My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1149 Why do women make trouble for women

Chapter 1149 Why do women make trouble for women

Liu Mingzhi moved his palm, and the excruciating pain just now passed, and the coolness brought by the medicine made Liu Mingzhi's nerves no longer feel like they were on fire.

"Xiao Song, why are you here?"

Liu Song's face was a little gloomy, with a gloomy expression in his eyes: "Young master, your injury?"

"It's okay, it's just a slight wound, it's been bandaged up, don't let the young lady know about it, if they ask about my wound, just say that the young master accidentally scratched it while practicing sword!"

"Master, before going out, my father specifically told Xiaosong that you must not be hurt in the slightest, otherwise I will only ask, Mrs. Qingshi has been harboring evil intentions since she entered the mansion, and now she has hurt the young master even more. Do you want Xiaosong to take someone with you?" .”

Before Liu Song finished speaking, Liu Mingzhi's eyes narrowed: "Xiao Song, this is my family business!"

Liu Song was stunned and nodded helplessly: "Xiao Song understands, the young master will be careful in the future, so I won't ask more questions, so as not to upset the young master!"


Liu Mingzhi sighed full of melancholy: "Xiaosong, your loyal young master understands, but the young master believes in Qingshi, she hurt the young master, but the young master doesn't blame her in his heart, sometimes you ancients, these dead men have brains One muscle, can't turn at all, very extreme thinking!"

"What kind of shit can't have both loyalty and filial piety, loyalty and righteousness can't have both, it's all nonsense, nonsense!"

"In this world, one's life can only be controlled by one's own hands. Except for the parents who were born and raised, no one else can easily deprive a person of his life!"

"Master, Xiaosong can't understand what you said. From the day Xiaosong was sensible, the thought that Xiaosong's father instilled in me is to be loyal to the young master and the Liu family!"

"The young master's life is more important than the lives of Xiaosong's family. This is the order Xiaosong has accepted since he was a child."

"In the future, Xiao Song will also educate his son, but now the young master has not established who the identity of the first son and the eldest son is, and Xiao Song does not dare to ask casually now!"

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment: "There is no doubt that the son-in-law belongs to Chengzhi. It's not that the young master doesn't like Chengfeng. Chengfeng already has his own title of county lord. Yiyi Feifei and the other sisters also have their own status!"

"I don't need to worry about the future of the three siblings!"

"Let's not talk about these things, you are also the one who was instilled by Uncle Liu with these ideas since childhood, and you should understand Qing poetry from heart to heart!"

"It's too easy to kill a person, but it's extremely difficult to change the idea that a person has accepted since childhood!"

"However, Liu Song, please remember that Qing Shi is not just a concubine of the Duke in name, but a legitimate wife of the Duke, who is famous and has a role. Without the order of my young master, whether it is you or Liu Ye , or the forces under my young master can't move her hair."

Liu Song nodded hesitantly: "Xiao Song understands!"

"Let's not talk about these troubles, is it time for your wife to give birth? I don't know if it's a son or a daughter!"


Without hesitation, Liu Song directly said the word "son" firmly.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song in surprise: "What you said is a bit too absolute, you don't like your daughter so much? Little padded jacket, don't you think it is very happy to have a few daughters by your side in this life?" something?"

Liu Song looked at First Young Master Liu with a strange expression: "Master, my wife has given birth to a baby for a month, and the baby is already full moon!"

First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Song in embarrassment: "It's been a month since the baby was born? Why have you never heard of this matter? You are a real bastard, and I won't tell the young master that the young master will congratulate you!"

"Young master, how can Xiaosong have the right to let you celebrate with Xiaosong's son, servants should follow the rules of servants, this is what my father told Xiaosong since he was a child!"


Liu Mingzhi looked helplessly at Liu Song who had a natural look on his face, and his helplessness towards Yun Qingshi in his heart decreased a lot again.

Deep-rooted thoughts really cannot be changed in a few words.

"Did you name it?"

"Liu Qi."

"Liu Qi! What a good name, let's just forget about it. Next time you have a child, you must tell the young master that the rules of the Liu family are the rules of the Liu family!"

"Now, young master, I have set up my own family. From now on, the rules of our house are up to me. From now on, any happy event must be mentioned to the young master. Don't hide it. The rules of servants are not good!"

"In the Liu family, the young master's words are the rules!"

"Yes, Xiaosong understands, Xiaosong thank you, young master!"

"You, we are only two years apart. We grew up wearing open crotch pants and said these things. Liu Song, the young master has never treated you as a servant, and has always treated you as a little brother. Sometimes you don't want to be too serious. It's too presumptuous!"


"Go away, what does a big man look like as a daughter all day long, you should have a lot of money on you, buy some supplements for your wife to nourish your body!"

"Alright, Xiaosong will go down first!"

"Well, let's go!"

Qingshi, oh Qingshi, how can we let you leave as soon as you enter my Liu family? I hope you can figure it out for yourself. Going back is destined to be a road of no return.

"Grandpa, someone outside the door sent you a letter. There was no signature on the envelope, and the sender only left a sentence, "The moon bends to shine on Kyushu, and the old friend in front of Yingzui Rock left it!"

Just as Liu Mingzhi was about to leave, Xiao Wu ran over holding a letter.

Liu Mingzhi took the letter and flipped through it.

"Daddy, come and save Yue'er!"

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the letter and put it away with a trace of worry on his face: "Xiao Wu, speed up and prepare your horse!"

"Yes, my lord, please wait a moment!"

After cupping tea, Liu Mingzhi got on the horse directly: "Xiao Wu, tell the young lady that the young master may not be back today!"


Xiao Wu stared at Liu Mingzhi who was galloping away in amazement, it was obviously the first time he saw the father-in-law so anxious.

About half an hour later, thirty steps away from Yingzui Rock in Shanhaiguan, Liu Mingzhi reined in his horse, his horse's hooves were raised high, and he honked rhythmically. Liu Mingzhi got off his horse anxiously and ran directly towards Yingzui Rock go.

The dozens of riders behind also reined in, not paying attention to the smoke and dust that rolled up and scattered towards the surroundings.

The Heavenly Sword in Liu Mingzhi's hand was straight out of its sheath for three inches, his eyes cautiously looked at the environment around Yingzuiyan, his right hand resisted the slight pain and made various gestures.

Dozens of figures lurked towards the Eagle's Mouth Rock at a speed undetectable to the naked eye, the weapons in their hands were unsheathed one after another, and they stared at the surrounding environment with cold eyes.

These spies related to Si Qinglong Division received only one order, as long as the young master gave the order, they would kill without mercy.

"Yue'er, daddy is here to save you, where are you?"

"Daddy, Yue'er is here!"

On Yingzui Rock, Xiaocuti sat alone on Yingzui Rock with her knees hugged, tearfully looking at her father who was running towards her, her little face was full of grievances.

The snow-white leopard was obediently lying three steps away from the cutie, feigning sleep.

Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the little cutie was safe and sound, and directly protected the little cutie, holding his right hand on the hilt of the sword and scanning the surroundings sharply.

"Why are you alone, where is your mother? Did something happen? Don't worry if you have daddy here, no one can touch a hair of yours!"

"Father, mother beat me up again. It hurts Yue'er's butt for a long time! Only Yue'er came to Shanhaiguan by herself!"

First Young Master Liu's face froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched and he turned to look at the cutie: "You asked Daddy to save you because your mother beat you?"

The little cutie nodded her head in a serious manner, her big eyes looked pitifully at the stiff-faced father: "Isn't it serious that Yue'er was beaten up? Shouldn't I ask my father for help?"

"Hmm. Go away"

Liu Mingzhi inserted the Heavenly Sword into the rock peak and sat next to the cutie: "Tell Daddy, did you make your mother angry, otherwise why would she beat you?"

"I didn't handle the court affairs well, my mother scolded Yue'er, and Yue'er was beaten up after paying back a few sentences!"

First Young Master Liu grabbed the little cutie's wrist and laughed lightly: "Good girl, your mother should give you a few words, and besides, you are so young, why are you competing with her?"

"As soon as you compete, she will beat you, and then you will be unhappy and fight with her, and then she will continue to beat you. This is an endless cycle. In the end, you are the one who gets beaten. Do you think it makes sense?"

"You taste, you taste carefully!"

"Think about it. You are a little woman, and your mother is an old woman. How can a little woman beat an old woman?"

"You are only eight years old this year and you dare to fight her. Daddy..."

The little cutie turned pale, and shook Young Master Liu's arm resolutely: "Yue'er is not eight years old, she is only seven years old!"


Young Master Liu's face became embarrassed, as expected, as long as a woman would care about her age, regardless of size!
"Yes, yes, Yue'er is only seven years old, so you shouldn't fight her anymore, if you continue to fight, you may not live to be eight years old!"

"I think Dad made her unhappy at the time, so he just ate two big white radishes all at once all night... The whole dad almost doubted life!"

"Daddy doesn't even dare to provoke her. If you provoke her, whether you can live to Daddy's age is the same thing!"

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero. A hero does not suffer from immediate losses. If he should be soft, he will be soft. Do you know that!"

The little cutie blinked her eyes and hugged her knees and choked up: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

(End of this chapter)

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