Chapter 846

As a "hero" rescued by a "beauty", Gu Huai felt a little embarrassed.

However, he was magnanimous, and he didn't have any pretensions of a young master, only the momentary discomfort he immediately replied.

"I see that broken spirit weapon seems familiar..." When Ning Xia interrupted, the other party was looking at something that looked like a rotten spirit weapon.

Oh my god.Why did she make a big oolong, if she interrupted someone who was about to pick up the leak, wouldn't it be her fault?
As for herself, imagine that when she was about to buy green fluorite, an inexplicable person suddenly appeared and dragged her away, insisting that this thing was not worth buying.Does she have to kill this man?
Now switch to the other side's angle as well.

"I,, Fellow Daoist... I..." Ning Xia didn't know what kind of expression to face the other party.

Before she hesitated to ask, she heard the other party chuckle: "Don't be nervous, it's okay. If it's really a good thing, I'll buy it even if you personally drag it away, Fellow Daoist. "

"I just feel that... this so-called ancient spirit weapon seems to be a bit similar to the lamp hanging on Kaiyang Street outside. It seems that the aesthetic taste of the expert who made the spirit weapon has not become outdated after so long." The other party was a little A muffled voice came, serious and authentic, but it could be heard that the man was holding back a laugh.

Ning Xia looked at each other strangely: "Pfft..."

This person is really cramped, he can tell that the so-called spirit weapon is the kind of tattered lamps outside, and he is still boasting here, and it is something that people can't help but laugh when he says such a serious joke.

But the peddler just now was really a fool, and the forgery was a bit more decent, and he didn't even want to repair it, so he took it out to deceive people, isn't he afraid of being recognized by tricky customers?At that time, he will not want to do business here.

Seemingly seeing the slander in Ning Xia's heart, the other party added an explanation thoughtfully: "The people who visit this kind of shop are all disciples at the early stage of qi refining. Layers of paulownia lacquer, treated again, they are hard to identify."

Heartbroken old man.Ningxia felt that her little heart was pierced by an arrow from the other party, and it was hit by one arrow.

The other party said it very implicitly, but the meaning is very simple. Those who visit this kind of booth are all young monks who are not deeply involved in the world and have a low level of cultivation. They probably don't have such eyesight.

Then she, a monk who has been building the foundation for several years, came to visit this kind of stall, and she didn't recognize it. She had to be mentioned by others to recognize it.Isn't that because she is stupid...

That's right, she came to visit this kind of stall in the foundation building stage, did she still not let go of her fantasies of getting rich overnight or inheriting martial arts secrets?She is indeed a naive little monk who fantasizes about reaching the sky in one step and loves petty gains.

Ning Xia silently covered her eyes: ...

"Although this kind of stall is not real, it also hides a lot of interesting things." Seeing that the other party's eyebrows were slightly depressed, Gu Huai realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and immediately said a few words to make up for it.

"Then... Fellow Daoist, let's go first." Ning Xia pointed to the right side uncomfortably. She saw a shop selling spiritual materials and herbs over there, and seemed to see what she wanted to do. something to buy.

They didn't know each other at all, and they left the booth together because of the embarrassing incident just now.Since there is only one way, we have to walk together one after the other.

After they chatted for a while, they came to this bifurcated intersection, which was divided into two trails on the left and right, and the things sold on both sides were different.Ning Xia naturally wanted to buy her things, and so did the other party.

After the two greeted each other, they parted ways naturally, which seemed to be just a small episode.

Ningxia really found a lot of good things in the hidden market in Xunyang City, including priceless defective products, hard-to-find spiritual materials on the market, and some small items that are not often seen.

Although there are many she doesn't need for the time being, it is also possible to stock up. After all, it will be too late to think about buying when you need it.So Ningxia opened its own small treasury and procured a batch of supplies recklessly.

Then he left this hidden space with the flow of people.

Coming out of a trick door somewhere, they were already in the downtown area, but when they looked back, they found that behind them was the door of a certain restaurant.Outside is the bright and spacious Kaiyang Street, as if it has returned to the surface world.

In the eyes of others, they are probably a group of guests coming out of the restaurant, nothing special.

A person passed her by and entered the tea house behind her, Ning Xia was stunned for a moment.This port should not be bidirectional, otherwise it would be considered hidden, and people would discover it right away.

Then go in from the outside... Sure enough!
Ning Xia decisively turned around and walked into the door of this restaurant. As far as he could see, there was a scene of drinking and drinking, pushing and changing glasses, and the huge lobby was full of guests.Business is terribly good. did this unreasonable spatial structure come about, it can't form a cycle at all, and by what method is it generated?Formation?Absolutely not.Talisman?Kind of like it, but not quite like it either.A certain spiritual weapon seems to be the only possibility, but it is also the most vague answer.

At this moment, Ningxia's abdomen made a muffled sound in response to the occasion. She herself heard it very clearly, and she didn't know if the person standing next door heard it, anyway, it made her very embarrassed.

"Xiao Er..." Since everyone is here, I happen to be hungry, let's have a meal.She hasn't tasted anything other than Zhuji Dan for a long time, and Bigu Dan seems to have become a daily routine in her life.But the habit of eating for so many years still cannot be eliminated at once.

When she smelled it, her stomach was hooked up and groaned.

Don't think that things in this world are often contrary to people's wishes: "I'm sorry, guest officer, the seat is full, you may have to wait for a while. How about you..."

There is no place to line up.

This is no matter ancient or modern, modern or comprehension time, queuing is indispensable.

There are still a few tables ahead of her, and she doesn't know when to wait.

"Dear guest...!" A person who was also pretending to be a sophomore greeted him: "Dear guest, do you mind sharing a seat with others? Because if you really want to wait for a new table to be vacated, you don't know how to wait." How long. If you don’t mind sharing seats, the younger one can lead you there.”

"Does that person not mind?" This was the question Ningxia was most concerned about.She doesn't like to share a table with others in modern times, let alone here
"You don't have to worry, the little one has asked him, and the other party has already agreed."

Ning Xia was a little surprised, but quickly suppressed the expression on his face, nodded, and followed the other party into another large area.

 I saw someone say that the heroine is meddling in other people's business, so here I want to explain that she didn't go up to rescue Gu Huai when she saw Gu Huai being made difficult, but just happened to be shopping at that stall, and she got angry at the peddler after hearing about it, which had nothing to do with the love brain.

(End of this chapter)

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