Chapter 836 Begins

Hua Wuxie was walking nonchalantly, when he suddenly heard this sentence from the front, he saw someone he was not good at dealing with normally.

An old mother's old lover.


It's really embarrassing.

Don't look at Hua Wuxie's domineering and reckless behavior in the past few decades of cultivation, and she is determined to become the most beautiful boy in the devil's way.But he also has people he is afraid of.

The number one is naturally his mother, the owner of Baihua Palace.This strange woman who is famous for both righteousness and evil is doing the most shocking things with the greatest heart.

The magic way has been "closed" for many years, and there is little communication inside and outside, but this one from Baihua Palace is an exception. The fact that the palace lord's love affair can be seen in such a closed environment also shows how high-profile she is in her daily life.

Her words and deeds over the years have shocked the poor orthodox monks time and time again, and opened the eyes of this group of decent monks.Of course, she was shocked not only by outsiders, but also by her own people. Even the disciples of Baihua Palace and even her own son Hua Wuxie were often shocked by his mother.

Hua Wuxie had always been in awe of his mother, and she didn't know how to get along with her, so that later... she also had the idea of ​​escaping a little bit.After the matter between him and Wang Jingxuan was strongly opposed by the other party, he fled away from the southeast border not long after, and never heard about the other party's affairs after that.Until the day I heard that she died in battle...

Even after so many years, he has already reached a realm that his mother may not be able to reach in her lifetime, and he is still afraid of this person.Rather than being afraid, it is better to say it is ashamed.

As for the person in front of him, he was a "product" derived from his fear of his mother.

This man almost became his stepfather.He almost wanted to call the other party "Father".

Although this demon king with a "serious" temperament and who was out of tune with ordinary demon disciples finally "broke up" with his mother, this relationship still made him a little jealous.In front of the other party, he will also restrain himself a little, not daring to make too many mistakes.

Especially after he was reborn, because of some rumors, he didn't know how to face this person, and his mood was complicated.

...well, come and catch him in person.

Hua Wuxie walked over in a seemingly arrogant and stylish manner, but in fact was dawdling, and walked up to a certain dark-faced person.

"Nonsense!" He didn't ask him where he was, but just scolded him when he came up.

Hua Wuxie didn't answer.

"Wen's family is a big family that has been rooted in Xunyang City for several years. It is powerful and unfathomable. Compared with some upper-middle-level sects, how dare you go alone."

"Young Palace Master! Hua Wuxie! As the heir of Baihua Palace, when will you think about your sect?"

"When you die, you die. It doesn't matter if you are quietly trapped outside. If you fall into the hands of those decent people and become a hostage, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Different situations, the same words... echoed in his ears as if time and space overlapped.

Hua Wuxie was a little stunned, as if she saw the situation in her previous life again.At that time, Yuan Zong Mojun said the same to him, his expression was a hundred times uglier than now, and his eyes seemed to be devouring.

At that time, he was embarrassed and couldn't listen.The two broke up unhappy, and that could be regarded as the last time they met, just like his mother.The news of him was heard again when he died in battle with Concubine Hua and their child, his younger brother.

In the end the family died together.He is the only one left in this world...

At that time, watching him leave with Wang Jingxuan without hesitation, what kind of mood did they have?

Hua Wuxie felt that she was going crazy.Living a lifetime with self-respect, everything has become different, and even he himself can't recognize himself.

Is he still him?Remorse, resentment, self-abased and obscurity, love for children... such things that I never thought would happen to him before--phenomena.Like the things he struggles with these days, the things he suffers from—over the long years, he's become someone else, the kind of idiot he used to despise the most.

Zhenjun Yuanzong, who couldn't stop talking, suddenly stopped, seeing the conflicted and painful expression on the other party's face, he couldn't speak again.

Zhenjun Yuanzong was silent, did not say those things again, waited for the other party to calm down, and said after a long time: "Go in." He never mentioned what he just said.

Hua Wuxie didn't mention what happened just now, but followed him in silently.Both of them took it as a matter of past tacitly.

Hua Wuxie also thought that the other party would not bring up the matter just now.Not wanting to wait until he was about to walk to the door, the other party asked again: "Your matter... How is it handled?"

"It's already been dealt with. Don't worry about that demon king for now. The other party is still useful. I'll "deal with" her myself in the future." Hua Wuxie's eyes flashed an obscure light, as if he had thought of something, thoughtfully.

Zhenjun Yuanzong obviously saw it too, didn't ask any more questions, and nodded silently: "That's very good. You can deal with it yourself. Don't let the outside world disturb you too much. If you feel troublesome, I don't mind coming to make it up for you. thing."

"Don't forget, what is our mission this time? Why are we here..."

"I'll pay attention to..."

The door closed automatically behind the two of them, heavily, like a giant life-swallowing beast, hiding the darkness behind the door.


And Ningxia, who served as a theme or was used as an excuse, knew nothing about it.

She's just useless.

Perhaps she got a certain "baseless" guarantee, but she relaxed a little, and started to go outside for a stroll.Although I also went out with the teachers, but at last it was no longer the same as before.

In this way, a few days before the auction, Xunyang City became more and more lively, and she completely lifted the ban.

No demon disciple came to find fault.They seem to have disappeared, and the group has disappeared. It seems that the appearance and activity a few days ago is just an illusion.

However, most of the monks knew that the opponent was obviously not afraid of retreating, but might be brewing a bigger conspiracy.At least for them... yes.

As for the evil way, people in the righteous way never hesitate to speculate on each other with the most maliciousness.

Besides, at this moment, they are still fighting openly and secretly with each other, let alone demonic ways.

When this prestigious auction in the southeast border was held, the undercurrent was surging, and the minds of the disciples of various sects were different.Everyone's eyes are focused on this land, looking around, listening to all directions, all counting on achieving their goals or gaining benefits at this grand event.

Of course, there are also those who just watch the excitement, such as...

"...I heard that a chatter auction will be held in this city recently. It is said to be the largest auction here. Would you like to go outside for a stroll?"

(End of this chapter)

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