Chapter 850 proposed

"It's better. It's just that there is still some qi and blood swelling, and some of the spiritual veins may be injured. If it is not properly recuperated, it may cause damage to the foundation." The young man with an immature face but a serious expression said.

Hearing that Zhenjun Yuanheng's complexion became even more gloomy, Ningxia felt an unprecedented anger and needle-like stabbing light from him.

The young monk who checked was unmoved.He is a disciple of Zhenjun Xuanyang who does not enter the house, not even a registered disciple, but his status is very special.Because he can be regarded as the only medical practitioner selected from Xuanyang Zhenjun's lineage.

In fact, Kong Jinyu was also a sword cultivator, and was also a disciple of Xuanyang Zhenjun. It was only later that he changed to another way and then broke away from his master's inheritance.

Originally, Zhenjun Xuanyang allowed him to keep everything as before. After all, this is not another vote for them, it is just a modification of the way of medicine, and there is no betrayal.He is not the kind of narrow minded person either, knowing that his young disciple's swordsmanship talent is mediocre, but he is a rare genius in the medical field.

But Kong Jinyu couldn't make it through.He consciously changed his mind to be sorry for his master, and also made Xuanyang Zhenjun lose face, and said that he dared not steal under Xuanyang Zhenjun's veins again.He even made a poisonous oath that although he left the school, he hoped to follow Xuanyang's lineage forever and be loyal to him.From then on, he became a subordinate disciple and generally stayed at the master of Longyin Peak.

However, although this person's cultivation base is weaker, he is really powerful in the path of medicine.Not only can it save a monk's life, but it can also change his tendons and veins, and even change his aptitude to assist in cultivation.They themselves can also improve a little bit in this process, which can be regarded as a very small path, and it is not generally difficult to walk along it.

But the advantage is that Kong Jinyu does have some talent in this area.In recent years, the Wuhua School is also well-known, and has achieved some remarkable results.He even healed a real person whose spiritual vein was about to be shattered. Such a person is simply a treasure in the cultivation world.

It was Xuanyang Zhenjun who followed him this time.Kong Jinyu has been under him for many years, and he doesn't have much resources, and he has nothing to teach him, but he contributes a lot.

Seeing him wandering around and working in the sect all day, True Monarch Xuanyang felt distressed.This time I ordered him to accompany me, which was really relaxing.

But fortunately he followed this time, otherwise Jin Lin would have been in danger this time.

True Monarch Yuanheng believed his judgment, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This child has just entered his sect, and he has just survived, and he has infinite possibilities in the future.How can you fall here!If that's the case, he doesn't even know what will happen to the child?
"Then I'll leave it to you, Jinyu."

"You don't have to be polite, Zhenjun. This is the duty of a doctor. Disciples should do their best. But..."

He glanced at the person in Zhenjun Yuanheng's arms, and said in a hesitant tone: "The shattering of his spiritual veins is a bit complicated, and it will take a very long time to recover. During this period, spirits may be forbidden. Zhenjun may be..."

Kong Jinyu has seen too many patients, and understands their psychology very well. He knows that it is not the disease itself that basically defeats them, but the emptiness in their hearts comes from their inner fear and sense of loss.

Jin Lin's situation is difficult to say, if you say it is serious, you are really serious, and it is really difficult to recover without a panacea, maybe only time can smooth it out.To say that he is not serious is actually not a difficult problem, at least it is not difficult for him, but the time and material resources that Jin Lin has to spend are not ordinary.

In this process, Jin Lin's mentality may be a big problem...

"Senior brother, I don't know... the Hundred Zhuan Pill is useful? For him in this situation." The sudden question interrupted the conversation between the two.

A look of surprise appeared on Kong Jinyu's face when he heard the words, and he followed the source of the sound to find the person who made the sound, and found another little disciple who was following Yuan Heng, and said in a dumb voice, "That Hundred Turns Pill?"

Ning Xia nodded: "I... have one here. I don't know if it's useful, but if you need it, you can take it." She was also a little bit reluctant because there was only one left, but Zhenjun Yuanheng and Jin Lin treated her well , she can't stand by with her eyes open.Even she might not be able to forgive herself.

"In theory, it should be possible. But I have never used it, and I have never seen anyone use it. I have only heard about it, and I don't know how it works." Kong Jinyu's face was obviously excited.

That is the Hundred Turns Pill, a well-known holy medicine for healing, an evergreen tree in various auctions, and a good thing sought after by monks of various sects.

If this item can be obtained, although Jin Lin's problem may not be solved, it can save a lot of manpower, material resources and time.If it was only [-]% to [-]% before, then now it is [-]% sure, and there is still a surplus.He could also see the efficacy of Baizhuan Pill from it... Kong Jinyu felt a little flustered when he thought of the mountain avalanche that never moved him.

Ning Xia hesitated for a while, and picked and talked about his situation and sense of use at the time, to see if he could help.

Hearing this, Zhenjun Yuanheng frowned: "Have you ever suffered such a serious injury? When did it happen?" Because he knew the general itinerary of Ningxia by heart.If Ningxia had suffered such an injury, even with the effect of the Hundred Rejuvenation Pill, it would be impossible to leave it without a trace.

He had already regarded Ning Xia as his disciple, and it was the first time he heard such a frightening thing happened to her.

Ningxia's affairs on Fuyun Island are only known to a handful of people, and they are all covered by the parties involved. Even if they know it, they are not very clear.True Monarch Yuanheng was naturally hearing this for the first time, if it wasn't for Jin Lin, she would have continued to hide.After all, there was no need to say it, and she didn't want to mention it.

"When I went back to my hometown to visit my relatives."

True Monarch Yuan Heng was thoughtful, and did not pursue further questions. He then nodded to Kong Jinyu and signaled the others to carefully carry Jin Lin back.He glanced at Ningxia and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back. Now... we have to deal with some people."

Watching Jin Lin, who was so energetic, being carefully carried away by the disciples of the Wuhua Sect, Zhenjun Yuanheng's face sank like water, and his sharp eyes fell on the few disciples of Guiyimen who were under control.

There was a commotion outside the crowd, as if someone had come.Ning Xia vaguely heard someone yelling something like "Gui Yimen" and "Here we come", but Zhenjun Yuanheng seemed unmoved, without even shaking his eyebrows.

The sea of ​​people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors moved layer by layer, and a gap was opened from the outside to the inside, just like Moses divided the sea, and the coming guests were highlighted in front of everyone.

The iconic school uniform coincided with the arrival of another true master.Instead, they came to the door when the victim had just been carried back.

A sense of impending rain.Think about it for a while and things won't go well.

The few disciples of Guiyimen who were restrained on the ground immediately looked like they saw a savior. They were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, struggling desperately, for fear that people would not see them.

How could they not see clearly such a severe scene.And I saw it as soon as I came, seeing those worthless idiots, Master Linyue felt his head jumping even more.

(End of this chapter)

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