Chapter 1147

"Sister Ya, you are finally back!"

Young Master Liu Mu Ran, who was about to go back to his room just now, heard Qi Ya's voice, and turned around to look at Qi Ya in surprise.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the dusty Qi Ya with distress, walked towards Qi Ya, and wiped off the sweat on Qi Ya's pretty face with a handkerchief.

Qi Ya looked at her husband with a light smile, and turned her head towards Qi Yun's horse, Nunu Yinglip. There was a large bag on the horse's back. Needless to say, what was inside was Liu Mingzhi's expedition to the west. The battle armor you wear!

"Husband, I brought you your armored concubine body. You have been waiting for a long time because of the long journey!"

Liu Mingzhi embraced Qi Ya in his arms, holding her tightly, reluctant to let go.

"Sister Ya, thank you for your hard work. I sighed for my husband for a while and made you travel thousands of miles. Afterwards, I complained about Yun'er for my husband. It's too late to send someone to chase you!"

Qi Yajiang looked up at her husband's worried face with eyes full of happiness, and tightly wrapped her arms around Young Master Liu's tiger waist.

"I don't work hard, I don't work hard at all. As long as I can make my husband happy, I am willing to do anything. It was you who made Ya'er let go of the past and found a new life, and let Ya'er know that there is still meaning for Ya'er to live in this world. !"

"Husband loves Ya'er so much, it's nothing for Ya'er to help husband once!"

"Don't talk about this, this is what you should do for your husband. You go back to your room first, and ask someone to boil water for you for your husband, take a good bath to relieve fatigue, and let's have a warm pot of wine later!"

"Okay, my concubine will go first!"

After half a day's work, the mist in Qi Ya's room was steaming, the rich fragrance of flowers permeated the room, and the sound of water pattering on the moon.

Liu Mingzhi wrung out the towel and gently wiped Qi Ya's fat-like fragrant shoulders, taking advantage of it from time to time, causing the beauty's eyes to drift away, causing ripples, and angrily scolding the dishonest husband.

"Big pervert, it's not that you haven't seen the concubine's body, can't you be honest when you take a bath?"

Liu Mingzhi cheerfully washed the towel in the bathtub, and the water patterns raised gently swayed the petals floating on the water surface in the bathtub. Qi Ya was flawless, and her exquisite and round body was faintly visible under the ripples.

Even though they have shared the same bed and had sex countless times, Liu Mingzhi still couldn't move his eyes away.

"Hehe, I can't get enough of my husband's whole life!"

Qi Ya raised her white neck and looked up at her husband, with an indelible affection in her eyes, her lotus root arm sank into her hand and caressed her belly where there was no trace of fat, Qi Ya suddenly looked a little disappointed.

"Husband, we have been married for so long and my concubine's stomach has not reacted at all. Do you think that my concubine is too old to conceive a child with you?"

"What are you talking about! You should have it, don't have any psychological burden, we are still young, and we will have two babies if we work hard in the future!"


Qi Ya's tone was a little uncertain, her sister and child were almost ten years old, the three princesses, Qinglian, and Ying'er were all younger than her, but they were already mothers.

He and Murong Shan are the oldest, but their stomachs are not up to snuff, and there is no movement until now, so Qi Ya is inevitably a little anxious.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety. The idea of ​​having no offspring is the greatest thing to do was instilled by Mrs. Qi many times before Qi Ya went out.

Seeing that she is getting older, Qi Ya can no longer express her lost feelings to others except Murong Shan.

Other people's family is about to become a grandma at my age, but she has not even become a mother. You can imagine the feeling in Qi Yun's heart.

"Really, no pains no pains, no pains. When my husband is done, I will fight for my husband to let you, Sister Ya, Shan'er, and Qing Shi all conceive babies. Then we will really be a big family!"

"Bah, no one is serious, I don't want to be a concubine!"

Qi Ya complained, but the firm look in Feng's eyes had already betrayed her.

Liu Mingzhi saw it clearly and smiled lightly without saying anything.

After an incense stick of time, the beautiful woman came out of the bath, and Liu Mingzhi finally understood the meaning of hibiscus coming out of clear water, which is naturally carved. As Liu Mingzhi said, I can't get enough of it after seeing it countless times.

After Qi Ya took a bath, the tiredness on the brows still couldn't be concealed, Liu Mingzhi took the silk obscene clothes on the hanger and gently wrapped Qi Ya's flawless delicate body, and hugged her by the waist.

"Sister Ya, get a good night's sleep, it's really hard for you to travel thousands of miles every time!"

Qi Ya covered First Young Master Liu's mouth with her slender jade fingers, and shook her phoenix head lightly: "Don't say such unreasonable things, can you leave after sleeping with the concubine?"

"it is good!"

Liu Mingzhi put the beautiful woman on the bed, gently covered her with a silk quilt, and gently held Qi Ya's bright wrist with his palm, waiting for her to fall asleep.

Perhaps the tossing and tossing of thousands of miles really exhausted Qi Ya physically and mentally, and Qi Ya's breathing became even in less than a cup of tea.

Liu Mingzhi did not let go of Qi Ya's wrist and chose to leave, but sat on the head of the bed, looking at Qi Ya quietly, feeling a peace that he had never felt in the past ten days.

Among so many women, Qi Ya was the only one who could give herself this feeling.

It's not that the other women are bad, but Qi Ya is the woman who can suppress Liu Mingzhi the most in terms of her personality alone.

It seemed that as long as Qi Ya was with him, Liu Mingzhi would never feel anxious.



Liu Mingzhi looked towards the door and lowered his voice: "Liu Song, what's wrong?"

"Master, something happened to Mrs. Qing Shi, you should come out quickly!"

"What happened to Qingshi?"

Liu Mingzhi's face panicked, he suppressed his movements, slowly stuffed Qi Ya's wrist into the quilt, and walked lightly towards the door.

Looking at Qi Ya who was still soundly asleep, Liu Mingzhi closed the door and looked at Liu Song with deep brows.

"What happened to Qingshi?"

"Madam and her young master, you should go and see for yourself!"

Seeing Liu Song's hesitant to speak, Liu Mingzhi trotted towards Yun Qingshi's yard.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi pushed open the door of Yun Qingshi's room and walked in directly. The scene in the room made Liu Mingzhi a little confused, so he was a little stunned!

Yun Qingshi was tightly tied up with ropes, with a piece of clean cloth stuffed in her mouth, she was lying motionless on the bed, and it looked like she had been tapped to her acupuncture points.

Suzaku stood with arms crossed at the screen on one side, her pretty face was charming and enchanting, her bright peach eyes were unblinking, she stared quietly at Yun Qingshi lying on the bed, when she heard footsteps, Suzaku turned around Looking over, he saw First Young Master Liu standing in the main hall in astonishment and smiling.

"Suzaku sees the young master!"

Yun Qingshi, who was tied up with ropes on the bed, saw Liu Mingzhi walking straight into the room with unspeakable panic in her beautiful eyes, she dodged her eyes, not daring to look at her husband's suspicious eyes.

At this moment, Yun Qingshi really wanted to turn her head to the side, and even disappeared from her husband's eyes. She didn't want to see her husband's figure, but her acupuncture points were blocked, and there was no place to move except her eyes.

Liu Mingzhi didn't look at Suzaku who was saluting to him, but stared blankly at Yun Qingshi who was reclined on the bed and dared not look at him, his fists were tightly clenched together and creaked, experiencing a moment of daze , Liu Mingzhi seems to have understood what's going on!

Yun Qingshi looked at the dazed husband with an extremely abnormal expression, his eyes were extremely anxious, water mist formed, but he couldn't dodge it, so he could only choose to close his beautiful eyes, and sighed silently.

"Husband, Shi'er is sorry for you!"

What Yun Qingshi was thinking in his heart, Liu Mingzhi naturally had no way of knowing, he was dazed for a long time, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath and waved to Suzaku: "Go down first!"

"Young master, Mrs. Qing Shi."

"Go down!"

(End of this chapter)

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