Immortals, don't watch dramas

Chapter 829 Variables

Chapter 829 Variables

What Hua Wuxie didn't understand in his previous life, in this life, after getting rid of some invisible shackles, he finally figured it out.

He finally figured it out—

All those years of wastage and madness were due to something.Is it really for a woman?


Instead, there are "people" who have manipulated his life!

Hua Wuxie, who was born to be the favored child of heaven and was romantic and affectionate when she was young, never thought that one day she would become a "male favourite" that a woman can come and go as soon as she calls her.

That's right, that's right, it's a male favorite.Sharing a woman with many men, and living with other men ridiculously, "calling them brothers", isn't this a man's favorite?

He even felt that he was not as good as those "ji concubines" he used to have. At least these concubines were famous and worthy, and they were willing to serve him.

But what about himself?Probably even he himself didn't know why he hanged himself on that woman like crazy, begged for mercy behind her, and made himself so pitiful in the end.

Now that his mind is clearer, recalling his incomprehensible behaviors in his previous life, he is ashamed and annoyed, wishing he could kill himself with such a knife.

Even if he has gone back in time, he can't deceive himself about what happened.This will also become his stain forever, so that a certain corner of his heart will never be able to lift his head.

What the hell is he thinking?What did he do?Why did he do that?
Hua Wuxie was in a daze, thinking that the one who lived in those years must be a fake him.It was just a shell covered with fake skin... However, he was very clear that that person was him.

Memories of those years are not fake.And those absurd things were done when he was conscious, he knew everything.

Hua Wuxie: ...

But here comes the problem.How on earth did he live his life like this?He didn't even understand his own death.

The headache keeps getting worse.

As the symptoms of the headache continued to worsen, his mind became clearer and clearer. Many familiar and strange thoughts were unblocked from his consciousness, and those intense and strange emotions seemed to rebound one after another.

Hua Wuxie couldn't even tell whether these emotions belonged to him or another soul that had been suppressed for many years and could not be liberated.

In the seemingly endless pain, Hua Wuxie fainted.

No one could see, the moment he fell, it seemed that half of the gray shadow was half pulled out of his body.Then, it seemed that some invisible and tight thread snapped, and the half gray shadow quickly returned to the cage, arousing a wave of devilish energy to escape around.

When I woke up again, it was still bright outside, and there was no one in the room.He should not have been in a coma for a long time, otherwise he should not be in this inn when he woke up, but in Baihua Palace.

The pain in my head was completely gone, my whole body was relaxed, as soft as if I had just recovered from a serious illness, but I never felt so relaxed for a moment.

Hua Wuxie was silent for a moment, then sighed softly, opened her eyes, and looked at her hands.

Those are a pair of well-proportioned and strong fingers, with a healthy and rosy complexion, not as dead and white as before, and exuding a fresh breath that only young people can have.

Hua Wuxie has never realized so clearly for a moment like now...he is back.Back when I was young, the time when there was no her.

He is back!

He covered his eyes with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.But his fingertips clutching the edge of the couch revealed his true emotions.

It took him a long time to calm down a little bit, to suppress the messy and complicated thoughts, to suppress those rotten emotions deposited in the depths of his heart, and then slowly put down his hands, revealing a plain face.

Suddenly, a distorted affection mixed with jealousy and malice appeared on his face, and several emotions suddenly changed, changing so fast that it was hard to recognize.In the end, it quickly freezes into an extremely morbid possessiveness and determination to win.The whole person looks like a deranged person when he sees clearly, it looks scary and terrifying.

This seems to be completely different from him just now, but it is so natural.The whole person is like a schizophrenic... If anyone has watched the whole process, I'm afraid they will only think that he is crazy.

Time passed by every minute and every second, I don't know how long it has passed.The stagnant air in the room froze, and the whole person on the couch lay powerlessly on the bed as if his muscles and bones had been pulled out. The madness in his body disappeared without a trace, like a hallucination.

Finally... gone--

A cold sweat broke out on Hua Wuxie's forehead, half of her body leaned out, retching on the side of the couch.The head is drooping, and the bend of the neck is at a nearly ninety-degree angle, as if it could be broken at any time, and there is a faint feeling of unbearable.

The man who had slammed his entire throat and didn't spit out anything was weak and moved back to the couch.His whole body was dripping with sweat, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle.

Also, to a certain extent, he had indeed engaged in an invisible fierce battle just now, fighting a formidable and almost invincible enemy.

He also temporarily saved his life from this invincible being.But once again, the conjecture in his heart was confirmed. There was no joy in his heart, but only endless fear and anger.

In fact, Hua Wuxie discovered this a long time ago, as early as in his last life, when he was still in a daze, he had already discovered this frightening thing.

At that time, in order to save his life, he ruthlessly sealed part of his personality and memory, and applied several hypnotisms to himself.Only then did it manage to survive from the hands of the Dominator.

Otherwise, based on his anomalies and discoveries at that time, perhaps he would have been wiped out by that existence as a heresy long ago.It's just that the price is that in the second half of his extremely long life, he lived in a muddle and was extremely humiliated, making it almost impossible for him to face that kind of himself.

It's not like he hasn't awakened in those years, and the strange things that pop up from time to time have threatened his life several times, and he has narrowly avoided it by relying on his instinct and luck.

He has also gained a lot of experience in these many "biological thinking tests", and these experiences have become the help for him to survive every time he succeeds.

The more he understands how to deceive himself?How to deceive others?How to deceive that existence——

It was also because of those "experiences" that he saved his life at the beginning of this world.

That's right...the "Guardian" who is really loyal to his duty will come to check whenever he finds something strange about the chess pieces.When he found out that his alternative piece was not right, he immediately wanted to abolish him to ensure stability.Really responsible.

Hua Wuxie thought mockingly.As long as he thinks that the other party is always hiding in the dark, touching their hands and feet and manipulating their life trajectory, he will feel nauseated, his stomach will churn, and his throat will feel nauseous.

(End of this chapter)

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