Chapter 1122

Liu Mingzhi cheerfully rolled up the imperial decree and handed it to Du Yu.

"My lord Yu can occupy such an important position as the governor of Yingzhou. Presumably, he must be a person who has read poems and books, has both ability and political integrity. I don't want the governor to explain in detail to you, right?"

"Of course, the governor is also very good at talking. If Mr. Yu is old and his memory is not good, the governor will explain it to you reluctantly."

"Of course, the governor also understands that Mr. Yu is old, and Mr. Yu is also the senior of this governor. If you don't adapt to the official's vigorous and resolute style of action, and feel that you are physically exhausted, the governor can allow Mr. Yu Telling the old man to return to his hometown in advance, and arranging another young and strong colleague, left and right is just a matter of giving a note to the Ministry of officials and His Majesty."

"Before the governor went to the north, His Majesty repeatedly told the governor that he must be kind to the elders after arriving in the north, and respect the seniors who are already old."

"It's bitter cold in the north, the seniors have worked so hard for His Majesty's defense of the frontier, and it's time to enjoy their old age in peace."

"The Governor deeply agrees. Your Majesty is worthy of being a wise ruler. He considers everything for our subjects."

"On the way here, the governor thought over and over again what His Majesty said, and pondered it over and over until it was unforgettable."

"Master Yu, if you feel that you are unable to do what you want, you must tell the governor in advance, so that the governor can have time to find a new colleague."

Yu Chengle looked at the smiling Liu Mingzhi in amazement and horror, he never expected that Liu Mingzhi's words would be so sharp when he was not yet [-] years old.

The other hundreds of officials also looked at Liu Mingzhi with numbness as if nothing had happened.

It would be too domineering to send a fourth-rank official to his old age and return to his hometown in advance for a disagreement.

No one is sure whether it is pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, but what people say is to use reason to move emotion, which is completely considered from Yu Chengle's perspective.

Every word and sentence is reasonable, and there is no fault at all.

Using His Majesty's words as an excuse to drive away wolves and tigers.

In an instant, [-]% of the officials no longer dared to underestimate the young and talented Ding Guogong. Although he was not yet in his thirties, he was not an ordinary person who could hang out among the big bosses in the court for so long.

Many officials were taken aback by filtering Young Master Liu's identity back and forth.

Ding Guogong, the left servant of the household department, the title of servant of the leading military department, and the captain of the horse, was once a well-known white-clothed Confucian commander-in-chief.

Thinking of this, many officials looked at Young Master Liu's expressions and became silent.

No matter how young he is, his honor and prestige are beyond the reach of himself and others in this lifetime.

Not to mention far away, just the governors of the two prefectures are enough for myself and others to look up to for life.

Aspirations do not depend on age, the ancients did not deceive me with sincerity.

After figuring this out, many officials subconsciously left Yu Chengle, Huang Shuo and a few officials around a foot away, without expressing their regret.

Many officials thought of the things discussed a few days ago and secretly speculated how they could get out of this pit of fire unharmed.

You have to have this strength to face head-to-head with the governors of the two governments. Not to mention that just taking charge of the important military and government affairs of the two governments is enough for you to wait for others to drink a pot.

"Although the official is a little older, I can still shepherd the common people for a few years for His Majesty, in order to repay His Majesty's kindness. Thank you, the Governor, for your kindness, I am grateful!"

Baiguan thought about each other for a long time, but in fact it was only a few breaths. Yu Chengle came back to his senses and hurriedly clasped his fists to salute, not daring to look at Liu Mingzhi's indifferent eyes.

"Your Majesty is indeed loyal to His Majesty, and the governor admires him so much."

Just like Qi Ya just said, too much is too late, since Yu Chengle and Huang Shuo have subdued, Liu Mingzhi doesn't want to get to the point where there is no return all at once.

In the future, if you really dare to make small moves behind your back, it's not too late to concoct it slowly.

Yingzhou, Fuzhou, after all, they are the biggest of themselves, if they want to be monsters and make waves, they have to see if they agree or not.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at hundreds of officials with a smile, with a hint of disapproval in his eyes.

A group of officials who had never entered the Hall of Qinzheng a few times wanted to spend their time in front of him.

Compared with the old foxes in the court hall, these officials in front of them are always a bit petty.

"My colleagues, let's leave first. The governor doesn't like extravagant actions, so there is no need to clean up the dust. The wishes of my colleagues are in my heart."

"By the way, in addition to the fourth-rank officials who need to submit documents to the governor, you also need to find your own successor officials and hand them over to the governor as well!"


Many officials below the fourth rank looked at First Young Master Liu with joy after being stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect that they would have the chance to reach the sky in one step.

"What's the matter, are you colleagues planning to stay in the governor's mansion for a few days? The governor has no objections, but at the latest the governor has to pack his bags, right?"

"The governor brought his family to the north with him. You colleagues don't plan to let our family live on the street, do you?"

"The governor is joking!"

"Since that's the case, I won't bother you anymore, I will leave!"

"Let's go slowly, don't forget your documents, you can also recommend yourself to the governor here, as long as you think you are qualified for the post of governor of Yingzhou, you can apply to the governor!"

Many officials once again retreated respectfully with fists in their hands with excited expressions.

Liu Mingzhi caressed his bewitching stubble and shook his head gently while looking at the Governor's Mansion except for his own people.


"Haha. Such a Liu boy who waits for work with leisure, focuses on anti-client, anti-indirect schemes, throws bricks to attract jade, makes long-distance friends and close-attacks, and hides his sword in his smile. In just a moment, you used six tricks out of 36 tricks."

"Officials, big and small, in Yingzhou Mansion were hit hard by your head-on blow. I'm afraid that many officials haven't realized what's going on until now, and are still immersed in your dream of dividing and dissolving!"

"Little fox, to play with people's hearts, you are better than your father Liu Zhi'an."

"It seems that you have been hanging out with those old foxes in the court for a long time, and your angular stone has been honed to be extremely smooth!"

Just about to turn around and enter his Governor's Mansion, Young Master Liu had a meaningful smile on his face when he heard Zhang Kuang's voice.

"It seems that my uncle is very familiar with reading 36 meter. Otherwise, how could this ability to create something out of nothing come out of nowhere. You have wronged the boy, and the boy doesn't spend so much time."

"How dare the old man not study carefully the book of war written and presented by the Confucian commander in white, otherwise we would not have seen such a wonderful scene today!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the arrogant three in casual clothes, nodded slightly, and stood with his fists clasped.

"Liu Mingzhi paid a visit to his uncle and met the two generals."

Xiong Kaishan and Keyan hastily cupped his fists to return the salute: "The final general will see Duke Ding."

Zhang Kuang laughed and patted First Young Master Liu on the shoulder.

"Stop playing with such nonsense. I heard that His Majesty has rewarded you with a hundred dancers from the Western Regions and a hundred singers. You don't have to bring your uncle's experience? I've been in the Northland for a long time, and I almost forgot what a sensual life is. Today can be regarded as being in the light of your kid, let's go for a walk and enjoy the singing and dancing."

"Uncle Er is really old-hearted!"

"What's this called? Don't you know there's a saying called old but strong? When it comes to kung fu, the old man is worse than you!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and staggered his body twice: "Uncle, please, two generals!"

(End of this chapter)

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