Chapter 857 News

"Who?!" It couldn't be the voice of the branches.Because in addition to this, they also heard an air sound, a bit like the sound of people breathing.

Brother Qiang pushed away the person on him suddenly, stood up with a hush, staring outside like a hawk, with a vigilant expression.How can there be a hint of drunk appearance?
He also ignored the soft voice of the woman behind him.He walked outside on his own, secretly guarding while walking, as if a bird wanted to

A lion who defends his territory.

But before he went out to arrest someone, someone walked in.

"Oh? Where are!" After seeing Wang Jingxuan's face clearly, the other party turned pale with shock: "You, you..."

"Me what me? Disappointed to see I didn't die, huh?"

Brother Qiang, who was blocked by a burst of scrambling, was speechless. His face was red and white, white and red, very ugly.

At this time, Liao Qiang broke away from the horrifying consciousness that the other party was a ghost, and quickly cleared his mind.If you smell it, you won't be afraid of it.

"Hey, it seems that our lucky nephew Wang is finally back. How about it, but saw some unusual scenery?"

Wang Jingxuan smiled ironically: "It's...a very different scenery. This really opened my eyes. If you hurry up, I'm afraid I'll have to visit below."

"You heard it all." Brother Qiang's expression was unpredictable, and the above was so gloomy that water could almost drip.

He didn't expect Wang Jingxuan to answer, but just said in a statement tone.

"Your private rooms speak so loudly, how can I not hear you?"

"Nephew Wang... Haven't you heard of it, know that too many people die faster?" The fierce light in Brother Qiang's eyes soared, and a powerful spiritual attack flashed in the next moment.

Wang Jingxuan had been prepared for a long time, and immediately raised the weapon that had been warmed up for a long time to meet him.

Anyone who knows too much can die?

Doesn't Liao Qiang know that people who don't know anything will die as well?
A red light flickered in Wang Jingxuan's eyes, and her red eyes were fixed on the man opposite.The evil light is revealed.

You are not benevolent and I am not righteous.

Just don't do it at all... endlessly.


What kind of thrilling plot is staged thousands of miles away, Ningxia does not know for the time being.Now she is at a loss for what to do, and she is worried, wishing that one person can be used by two people.

This is the sky is really ups and downs.

The inexplicable enmity between her and Mo Dao has not dissipated, and now Jin Lin is attacked by unknown forces again, and her injuries are hard to heal.Even True Monarch Yuanheng was entangled in the sudden rumors, all of them said that he was careless about human life.

What the was sent for them from Wuhua.

Who knows if the next step will be more injuries?More victims?Ning Xia felt that her worries were justified.

After using Baizhuan Pill, Jin Lin felt better that night, and he was able to lift up his energy a little bit, instead of not being able to lift up his energy like before.

But still too much damage.Looking at his pale lips and pale face, as well as his back that seemed to be crushed in an instant, Ning Xia has never understood this fact so clearly for a moment.

The root cause of his illness, probably only time can heal.

Fortunately, Jin Lin was able to think about it himself, and comforted them in turn, so the atmosphere was not so dignified.

As for Zhenjun Yuanheng... since he went to Guiyimen that day, he hasn't been back, and he doesn't know what to do.

Ningxia and other Wuhua sect disciples also obediently stayed in Shen's mansion according to his words and did not go out.

It's just that, even through the confinement space, rumors that are getting worse and worse still spread in.They can't even pretend they didn't hear.

In their mouths, the Wuhua School seems to have become an image of a hypocritical villain who is used to bullying the weak.Zhenjun Yuanheng is the strong man who bullies the weak.

A small thing can spread so fast and be transformed so thoroughly, they don't even believe that no one is behind the scenes to fuel the flames.

Various versions of rumors spread to their ears, which really made them unbearable to bear the slander of their master and sect. Several times they thought of going to Guiyimen to find someone directly, but they were stopped by the older disciples.

It's better for them not to act rashly until the dust settles.This is what Zhenjun Yuanheng meant——

Finally, the day before the auction, Zhenjun Yuanheng returned, full of wind and dust.

It's just that he seems to be in good spirits, much better than the day Jin Lin was injured.

"Zhenjun, you are back."

Zhenjun Yuanheng nodded.


"...It's all settled." Before Ning Xia could ask, the other party understood.It's just that he refused to say too much, and only picked and picked things up these days.

But even this choosiness baffled them.

It was not someone else who murdered Jinlin, but another sect that had nothing to do with this matter, Tianxing Pavilion.

The attack that attacked Jinlin came from a disciple of Tianxing Pavilion.It is said that it was because he was jealous that he could learn from Zhenjun Yuanying and he could not...

Who would believe this kind of reason?

Anyone can tell that this is a reason for prevarication, and it is even possible that people are prevarication.

Jin Lin acted in a low-key manner and had a peaceful temperament. How could he be in the way of other people's eyes somehow? !I'm afraid it's not him who is blocking others' eyes, but the sect behind him.

Jin Lin was just acting as a scapegoat.

I'm afraid someone has been eyeing the Wuhua faction for a long time.

At this point, they have every reason to believe that this is the reason why Tianxing Pavilion did it.No matter how you look at them, they are very motivated.

The second sect below the leader of the righteous way, he also has a variety of arrogant styles on weekdays, and he does not change his arrogance in formal occasions. He looks like a guy who will not be inferior to others.If it was really them, it was clear at a glance why they moved their hands.

The series of events that happened after the conflict between Jin Lin and Gui Yi's disciples was too coincidental. The coincidences seemed to be calculated, and there seemed to be an invisible pusher pushing them forward.

Thinking about it now, attacks, murders, rumors flying all over the sky... Does this series of operations look familiar?People are quite handy in playing public opinion warfare.

In the end, it was indeed the compensation that should be paid, and the apology was changed to an apology. The "culprit" themselves abolished it themselves. It seemed a perfect way to deal with it.

On the other hand, they belonged to the same school and were played around by others, losing all their face.Afterwards, they left it clean and apologized, and they were either seriously injured or dead.How can you call it a miserable word?
Zhenjun Yuanheng couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.Especially Jin Lin's Qiu... He is still so young, and his foundation was almost damaged by this unexpected disaster.And who will pay for the hardships he has suffered these days?

An uncontrollable anger surged up in Zhenjun Yuanheng's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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