The Stage
Ning Xia didn't know anything about another dungeon of the heroine quietly happening somewhere.Her life has returned to peace.

Everyone in this world is busy with their own affairs, and other people's thrills are just episodes in their lives.

Cui Ke's case started vigorously like this, and then nothing happened.Only occasionally I heard that someone found traces of Liu Zhen and ran away.

Xunyang City seemed to regain its calm overnight.

Ningxia and others continued their simple tour of sightseeing.

The more grand the celebration, the longer the preparation period will be, and a lot of time will be set aside in the early stage for everyone to catch up.Before the main topic comes, the home court is the social circle, where outstanding disciples from various sects meet.

As one of the "heavyweight" camps, they naturally cannot do without various entertainment and communication.As the auction is approaching, more and more monks are gathering in Xunyang City, gathering together, throwing a stone at random on the street may hit one of the first disciples, and anyone who asks for directions on the road is the so-and-so True Monarch granddaughter.

All kinds of tea parties, wine parties, flower viewing parties, small circles... all kinds of tricks emerge one after another.Today there is an old friend meeting, tomorrow there will be a dinner, and the day after tomorrow it will be an exchange meeting sincerely invited by a certain friend.

In this kind of occasion, you really can't do whatever you want, and you should focus on the overall situation of the sect, so as not to lose face outside.

The group of Longyin Peak disciples who followed the auction were from Ningxia's generation, or at least from the previous generation. They were already veterans in the cultivation world, and they had their own connections.Once in this environment, it spreads out freely, greeting old friends whom I haven't seen for a long time.

Only the two little ones, Ningxia and Jinlin, have always been small and transparent. They can only follow Zhenjun Yuanheng step by step and meet different people with this elder, so as not to lose their way.

No matter which world the entertainment is the same.It's nothing more than comparing and showing off, or trying to find out, comparing Zongmen family, spouse and children, comparing everything that can be compared.This is not only a man's battlefield, but also a woman's battlefield.

Apparently, Ningxia and Jinlin seem to have become some kind of "mascot" for Zhenjun Yuanheng to support the stage.

Her ears are full of all kinds of "Zhenjun, you disciples are so handsome..." or "Friend Daoist, you two little babies are so born, why haven't you brought them out before..." or "Yuan Heng, have you ever married this big baby? I have a niece..." and so on.

Hearing this, Ning Xia was terrified, and wished he could rush out of the door immediately.What's the matter with the eyes of this group of people buying pork?I always feel that some scrutinizing eyes want to take her apart and analyze it all over.

Fortunately, Zhenjun Yuanheng is aloof to the outside world, he doesn't seem to like socializing very much, and others come to chat with him.Even if someone came, he would answer a few words in a lukewarm manner, and if he had to deal with it, he would lead them to sit in silence when he went, and the protection effect on the two of them was quite good.

This made Ningxia not as busy as the other disciples who followed behind the master.In fact, they are quite clean here.However, there are also surprises.

"Yuan Heng, I haven't seen you for a long time, but I'm a little haggard, with hair growing on my forehead, I'm afraid life will be difficult." The extremely high-pitched voice, with a gorgeous modulation at the end, reveals a sense of superiority and overlooking.

Who is this?To be honest, the sound feels greasy.

Coupled with the bgm that Ning Xia couldn't help but match him in his heart... Don't look at it, the proper villain will appear on the stage.

Sure enough, people who haven't seen him heard his voice before saying anything, and the magnetic field also clashed with the public.He didn't even fully appear on the stage, and the large crowd of people had already given way to him.

No, it's not giving's hiding!Watching the faces of the people behind gradually flow back to this side as if they were avoiding the plague god, the people in Ningxia also turned their backs and looked at the place where the voice came from.

A group of monks whose clothes and demeanor were incompatible with those present came slowly.

This incompatibility is real.Clothes, demeanor, and magnetic field are completely different from others, and our different information is revealed all over our body.

Show up and play what is called the ancient version of the idol troupe.

The other party is obviously very satisfied with the effect.Continue to walk forward without haste, fully dyed so that everyone can see them.

"Good day, friends of the righteous way."

No one responded to them, and even the most careless ones stared at the group of uninvited guests with vigilance.

What the other party said was a "righteous friend", and his identity was clearly revealed.

So this bunch of friends from the magic way.Ning Xia was dumbfounded, stunned by the posture of their master who swaggered in and took the focus.

The two ways of righteousness and evil have not been compatible for a long time.After the incident a few years ago, it became even more incompatible. When the two parties met, they could not wait to kill each other.

Now it's showing up.

The person who called the roll just now was also the leader of the team, who looked around and chuckled when he saw the expressions of defense and disgust, and finally landed on Zhenjun Yuanheng.

Obviously, the other party is also the "old man" of Zhenjun Yuanheng.By the way, Master Yuanheng is not said to be a thousand-year-old nerd, how come he knows so many people, it seems that there are acquaintances of him everywhere, even admirers he doesn't recognize himself.

"Yuanzong, it's been a long time. As you get older, your eyes are becoming more and more difficult. I'm afraid that one day you won't even be able to see the road clearly."

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths."

"Each each other."

Yo, you two also have a tacit understanding, even the sentence patterns are the same.It seems that they are another pair of "enemies"...

"Why is this place so lively here? It turns out that everyone is here. I thought I would come in to say hello and meet the elites of the noble side. I didn't want to take a's not very good."

This ridicule directly stabbed the hornet's nest.

Before Zhenjun Yuanheng could answer, someone had already taken his seat.

"You evil spirits are crooked, don't you stay in your gutters and hide, and you dare to come out and show off in the market, are you tired of your work?" I don't know which sect's disciple, it's a bit strange, Ningxia has never seen this in recent days people.The momentum is quite strong, and the voice is also loud, calling out the aspirations of many people.

"Sui Lan, what did you hear just now?"

"Dog." A young man with an expressionless face standing next to him said a word lightly, but the word was clearly pronounced, and it was heard by everyone in the field.

"You... you guys..." The impassioned person just now blushed instantly, like a pig's liver.

Many people were even more relieved, thankful that they had no impulse to send it up to humiliate others.Although I also guessed that the hearts and mouths of this group of demons are poisonous, if there is no skill or a reliable elder standing behind, it is best not to be this early bird.

This is probably a disciple of a small sect who wants to be famous, and he is eager to stand out when he sees an opportunity, completely ignorant of the dangers of this world.

(End of this chapter)

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