Chapter 854
Those few people attacked Jin Lin and caused him to be seriously injured, which is why Zhenjun Yuanheng got so angry.

As a result, I heard that they had passed away today, and I couldn't help but misunderstand them.Even some of their own people doubted for a moment whether Zhenjun Yuanheng did it.

But... Ningxia thinks that the possibility of Zhenjun Yuanheng doing it is almost zero.

Isn't it clear what kind of person Zhenjun Yuanheng is?Besides, if he really wanted to kill those people, would he do it secretly and overnight, making everyone aware of it?As long as he finds an opportunity to do it quietly one day, no one will know!

Ningxia didn't realize it before, but now I really feel that this is a conspiracy, sent against them by Wuhua.

"Hmph! Xiaoxiao's generation can only make small moves in the gutter." Zhenjun Yuanheng raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly, extremely disdainful.

"Uncle Yuan Heng, what should I do next..." Yang Kai said worriedly.He is an older disciple of Xuanyang Zhenjun, and he joined his disciples very early to learn.

It's a pity that he committed a heart demon in his early years and was confined to the realm of Jindan for many years, which also made his master Xuanyang feel sorry for him, hating that iron cannot be made into steel, and he fell silent over time.

But after all, he was the son of Xuanyang Zhenjun who once loved and loved him, and he didn't want him to waste away, so he was assigned many missions to go out one after another over the years.I didn't expect to encounter such a situation when I came out this time.

Yang Kai is indeed a person who can afford it and can't let it go, and has been living in this way for these years, but his loyalty to Xuanyang True Monarch and Wuhua Sect is unquestionable.He cared more about the interests and glory of the Wuhua faction than anyone else present, and he was also more sensitive than anyone else.

He obviously smelled a conspiracy from this incident, and quickly noticed the hidden threat from the successive incidents, and his mind couldn't help but come alive.

"What else can I do?" The expression on Zhenjun Yuanheng's face this time was contemplative, with anger and suspicion stagnant on his face.

This is the second time he has said this sentence, and it all stems from his inability to predict what will happen next and his extreme anger after being fooled.

"Listening to the wind is the rain. A group of idiots who are full and have nothing to do can chew their tongues. Their guesses have no reason and no evidence. Why bother? If any of them have the courage to shout in front of me, it will be true." ability!"

Who is so brainless and dares to shout in front of you, is he tired of work?Although it was very inappropriate, Ning Xia really wanted to laugh at the moment.

"You don't need to deal with those messy things. I have my own way to deal with those rats. You should stay in Shen's mansion safely in the last few days, and you should go out less. Who knows where those little rats are waiting to bully you These little ones." Zhenjun Yuanheng glanced at the somewhat nervous disciples, and said slowly.

He knew what it meant to be united.It was obviously their people who had the accident, but they sent someone to notify them immediately.It's not asking for guilt, it's naturally trying to convey a certain meaning.

They are also wondering if someone intends to plot against them.Otherwise, things wouldn't be so coincidental, and they wouldn't be so weird.

Yes, weird.They also couldn't believe that Zhenjun Yuanheng would choose to assassinate several disciples in their sect.Even if someone kills him openly, it may not be able to hurt him in the end. How could he choose this method?Idiots?Or the people behind it treat them all as idiots.

While pondering, he suddenly raised his eyes to look behind, with a faint light flickering in his eyes: "Jin Yu."

"It's just in time. I'm going to go to your place before going out. It's all right now. I won't go in when you come out."

Kong Jinyu's sleeves were picked up and tied with a knotted rope.To be honest, from a distance, he looks like a person who has just worked hard, and he looks like he is sweating profusely, which seems to be the case.

He didn't come out from Jin Lin's place all night yesterday, probably because he worked hard all night to rescue him.Zhenjun Yuanheng and Ningxia were also waiting outside, waiting for Kong Jinyu to come out and talk about the effect of the Hundred Revolving Pill.

If it really doesn't work, maybe he can only be sent back to the Zongmen for resettlement.After all, there are so many people here and the situation is complicated, it is simply not good to stay here.

Ningxia and the others came over from there just now, to meet the envoys of Guiyi.If you have nothing to do and want to go back there again, at least you need to know how effective the Hundred Zhuan Pill is.Jin Lin's current situation is really disturbing.

A world away, Ningxia, who had no father, mother or relatives in her previous life, finally experienced the feeling of family members waiting outside the "emergency room".

Now the doctor is out...

Kong Jinyu glanced at them and said strangely: "Of course there is no problem. What do you think Bai Zhuan Pill is? Why are there so many people chasing after it?"

Well, even after using Ningxia once, it is still difficult to have any intuitive feelings about this elixir.Please forgive her for really not being able to feel any rare feelings about these two pills that were randomly given as meeting gifts.

"The effect is very good. His damaged spirit veins have been repaired in sevens and eighties, and the rest will be recovered slowly by himself. Don't worry, it will probably be better when he survives this test. This child also Strong enough."

He slowly put down his sleeves, straightened his clothes, and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, complaining: "This Hundred Turns Pill is good, how can it be so repellent? It doesn't accept even a single bit of spiritual power from the outside world. I can't get involved in the whole process, I can only observe on the surface."

"It's a good thing he's strong enough, otherwise he wouldn't know how to keep it going. It seems that this pill has to dissolve its medicinal power and spiritual power..." The other party curled his lips in pity, as if regretting that he could only take a rough look at it for a while. In-depth study of it. many more do you want? !Seeing this, Ningxia was a little dumbfounded.

"Junior Sister Ning, tell me, where did you get this elixir? I saw it just now, and it is really a rare high-level elixir. Even if it is put in the auction, it will be a good thing that thousands of people will grab. You ..."

True Monarch Yuanheng became more and more wrong the more he heard, and interrupted the other party with a frown: "Jinyu, it's alright."

The other party also seemed to be aware of the inappropriateness of his words and quickly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully. I have no other meaning, but I am a little excited when I rarely see such quality pills. Junior sister Ning can help senior brother Jin The treatment is also sincere."

Ning Xia quickly shook her head, expressing that she didn't care.Besides, why not just tell him the truth?Whether it was given by someone else, or just randomly, it is not a matter of skill.What people can cure is the real ability...

"Thank you for the treatment this time, I hope I can take more care in the future. In the future, I will bring him to your place to thank you in person."

"True Monarch's words are serious, there is no need to be like this. To practice medicine in the lower world, one should hang a pot to help the world, so as to improve one's cultivation. It is all duty, and there is no so-called kindness."

"However...if Zhenjun is willing to lead people here for follow-up consultation or sitting around, a certain person is willing to sweep the couch to welcome him."

(End of this chapter)

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