Chapter 1125

"Junior brother and younger sister are not important, the important thing is that you are of the same origin. In terms of understanding Huyan Yunyao's disposition, besides Mr. Wenren, you are really your kid."

"If you can find it."

Zhang Kuang's tone paused, he glanced around covertly and chuckled cheerfully, and raised his hand to pick up the teacup in front of him.

"Look, the old man almost forgot that today is your first day in office, kid Liu, and you are just talking nonsense here without knowing anything about it."

"Drink, drink, let's have a good chat when you get familiar with the affairs of Yingzhou."

"Boy, give uncle a cup!"

Zhang Kuang drank the tea and put it on the table: "Boy Liu, the old man hasn't drunk alcohol for ten years, but there is a lot of old wine in the house. It's a waste if you don't drink it. You go to Yingzhou. The old man came here." I didn't prepare any gifts in a hurry."

"You are also a person who loves wine. If you take some time to bring those fine wines, it will be a gift to congratulate you on opening the house."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang's meaningful smile and nodded thoughtfully.

"Thank you uncle, I will definitely go to your general's mansion some time to bother you."

"Master, the singers and dancers are all ready, should we let them start?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the Yingying and Yanyan at the gazebo and nodded slightly: "Let's start, uncle is here to enjoy the singing and dancing, let them work harder, and the governor will reward you after the dance is done!"


After a while, Qin, Se, Pipa, Sizhu Xiaodi and musical notes, even mixed with ancient musical instruments such as chime bells, sounded from the wide martial arts arena.

However, the addition of chime bells not only does not have a sense of disharmony, but instead has a sense of simplicity, majesty and melodiousness, which improves the quality of the whole music by three points.

One hundred pretty women in cloudy fringe skirts walked briskly towards the surrounding area of ​​the martial arts field one by one.

The women were all aged between 16 and 20, with the oldest appearing to be no older than 20.

Although they are not all beautiful, but most of them are superior. It seems that Li Zheng did not make up for it, rewarding young master Liu with some crooked women.

All the girls lined up in a well-proportioned position twenty steps away from the low table, and began to dance to the melodious music.

The dancing posture is enchanting and charming, and charming but also pure, such complex and contradictory appearances are clearly displayed by these women.

Her bold and conservative dress and her bold and conservative dress attract everyone's attention, and a feeling of hazy beauty emerges in everyone's mind.

Makes you want to move, but makes you wish for it.

It can be said that these women have an accurate grasp of the minds of Young Master Liu and the others, and they know how to please their masters.

Holding the wine glass, Young Master Liu stared at the singing and dancing in front of him in a dazed way. No wonder the dignitaries would keep singers and dancers in captivity.

Although he is surrounded by beauties like Qi Yun, Young Master Liu is still immersed in singing and dancing and cannot extricate himself.

Just like what Young Master Liu said to Song Qing when he was in the Western Regions, it's a lie that my young master got married, but it doesn't mean that my young master is not lustful.

Young Master Liu, who was immersed in it, didn't realize that his wives had already stared at him with jealous expressions, wishing to gouge out his eyes.

Holding the wine glass, Zhang Kuang enjoyed the singing and dancing equally cheerfully.

When the singers leaned over and waved their sleeves, the thin corsets wrapped towering mountains, and when they bent slightly, the abyss appeared frequently.

Zhang Kuang leaned forward and laughed.


A few leading dancers may have practiced superficial kung fu, leaping in the air, flipping in the air and stretching their tender bodies.


When several of the women flew into the air, they exposed the tight obscene clothes under the cloud smoke skirts, which showed that these singers were actually extremely conservative, and their enchanting and charming dancing postures and charming eyes were just their means of survival.


Shaking his head with a gloomy expression, Zhang Kuang picked up his teacup and drank heavily.

Wow, oh, the three short words of grass vividly show the ups and downs of the ups and downs of the mood.

The initial excitement, the slow expectation, and the final disappointment are nothing like this.

Obviously, it was not a serious thing for Zhang Kuang to be able to hang out with Liu Zhian, an old pervert when he was young.

As for Xiong Kaishan and Keyan who were muttering in low voice with joy, it can be seen from the dirty expressions of the two of them from time to time that these two guys are definitely not talking about topics that are beneficial to physical and mental health.

As the sun sets, the dancers leave, and the singers pack up their musical instruments for dinner.

Young Master Liu has also led the three of Zhang Kuang towards the gate of the mansion.

The singing and dancing of the guests and the host also came to an end.

"Boy, don't be careless when you first arrive in Yingzhou. Although these sour scholars have been suppressed by you for a short time, after you recover, you may not be able to make any trouble for you."

"Uncle, don't worry, if the boy can hold them down for a while, he will be able to hold them down forever. If they want to ride on the boy's head to shit and pee, they are not qualified enough."

"Especially those guys who are doing tricks secretly with evil intentions. It's best to wait for me to leave Yingzhou obediently. If you want to come out and have a jump, the boy will break their legs at least, and the boy will give them their necks." Twisted."

Zhang Kuang looked at Liu Mingzhi with a cold expression and murderous intent in his eyes with surprise.

"It's changed, it's really changed, it's become the same as your old man, you are really not the short-sighted, naive brat you were back then."

"Uncle, if you embark on the road of officialdom, everyone will change, and there is nothing you can do about this boy."

"It's wishful thinking to keep yourself in this mud."

"The mentor told me that the filthiest and filthiest place in the world is not elsewhere, but this temple that everyone yearns for."

"The boy did this just to protect the pure land around me from being persecuted."

"Since we are destined to take this path, someone else's death is better than mine!"

"I don't know when the kid changed. Justice doesn't depend on people's hearts. Right and wrong care about strength. This is the belief that kid Nu Xin believes in."

"Benevolence, righteousness and morality can't accomplish great things, and relying on benevolence, righteousness and morality can't protect everything about oneself!"

"Uncle, this world has always been like this, isn't it?"

"Don't you see that a good man dies early without benefit, and sleeps alone sobbing alone."

"Don't you see that the villain has a long life and wealth, surrounded by thousands of people behind him."

"Perhaps the boy's words are too thin, but the boy does not want to be a good person, nor does he want to be a wicked person!"

Zhang Kuang frowned slightly, and looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously.

"The kid just wants to be himself!"

Zhang Kuang nodded clearly, raised his arms around Liu Mingzhi's shoulders and walked towards the stone lion beside the gate of the mansion.

"Not only is it not biased, but it gets to the bottom of it."

"You're right, this world has always been like this!"

"There is no absolute right or wrong, only profit and harm!"

"Now there are no Marquis Huguo and Duke Ding, only nephew and uncle!"

"Remember my uncle's words, once you really get to that point, act swiftly, and you will never suffer from future troubles. Don't be soft-hearted to the enemy, or you will harm yourself and your family!"

"Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate."

(End of this chapter)

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