Chapter 1051
After hearing Liu Mingzhi's order, the two old women attacked the leader of the man in black without hesitation!

The pipa in the hands of an old woman twitched lightly, and notes with the meaning of killing bloomed around her. What the old woman played was one of the top ten famous songs, Flying Daggers!
Entering martial arts with rhythm is the essence of martial arts practiced by the Twelve Flying Immortals of Dunhuang since childhood. The crescent-shaped invisible air blade flies towards the man in black from the strings of the pipa undetectable to the naked eye!

The man in black, who spoke softly and without pressure in front of Young Master Liu just now, had to be cautious when facing the old woman holding a pipa, and swung the horizontal knife in his hand for a full moon!
The shadow of the knife was densely mixed with Gang Qi covering the man in black, and the invisible knife energy and the crescent-shaped knife energy intersected to produce a thunderous sound!

The dust and smoke blown by the strong wind billowed, the old woman and the man in black each retreated three steps before stopping, and the tentative fight was evenly divided!
Before the man in black stood still, the old woman holding the bamboo flute left terrifying afterimages in the original place, and the flute in her hand turned back like an indestructible sword, pointing straight at the Tanzhong acupoint of the man in black go!

Tanzhong acupoint, one of the major acupoints on the human body, once it is tapped on it, the man in black may become a cripple who has lost all martial arts if he does not die!

The head of the man in black stared in horror at the old woman who was attacking him without hesitation, and hurriedly plunged down on the iron bridge with a hard horse!

Taking advantage of the situation, he kicked a sharp kick towards the flute in the old woman's hand!

The old woman's complexion changed slightly, and she hastily put away the flute in her hand, and suddenly turned around and flew to the side!

"Seventh sister, my younger sister attacked him three ways, you disturbed his mind with the melody!"


Hearing the voice of the old woman holding the flute, the old woman on the pipa quickly plucked the pipa in her hand, and the sound of clanging and killing sounded again, and harsh notes exploded in the ears of the leader in black!

Of all the people present, only the head of the man in black trembled slightly, with sweat on his forehead, while resisting the disturbing melody in the ear of the resister, he used the goose feather knife to resist the attack of the old woman's flute!
The two of you come and go, and the leader of the man in black still doesn't show his face after hundreds of tricks. Obviously, his skill is much better than that of the old woman!

If it weren't for the help of the old woman on the pipa, the old woman on the flute who is also a half-step talent in melee combat may not be able to pass fifty moves under the leader of the man in black!

In particular, the strength of the leader of the man in black has been practiced, while the skill of the Twelve Flying Immortals of Dunhuang was obtained by relying on the enlightenment of the previous generation of flying immortals!
After a long battle, the gap can be clearly observed!
As Wen Renzheng said in the Penglai Tower in the past, although the short-term attack of the enlightenment is fierce, it is undoubtedly the truth that a long-term battle will inevitably lead to defeat!
Unless the twelve old women can rely on the skills left by the previous generation of flying immortals to enter the innate realm of land immortals, otherwise, their strength for a lifetime will be limited to this, and it will be difficult to make progress!

Liu Mingzhi and his party looked at the three of them flying sand and rocks together, which can be described as addictive to the eyes. Compared with the surrounding men in black fighting with the secret agents of the relevant department, although the battle is not bad, but compared with it, it pales in comparison!

The half-step innate master's battle is far more exciting than the battle between Liu Sandao and Song Zhong that day!

The difference is not a star and a half!
This should be the most exciting battle Liu Mingzhi has ever seen. As for the fight between Li Buyi and the Twelve Old Women, it was over before he even started to watch the fight!
In comparison, this kind of battle between you and me is more pleasing to the eye!

Liu Mingzhi was not worried that these men in black could escape, and there were two old women hiding in the dark around them. Now only the relevant secret agents came out, and the relevant secret agents under Ling Yang's command had not yet come forward to fight, and it was already showing a one-sided battle!

Just as Liu Mingzhi said at the beginning, no one can compare with himself in terms of cherishing life, and the old man also said that fearing death is not ashamed!
Liu Mingzhi is afraid of death, very afraid of death!

With so many wives and children who haven't grown up yet, how could Liu Mingzhi be willing to meet the King of Hades at the beginning of enjoying his wonderful life!

The eight men in black gradually began to lose their strength under the siege of the secret agent concerned. It wasn't that the secret agent concerned was much better than them, but that the methods of these men in Tsing Yi were really too shameless!
Before attacking, he threw out a pack of paper bags. The men in black thought it was a hidden weapon of the man in Tsing Yi, and hacked away with the wild goose feather knives in their hands!

It's not bad that the man in black guessed that it was a hidden weapon, but it was just a hidden weapon of the wrong kind!

The paper bag turned out to be such a shameful thing as lime powder!
The man in black never imagined that his enemy, who is also a master of the eighth rank, would use such a low-level thing. This is a trick only used by young people who are new to martial arts!

Unnoticed for a while, several men in black were hit by the trick. Although a lot of them were blown away with strength in time, a small amount of lime powder still floated into the eyes of the man in black, making his eyes sore and unable to concentrate. Parry the attack of the people in Tsing Yi!

"Despicable your mother's size, winning is a skill, a fan of youth, a fan of friendship, and a fan who is easy to use!"

Looking at the indignant eyes of the man in black, Qinglong slashed obliquely at the man in black's neck without hesitation!
The man in black was naturally not to be outdone, his figure flickered again and again, and the Yanling Saber in his hand spun directly, stabbing straight at Qinglong's heart!

Qinglong's eyes were slightly startled, and he flew obliquely in the air, and the aggressive two fell to each other's place unscathed!
"Life for life!"

Qinglong looked at the man in black with horror in his eyes and muttered to himself, the only person who can use such extreme moves is a dead man, and only a dead man who puts life and death aside can act so fiercely and decisively!
"Look at the powder!"

Qinglong raised his hand and waved an oil-paper bag to attack the man in black. The man in black subconsciously withdrew his knife and dodged. What happened to his companions had already put the man in black on his guard!
However, just as the man in black dodged back, the blue dragon immediately flew up and pressed on him, and the sharp and gleaming blade of the horizontal knife made another gesture to slash the man in black's neck!
"It's hit!"

The man in black didn't know that the oiled paper bag was just a mist deliberately created by Qinglong, and the real ultimate move was the horizontal knife in his own hand!

It's just that it was too late when he realized it, the blade of Qinglong was less than half a foot away from his neck, and the man in black was also a ruthless man, he swung his Yanling knife on his shoulder with a backhand!

The horizontal knife slashed straight on the blade of the Yanling knife, and the sound of bones breaking was extremely clear!
The whole body of the man in black was slashed by the green dragon for a distance of fifteen steps before he barely stopped. On the ground were two gullies about two inches deep left by the man in black's feet!

The man in black clutched his shoulder with blemishes in his eyes. His shoulder blade was at least three pieces broken, and his fingers connected to his heart, let alone his bones.

The Yanling Saber stood still to support his body, and the man in black tremblingly just wanted to stand up, and the sound came through the air!
The sound of the arrow piercing into the flesh came, and the man in black fell to the ground unwillingly, with a trembling short arrow stuck in his neck, and shot it right through!
With a calm face, Qinglong put the powerful hand crossbow behind his back!
"Brothers, let's make a quick decision. The young master doesn't want to die. No matter what he does, it doesn't matter if he is despicable or upright, just complete the task!"

"Yes, Master!"

After receiving Qinglong's orders, the secret agents concerned came up with endless tricks, and used all kinds of indiscriminate moves!

Lime powder, hidden weapons are various!

In just half a stick of incense, the eight men in black all fell to the ground unwillingly!

Five died from arrows in their throats, and three died when their throats were cut off by a horizontal knife!

(End of this chapter)

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