Chapter 844
Why doesn't Ningxia know what the other party thinks?Although I don't know everything, I guessed a little bit.After all, the other party's attitude and actions were too strange, so she couldn't help but think about it.

The unit price of this batch of green fluorite is indeed more expensive than outside, but it is only worth the price of a mid-range treasure, which is still within the acceptable range for Ningxia, an invisible rich man.And for that person, it's even more worthless.

If the other party is really a young owner of a small shop, it may be understandable, but the other party is the second son of the Gui family in Xunyang City, the heir of the Gui family, and the leader of the future business empire of the Middle-earth mainland.How could he take this small business seriously?
The discount card given by the other party is not a simple thing, and it is even different from the membership discount card of later generations.

The Gui family's main business is a large business house, which has opened all over the country, and has shares in many famous auction houses. Later, when Guiren went to the Middle-earth Continent, it blossomed everywhere, leading the Gui family to a higher level.

Ningxia now feels that the discount card she holds in her hand is not a small discount card, but a stepping stone studded with diamonds.There are also several very practical gifts, which made Ningxia suddenly feel like buying is earning, and it will come again next time.

No matter how slow she was, she could still feel that this matter had something to do with it.

Since businessmen pay more attention to profits, since they are not for immediate benefits, they must be for some future benefits that may flow in.What pictures does Ningxia have on her body?
Although the purchase price of green fluorite was not enough to impress Guilun, it was also related to this batch of jade in all likelihood.Because all the abnormalities of the other party are based on this batch of tasteless goods.

Wouldn't it be on top of her?

...No problem, Ningxia never expected that she would make a wild guess and be wrong.

She is still happy with her wit and the big pie she picked up for nothing.

Others may not know it, but she knows it very well.What the hell is the green fluorite? Their name is not so frustrating.The famous Yu Jinlin did not expect to meet in such a way, and she took such a big advantage.Until now, Ningxia still has a sense of unreality as if in a dream, whether she is dreaming or the world is dreaming, and the pearl has been covered so far.

If the monks in the ancient times knew about it, they would vomit blood.Is this thing used for decoration?What a waste of money.

With this thing, almost all refined things can enhance their attributes and exert greater effectiveness to a certain extent.Whether it is alchemy.Refiner.The effects of refining magic circles or talisman treasures are outstanding.

After the conversion of this object, the potency of the finished product can be raised to a certain stage, which can be called the "finishing stone" in the cultivation world. With it, any spiritual weapon can be upgraded to a higher level, including the top-level fairy weapon.

In short, this thing is the spiritual material that all skill monks dreamed of in ancient times.

Yu Jinlin used transparency as an excuse, the more transparent, the more textures inside, the better.If it can present a kind of jade brilliance, it will be the best choice that can't be met.

The batch that Ningxia got, if it is real, is probably the kind of high-quality Yu Jinlin.In ancient times, it was also priceless, and it was collected by major families.

The ancestor of the Gui family came back from a secret realm, and later accidentally learned the true usage of this spiritual object.But before he could really use it, he died of madness that night, and his disciples couldn't save him.How could it be possible to leave only a few words.

This made Ningxia take advantage of it.

Since getting the inheritance of the formation, Ningxia has picked up many leaks by taking advantage of this information gap, and picked and used it.This time is the biggest leak she has picked up so far.

Of course, discovering is one thing, using it is another.It is a real success to take something back and use it successfully, and truly confirm its "ancestral home".

Now Ningxia is entangled in another matter.

Episode N of the Going Out and Difficulty Series, Action.

But this time it was not Ning Xia who was involved in the incident, but Jin Lin who came out to act as a bodyguard.

When they were about to go to the next scene, they were caught by a fool.

At this time, Jin Lin's eyebrows were twisted into twists, and Ning Xia could clearly feel that he wanted to hit that arrogant pig's face several times after he endured it.

Ningxia Xiuzhen has also encountered many such occasions in the past few years, some of which are her own and others, and she is already very calm.

Just treat this kind of person as a fool, or don't be serious with them, otherwise you will be the one who is mad at you.

But the one in front of me is too much to beat.Fat head and big ears, to be honest, it is a skill to be fat and big ears in a place where handsome men and beautiful women are everywhere.His face was full of flesh, and his body was randomly matched with some ugly clothes. The eyes squeezed into slits by the fat burst out an uncomfortable light.

After being stared at by the other party for a while, Ning Xia will feel a suffocating feeling of oily paste on the skin, which is very uncomfortable.Still talking in a blah blah blah blah, what he said was vulgar and unbearable, making people frown.

What the hell is this guy doing?

There was extreme anger in Jin Lin's eyebrows.He suddenly covered Ning Xia's ears.

Ning Xia moved away from the other's greasy face, and looked at the person who moved suddenly with doubts on his face.

"Junior Sister Ning, you go over there first. You don't need to wait here, so as not to stain your eyes and ears. Let me deal with it. There are some things that need to be dealt with carefully. You... Be careful, I will get rid of it as soon as possible. Let's settle the matter." Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly darkened, and Ning Xia seemed to capture the extreme emotion deep in the other party's heart through those dark eyes.

Maybe she really shouldn't be here anymore.

Ning Xia nodded silently, indicating that he accepted the suggestion, then turned and walked towards another road.

"...Hey, look, Jin Wuhua, how useless you are. The little beauty I raised, following you, I can't even afford a decent dress, so why not follow me... Hey, Let's go, it seems that you are too useless..."

The words were interrupted, and there was the sound of something heavy pressing on the ground.She didn't hear the scream.

Ning Xia: ...This bumbling guy really should be taught a lesson.Quicken a few steps, and walk towards the next destination - the ready-made clothing store.

Yes, Ningxia has to buy clothes again.It has been three years since the last time I bought clothes.In fact, she didn't wear the few precious cassocks she got on Fuyun Island a few times.

Although the material and style are okay, compared with those female cultivators in the comprehension world who are gorgeous in togas and long sleeves, the mid-length or "mori girl style" costumes she specially customized are out of place.

She could be elected as one of the poorest female monks in the cultivation world.Didn't you hear that pig-headed guy laughing at her for being poorly dressed?

Ningxia temporarily decided to change the destination and diverted to the tailor shop.New clothes were arranged so that no one would think she was short and poor.Ningxia, who came and went like the wind, didn't notice the angry fire in her eyes, obviously she was very concerned about a certain sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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