Chapter 1159
"Dingguo is mighty, let's go back to the city!"

"Mighty, mighty, go back to the city!"

"Go to war, go to war!"

Liu Mingzhi's few words were sonorous and forceful, and the hundreds of soldiers not far away naturally heard them clearly. The strong atmosphere immediately infected everyone present, and they all raised their weapons and looked at Liu Mingzhi enthusiastically. Mingzhi.

Especially Du Yu, whose eyes that were still slightly panicked just now turned scarlet.

He seemed to have returned to the scene of following the commander in battle in the Western Regions.

The brothers look like heroes who attack the city and are not afraid of death.

It has been too long since the commander-in-chief has heard the words to start a war. Although Du Yu is the son of a civil servant, he is a member of Huer after joining the army.

Although he has always served as Liu Mingzhi's personal soldiers, when the troops were divided into three groups to attack the countries in the Western Regions, he and Sun Mingfeng's playmates who grew up together often went to battle to kill the enemy.

Those who came out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood seemed to have an inexplicable passion when they heard about the war.

The empress looked tremblingly at Liu Mingzhi who was about to turn around and leave, as if she never thought that the three-party talks would have such a result.

The queen also knew that her request was too much for Liu Mingzhi, but as the king of a country, for her own people, for her own people, it was not wrong for the queen to ask herself.

The bad thing is that I met a Liu Mingzhi who would not stick to the soft and hard and was dedicated to the country.

Huyan Yunyao also had a worried look in her eyes. Once the three parties got into trouble, Huyan Wang Ting, caught between Dalong and Shibisi Wang Ting, would definitely become the first opponent to bear the brunt.

Leaving aside whether there is still a chance to unify the grasslands, it is an unknown question whether they can survive in the gap between wolves in the front and tigers in the back.

In the case of tripartite talks.

The queen doesn't want to regress, and wants to buy more time for Jin Guo to develop, so that in the future, when facing an increasingly powerful dragon, there will be a [-]% chance of winning.

The same is true for Huyan Yunyao. Once the grasslands are unified, they have fought against the Shibisi royal court for so long, and they need time to recuperate.

Liu Mingzhi is even more so. He wants to complete the unification of the world in the shortest time and with the least casualties, so that he can look forward to overseas affairs.

None of the three were wrong, the fault was that all three were fighting for the best interests of their own side.

The two women thought that they knew Liu Mingzhi's character clearly, but they didn't understand that Liu Mingzhi's character had been scolded by his old man Liu Zhi'an long ago.

It's a stubborn donkey who can't go away and hits back.

At this age, it has already been finalized, and I'm afraid it's impossible to change it!
The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Nothing is better than this.

The accompanying officials of the Turkic Kingdom of Jin also stared in astonishment at Liu Mingzhi, who was about to go to war if he disagreed with him. This was completely different from the result he expected when he and others came.

The two women still don't know about springs, so they naturally don't understand that Liu Mingzhi is like a spring, the harder it is suppressed, the stronger it will bounce back.

"Lord Liu!"

Before Liu Mingzhi took a few steps, the queen's cold voice suppressed her emotions sounded, stopping Liu Mingzhi's steps to return to the city.

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, and the relaxed expression on his face disappeared in a flash.

My family knows about my family affairs, whether Li Zheng will really accept his letter at this juncture and leave immediately to the north is completely an unknown possibility!

I said so just because I want to hold the initiative in my hands!

It doesn't matter what you say, as long as the two women can call themselves in palpitations, it means that the talk has the possibility to continue.

Otherwise, the two women will continue to merge into one and treat themselves as one, and they will be at a disadvantage and cannot continue to communicate.

Liu Mingzhi turned slightly to look at the queen silently, and glanced at Huyan Yunyao from the corner of his eye. Seeing her stunned and worried eyes, he felt more relaxed.

However, the two women are not ordinary people, and a little bit of cheating may ruin all previous efforts. Liu Mingzhi could only hold back his composure, pretending to look at the queen in bewilderment: "Commander Wan, what else is going on? The governor is all ears! "

The empress looked sadly at the hills not far away with her alluring appearance without makeup.

"Master Liu, Wan once had a very interesting conversation with a friend named Tianshangzhou. I wonder if Master Liu is interested in listening to it?"

A boat in the sky?

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the queen with narrowed eyes, his heart beating wildly. Could it be that the queen wants to make public about herself, her and the little cutie at this very moment?
Liu Mingzhi could completely guess the consequences of the empress making this matter public, it can't be said that he hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damaged eight hundred.

It is the best outcome that you will be jealous, and your family will be monitored and even imprisoned by the court. It may even be the worst outcome that the whole family will be ransacked.

Jin Guo will also be hit hard because it may become his own back route.

But since the empress used the boat in the sky to cover up the cutie's real name, she would never have such a plan!

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly and stared at the queen: "The governor is all ears!"

"In the past, the commander asked my little friend!"

"If one day, the biological father who loves him deeply leads a million troops to conquer his country, and even kills his own flesh and blood, do you hate it?"

"Master Liu, do you know what this little friend, the commander, said?"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the empress's complex eyes that were also looking at him, and his heart suddenly felt sore: "How do you say that?"

The queen raised her phoenix head, closed her eyes and sighed silently: "Little friend replied: I don't hate it, my father must have a reason for doing this!"

"Dalong governs the country with loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, especially the father's kindness and son's filial piety! Mr. Liu thinks, if the son is so filial, the father recruits his son, is it kind?"

"Daddy, Yue'er won't hurt if I blow it to you!"

"The moon will bring Yue'er's longing for Daddy to Daddy, and Daddy will also miss Yue'er!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head hastily, suppressed the cute figure, and looked at the queen with melancholy eyes: "Ashamed to be a father!"

"It turns out that Master Liu has the same opinion as this commander. This commander thinks that he is not only ashamed to be a father, but also ashamed to be a husband!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the queen with a trembling corner of his mouth: "Husband? Husband!"

"Could it be that Mr. Liu thinks that someone who is real but not famous should not be a husband?"

"Dang Yi, Dang Yi! It was just the first time I heard my husband's name, and Liu was particularly shocked!"

"The heartless person in Brother Wan's mouth, how can He De be named as husband by Brother Wan!"

"Master Liu, why do you think that heartbroken person did this?"

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, and looked at the Empress with a gloomy expression: "Don't tell people about suffering, don't express sorrow for others, don't explain difficulties for others! Loyalty, benevolence, filial piety, four words are the first words, and you can't help yourself!"

"What a three-do-nothing, what is this person hesitating about? He is obviously capable of doing a lot, but he is willing to degenerate and submit to others. This commander does not seek to understand it. Mr. Liu has the talent of a national scholar, so he can explain a thing or two for this commander? "

"If you are a national thief, it is no different from Sangui, it is unfaithful; if you betray your wife and father, and do disobedience, it is unfilial; if it is difficult to protect your daughter and hurt the hearts of your wife and daughter, it is unkind, neglect your relatives and friends, and involve your family Imprisonment is for injustice!"

"These four deeds are all evil. If people don't get rid of them, the heavens will punish them!"

(End of this chapter)

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