Chapter 1145 Talent
As Du Chenghao's son, Du Yu naturally has the potential of a little fox under the influence of Du Chenghao's side since he was a child.

Knowing that Young Master Liu was trying to change the topic, he didn't ask any more questions, and turned around to bring the topic to Meng Hecai.

"My lord, the mold for pouring the plate armor has been found, but the eight-ox crossbow has not been found yet. The plate armor mold can be poured on the body, but there is no way to hide something as big as the eight-ox crossbow. Even if it is dismantled, it can be seen at a glance. , the caravan obviously didn’t have eight oxen crossbows, and they couldn’t hide them on their bodies! Can these heavy crossbows fly out of the city out of thin air?”

Liu Mingzhi opened the carved jade fan and shook it gently: "If you want to find the trace of Ba Niu, the most important thing is this Chang Yunshu, but this person is too mysterious, and Chang Yunshu is just a pseudonym! "

"Especially whether Ba Niu Nu is still in the city is still unknown, and the only clue now is Meng Hecai."

"Whether this matter has anything to do with Meng Hecai or not is another matter. The governor looks like Meng Hecai has been kept in the dark, but his suspicion cannot be ruled out."

"What if he is a guy with superb acting skills? Now I can only hope that the eight-ox crossbow obtained by Xi Zuo is still in the city."

"The most important thing is not to trace the location of these eight-ox crossbows, but to find the person behind the scenes. If this person is not caught, the eight-ox crossbows can flow out once and countless times!"

"Eight oxen crossbows can be released, which means that the artillery may also be released. This is what the governor absolutely does not want to see!"

"You have also seen the power of artillery in siege in the Western Regions. I don't want to die under the shells I made one day. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing!"

"Where should I check?"

"The soldiers are divided into two groups, one is in the treasury of the six guards of northern Xinjiang, and the other is in the general prison and the Ministry of War. Those who can get these people are absolutely extraordinary!"

"It's just that Chang Yunshu's men escaped, and it's hard to find out who's behind the scenes without solid evidence."

"I hope Mingfeng can lead someone to find the trace of this person!"

"Master, you are back. Brother Mingfeng asked Xiaosong to inform the young master that the caravan is now being detained in the backyard of the mansion. Are you going to interrogate it now?"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi and the others returned to the front of the mansion, Liu Song rushed out to greet them, presumably they had been waiting for a long time.

"Let's go now. Check it out earlier and it will solve my hidden dangers. Otherwise, the Ba Niu Nu incident can be said to be a thorn in my throat. I will not be able to eat or sleep well, young master!"

"Okay, young master please, General Du please!"

Walking through the corridor and passing through the hall, Young Master Liu and the others walked directly towards the backyard, and arrived at the place where Meng Hecai was being detained.

"See your lord!"

"Free gift!"

"See my lord for Cao Min, my lord, Cao Min is wronged, Cao Min really doesn't know what kind of mold this stone tool is, my lord has learned from it!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked at Meng Hecai and his guards who were kneeling in front of him with a plop.

"Get up and talk about it. I can judge whether it has anything to do with you. You get up first and then talk!"

"The grassroots dare not!"

Du Yu's face darkened, and he quickly pulled out the horizontal knife: "Get up as soon as I tell you to get up, and if you dare to talk nonsense, this general will send you to see the King of Hades!"

"Yes, yes, grass people, get up, grass people!"

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair brought by his personal guard and looked at Meng Hecai indifferently: "Where did you hide the Ba Niu Nu?"

"Ba Niu Crossbow? Caomin really has never seen Ba Niu Crossbow, otherwise, Caomin would not dare to accept this business even if they borrowed 1 courage from Caomin!"

"Did Chang Yunshu give you any weird things when he gave you the stone tools? Winch, bow string, crossbow wall, hammer, crossbow bolt!"

"No, Caomin can swear to God, Caomin didn't take anything from Boss Chang except stone tools and banknotes!"

"Really not?"

"Reporting to my lord, Caomin is willing to guarantee with his life, absolutely not. These guards recruited by Caomin can testify that Caomin and Boss Chang never met alone at all!"

Liu Mingzhi stared at the guards, feeling the majestic gaze of Young Master Liu, and the guards nodded in unison: "You guys can testify to the shopkeeper, I really didn't see anything else!"

"Qin Guang!"

"grown ups!"

"Have the household registration credentials of these guards been checked?"

"Reporting to my lord, I have already checked, and there is indeed no problem, they are all good people!"

Seeing Young Master Liu's frowning expression, Du Yu quietly approached him: "My lord, could it be that this soldier surnamed Chang has split into two groups? There is also a caravan!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out!"

"Boss Meng!"

"The grass people are here!"

"After you met Chang Yunshu, did he make any strange requests?"

Meng Hecai pondered for a moment and nodded hastily: "Yes, Boss Chang insisted on exchanging three bullock carts with Caomin. Caomin didn't want to offend the big client so he had to replace the bullock carts for him!"

"For ox carts? Which ones?"

"It's the last three ox carts, all of which have been replaced with Boss Chang!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up and walked towards the bullock cart. Du Yu hurriedly waved: "Brothers, unload the goods!"

After a cup of tea, the last three bullock carts were cleared out. Du Yu leaned forward and beat around the three bullock carts. After a while, Du Yu shook his head in frustration.

"My lord, it's just an ordinary bullock cart, with no hidden compartments and no place to hollow out!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't speak when he heard the words, and bent down to stare at the bullock cart to observe carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he still didn't see why.

Liu Mingzhi doesn't believe in evil, and there must be a reason for abnormal things to happen. It is impossible for Chang Yunshu to change the bullock cart with Meng Hecai for no reason.

Liu Mingzhi didn't dislike the dust on the ground, and directly bent down and got into the bottom of the bullock cart and began to grope.

Caressing every part of the bullock cart carefully, Liu Mingzhi was startled, with a little joy on his face.

"Du Yu, let the brothers turn over the bullock cart!"


After the ox cart turned over, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and shook the wheel, with a thoughtful look on his face!

"Give me the knife!"


Liu Mingzhi took the horizontal knife and fiddled with it on the wheel. After a while, Liu Mingzhi showed a look of sudden realization.

"Wizard, wizard, rejoining the winch to form a wheel is simply a whimsy. If you didn't check carefully, who would have thought that the wheel would be the winch of the Eight Bulls Crossbow!"

"Du Yu, remove the cross arm from the frame, be careful!"

"Yes, brothers, dismantle all three cars!"


After a few incense sticks of kung fu, everyone looked at the perfect three crossbows in front of them in amazement, with disbelief still in their eyes.

Liu Mingzhi patted the dust on his hands and looked at the assembled Baoxu crossbow in amazement: "Awesome, this Chang Yunshu is definitely a rare talent, who would have thought that a Baoxu crossbow would turn into a bright and ordinary crossbow?" A good bullock cart!"

"The winch becomes a wheel, the crossbow arm becomes embedded in the car wall, the crossbow frame becomes a carriage frame, the crossbow arrow becomes a handlebar, the bow string becomes a lasso, and the hammer becomes a buckle!"

"A whole eight-ox crossbow with a little more wood has turned into an inconspicuous bullock cart. If it weren't for Ben Du's habit of patting his shoulders, the eight-ox crossbow and its mold would have been transported out of Yingzhou unconsciously." City, Bendu is starting to be a little curious about this so-called Chang Yunshu!"

"How is this person's brain so long, and he almost hid it from everyone by using the principle of darkness under the lamp, talent, talent!"

Du Yu patted Ba Niu Nu and couldn't restrain his admiration: "If it wasn't for your savvy eyes, my lord, Ba Niu Nu would have flowed out under our noses. This Chang Yunshu must be a rare craftsman."

Liu Mingzhi stared closely at the Ba Niu in front of him.

"Draw a picture of your shadow, and pass on the order of the governor to go to sea to arrest the document!"


(End of this chapter)

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