My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1098 Knowing the wrong but not admitting it

Chapter 1098 Knowing the wrong but not admitting it

Compared with last year's easy court meeting, this year's final court meeting seems to be so heavy!

The matter of Wu Guogong Wan Buhai's body became a lingering cloud that gathered above the heads of Li Zheng and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

In the past few days, there have been many good news. In the hope that the entire territory of Heshuo and Heshuo will be recovered in April next year, who would have thought that Wu Guogong Wan Buhai's body would encounter an unprecedented crisis!
"Nine Temple Aiqing, do you have a book to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Chen Honglu Temple has a book to play!"


"Your Majesty, Governor An returned with Western envoys and countless Western merchants with their fleets. It will end up with sailing again a few days ago. According to Honglu Temple, during their stay in Beijing, Western merchants provided a total of 320 silver taels to the Ministry of Households. 600 taels is more than enough!"

"Now all are guarded by officers and soldiers in the warehouse of Honglu Temple, and they can be handed over to the national treasury at any time!"

Li Zheng finally had a smile on his face, and stroked his beard lightly: "But the silver taels left after deducting the expenses of supplying the Western envoys!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is true!"

"Okay, after the imperial court is over, Jiang Aiqing and you will jointly check and receive the money and hand it over to the state treasury!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

"Go back!"

"Report to Your Majesty, the minister, Sinong, has a book to play!"


"Although the yield of sweet potatoes is high, it has never been able to compare with refined grains. The people in the five prefectures and twelve prefectures around the capital are still enthusiastic about planting sweet potatoes, so they ignore the cultivation of refined grains such as wheat. All the taxpayers are sweet potatoes. The minister has already handed over the booklet to the household department!"

"Hubu, can this matter be settled?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have already drawn up a plan to order the surrounding prefectures and counties to reduce the number of acres of sweet potatoes planted in the coming year. This year's sweet potatoes have already been shipped to counties and counties that are short of food to exchange fine grains. The losses on the way are almost negligible!"

"Although the yield of sweet potatoes is high, it still can't compare with fine grains. I hope that His Majesty will issue an imperial decree to order all the state capitals in Dalong where sweet potatoes are planted to re-measure the land. The imperial court will determine the number of acres planted according to the state treasury. !"

"Otherwise, it may not be a good thing once it is cultivated in large quantities!"

Li Zheng was silent for a moment and nodded slightly: "This matter will be handled by the household department. I only look at the final result!"

"The minister obeys the order. After the court is over, the minister will draw up a memorial when he returns, and submit it to His Majesty for review!"

"My dear friends, do you have any memorials to play?"

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes and glanced at all the civil and military officials, no one came out again, and finally slowly took out the memorial from his sleeve and stood up!

"Report to Emperor Father, my son-in-law Liu Mingzhi has something to play!"


"Father, the content of the memorial is too much, and it will take time for my ministers to dictate one by one. It is better to ask Father to read it in person!"

Li Zheng frowned, glanced at the thick memorial in Liu Mingzhi's hand, and winked at the chief executive: "Present Ding Guogong's memorial!"

"According to the order!"

The chief executive walked down the steps to accept the memorial from Liu Mingzhi's hand, and he was also a little surprised. The memorial in Liu Mingzhi's hand was a bit more than all the civil and military memorials of the Manchu Dynasty combined!
With a light smile, he gestured twice to the chief executive, holding Liu Mingzhi's memorial and walking back to the original place, and respectfully delivered it to Li Zheng's hands!

Li Zheng took the memorial and flipped through it gently!
After reading only two pages, Li Zheng's indifferent eyes shrank a little, and he suddenly closed the memorial and stared closely at Liu Mingzhi!
"Liu Aiqing, when you go to the north to serve as the governor of the two governments, you can take the title of Minister of the Ministry of War! Who allows you to intervene in the affairs of the Ministry of War without my permission? Intervene in the matter of stroking the beards of soldiers who died in the war? Do you want to bully the king?"

The civil and military officials of the whole court looked at Li Zheng with an angry face in astonishment, and Liu Mingzhi, the Duke of Ding who stood in the middle with an unchanged expression, secretly guessed in their hearts!

According to the meaning of His Majesty's words, could it be that Duke Ding intervened in the affairs of the Ministry of War without authorization?
This is an overreach, and it seems a bit tyrannical, no wonder His Majesty is so angry!
Xia Gongming, the imperial censor, came out after hesitating for a moment holding the imperial wat: "Your Majesty, I have the courage to ask, is Duke Ding really meddling in the affairs of the Ministry of War?"

Li Zheng suddenly turned his attention to Xia Gongming: "So what if it's the law of the dragon? So what if it's not?"

Xia Gongming heaved a sigh of relief and his face became a little upright!
"Yes, it will exceed the system! As the left servant of the household department, meddling in the affairs of the military department, tyrannical and tyrannical, ignoring the laws and regulations, the official will be demoted to three levels, the salary will be fined for three years, and he will face the wall for three months. If the matter is serious, it will damage the national prestige and cause chaos Chao Gang, you should take off the black gauze on your top, strip off your official robes, and throw yourself into the jail, where you will be handed over to the Tribunal for trial!"

Li Zheng tightly held the memorial in his hand and turned his gaze to Liu Mingzhi: "Mr. Ding, what's your excuse? You heard what Doctor Yushi said!"

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, and looked calmly at Li Zheng's questioning eyes!
"Soldiers use their lives, the king pays attention to them, and when soldiers die in battle, they have nothing to worry about. The king pays attention to the hardships of soldiers!"

"The army, the armor is complete; the food, the grain and grass are endless; the war, the courage to go forward, the death, no worries, can be done."


"My son dares to ask Your Majesty to read the son's memorial!"

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's extremely calm face, Li Zheng withdrew his eyes suspiciously, and continued to look at the memorial in his hand under the curious eyes of all civil and military officials!
In just a short time of burning incense, Li Zheng's complexion can be described as complicated and changeable, and he became suspicious when he saw all the civil and military officials.

They were all curious about the content of the memorial, which could make His Majesty, who is so talented, look so complicated!

Song Yu, Jiang Qiliang and the others looked at Liu Mingzhi with worried faces. They really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in his gourd?

I was more worried about the content of Liu Mingzhi's memorial, for fear that Liu Mingzhi would say something rebellious and immoral in a moment, and there was no way to plead for mercy!

Li Zheng slowly put together the memorial, and looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was looking at him with piercing eyes and steadfastly, and let out a sigh of relief!

After scanning all the civil and military officials, his eyes finally fell on Prince Li Baiyu!
When Liu Mingzhi came back from the Western Expedition, the words he taught Li Baiyu came to mind!

"Suspicion is the biggest taboo in the relationship between monarch and minister. Knowing people and using them well, and using them well is what a ruler should do!"

"Looking at the past dynasties, most of the emperors forced their ministers to rebel, and the ministers had no choice but to rebel. Once a minister has rebelled, the ruler must first reflect on himself!"

"Father, this is the Marshal Tiger Talisman of my minister!"

"Father, you are too dark, you want to take advantage of your son without giving any money, and you will go bankrupt just to get this cannonball!"

"Father, give me 30 taels of carriage fare, and if you don't give me some money, it's okay to give some wine and singers to entertain my son and me!"

"Father, the sons and servants only have a farewell word, and hope that the father will take good care of the dragon's body!"

Trembling slightly, Li Zheng threw the memorial on the dragon case, looked at Liu Mingzhi with a trace of regret in his eyes, and slowly closed them. Li Zheng clenched his fists tightly and felt indescribable!
"What's wrong with me? Are you old? What about the model of Mingjun when he taught the prince? Now I have committed such a small problem myself!"

"Liu Mingzhi, I'm ashamed to treat you. But I can't admit my mistake, I'm the Son of Heaven, the king! I know I'm wrong but I can't say it!"

Slowly opening his eyes, Li Zheng put on a smile on his face: "Liu Mingzhi, I have approved the matter mentioned in the memorial. With the permission of the treasury, it will be handled by the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Military Affairs!"

Liu Mingzhi's body softened and he let out a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Ministry of Officials."

"Chen is here!"

"Military Minister Song Yu has been fined for half a year!"

"Dingguo Gong Liu Mingzhi removed the post of General of Yingzhou Fuguo."

"Ah, obey the order!"

"I am not feeling well, and the rest of the court affairs will be left to the crown prince to continue. Please circulate the memorial and report any disagreements to the crown prince. I will deal with it later!"

"I will obey your orders!"

"My son obeys the order!"

"Liu Aiqing, come to the Imperial Study with me, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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