Chapter 831
After successfully chastising those kind-hearted people with ulterior motives, Ningxia's ears became much clearer.

Anyway, no one was babbling in their ears anymore, and finally some guys who could understand people's language came.And this kind of people seem to be more interested in Yuan Heng, a well-known formation mage. Ning Xia and Jin Lin were so distracted by what they heard, they didn't know what to say.

Such a good time, not to mention not being able to practice well to understand the world, but also to waste this kind of social activities that are actually meaningless... Sometimes Ningxia feels sad for this habit of human beings.No matter when and where, when the time is right or not, no matter where the world is located, high-tech civilization world or ancient cultivation civilization, there is social interaction everywhere.

She hasn't reached this level yet, and socializing at this level is too tasteless for her, so it's better to stay in the residence and practice.But Zhenjun Yuanheng brought them all out, so naturally he could only follow them out.

However, Zhenjun Yuanheng is not that kind of autocratic old-fashioned, he just wants to lead a group of young people out to show his face, and he doesn't think they will really play any role.If you treat them well enough, don't restrict them, let them move freely, make friends with each other, and go back with those who go back, what should they do.

Only Ningxia, who was forced to "ground his feet", and Jin Lin, a direct disciple, were still on the scene, receiving "bombardment" from the elders who they didn't know.

After what happened before, Zhenjun Yuanheng didn't worry about letting her go carelessly, who knows if she would be kidnapped by the demonic people to seek revenge on the way.Alas, how could he provoke someone in the magic way who doesn't like common sense?Although Xiaoxia didn't do it voluntarily, it's too bad luck, right?Let's talk about it after leaving Xunyang City.

Of course, there is no need to hide in the dark. The Wen Mansion here can be regarded as one of the few top big families in Xunyang City, with strong strength. There are dozens of masters in the family resident, and they are heavily guarded. Even if you want to make trouble, you won't be stupid enough to come here.

It can be seen that Ningxia is a little depressed and doesn't like this kind of scene, so he said kindly: "If you are bored, you can go outside for a walk, I heard that the garden of Wen Mansion has a special scenery, there are so many young monks in the garden, why don't you go there for a walk. "

"However... don't go out of the mansion privately. After all, the matter is not over, and now the auction is coming, the outside is still more complicated, let's go back together."

Ning Xia thought for a while and nodded.Because the atmosphere was really weird first, too many unexplained eyes fell on her, friendly or unfriendly, full of probing eyes, some of which were malicious.

After all, she has little experience, no matter whether she was born in a small family in her previous life or in this life, to be honest, she is still a little uncomfortable with the feeling of attracting attention.I can accept it, but I don't like it very much. It's better to stay in the residence and practice a little bit than ask her to run away.

In the same way, Zhenjun Yuanheng also thinks the same way, whether he traveled abroad in the early years or is now an "otaku" in the cultivation world, he doesn't like such purposeful activities.Helpless, as the team leader this time, for the sake of the sect's image outside, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

As for these two little ones, if they look familiar, just tell some guys with bad intentions.There is no need to hold them to "suffer" here with him.

But obviously, the good student Jin Lin expressed that he would continue to follow Zhenjun Yuanheng, so Ningxia had to leave the venue alone.

She was really bored here, she was about to stare, and she didn't want to stay any longer.

Everyone only saw Zhenjun Yuanheng explaining a few words to Ningxia and what he gave her. The other party was obviously a little surprised, so they left alone.

"Huh? Then Zhenjun Yuanheng is willing to let his treasure go out?" A man standing in the corner looked towards Ning Xia and the others with some doubts, and then saw Ning Xia's back leaving.

Another slender companion who was standing with him also looked over with clear eyes.

"Where can I go? Don't forget, even if the Wuhua Sect is low-key, it is still the head of the right way in the southeast border. It is so easy to protect a little disciple. It is just a Baihua Palace."

Baihua Palace is indeed one of the three major demon sects, but the overall power is actually inferior to the Wuhua School, at least on the surface.It's not a life-and-death enmity, and it's still unknown whether the accident of the little dude has something to do with Ningxia.Even if you want to seek revenge, you probably won't choose a blatant way.

"No, the True Monarch has already lent out his sword. How could there be no other way? Let's not worry about it."

Yes.Zhenjun Yuanheng was not at ease about letting him go, so he lent Ningxia his usual saber to defend himself.This sword has the function of protecting against killing under his command, and he can sense it immediately once the long sword is activated.It can be said that in terms of protection, Zhenjun Yuanheng has done his duty.

If people say that Ningxia is not the direct descendant of True Monarch Yuanheng, no one will believe it.



Walking out of the closed and gloomy living room and breathing the fresh air outside, Ning Xia finally felt that she had come alive a little bit.

If she stayed inside again, she didn't know if she could come out.

This group of high-ranking people simply lived out the demeanor of three aunts and six wives, chattering like a vegetable market, and it gave her a little headache.

Fortunately she came out.

Ning Xia took a deep breath and walked towards the garden.I heard that other people are walking in the yard, so it's not good for her to be too alone, so she might as well hang out there.


Ning Xia suddenly woke up, and immediately entered a semi-alert state.


Chong Huanjian popped up on his own when something went wrong without her moving.The sword that Zhenjun Yuanheng gave her was taken out by herself, but she did not touch the prohibition above, so as not to be a false alarm.

"The alertness is not bad." Lazy voice.

Ning Xia's nerves became even more tense, and the spiritual power from her fingertips burst out, almost shooting out directly.

"Don't be so nervous." The other party's voice was slightly surprised, but the tone was still relaxed.

How can you not be nervous? !joke!

"Your Majesty, what can I do if you hide your head and show your tail?" Ning Xia pursed her lips, ready to touch the restraint to invite Zhenjun Yuanheng here.

"Miss Ning, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to talk to you. If possible, please don't disturb Master. If we attract them, we won't be able to talk."

Who wants to talk to you?If you say that, she will be even more suspicious, won't you?

"Calm down, can you calm down first? You're too nervous. Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts of harming you. Look, it's been so long, didn't I hide in the dark and didn't do anything? I feel your worry It's completely unnecessary. Besides..."

"...If I want to harm you, there is no need to hide it."

(End of this chapter)

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