Chapter 1163
The faces of the two women changed, and the crescent eyebrows frowned directly, and they threw the rice paper in their hands in front of Young Master Liu in unison.

The queen's face seemed to have turned into a layer of frost, and she looked at First Young Master Liu with cold eyes: "Master Liu, I have made it very clear before the leader, that what I, Dajin, want is an eight-ox crossbow that can shoot more than seven hundred steps, and three bows." The bed crossbow, not the bed crossbow that you soldiers use casually!"

"This Commander will reiterate to Mr. Liu again, what my Dajin wants is the eight-ox crossbow, the eight-ox crossbow!"

Huyan Yunyao also stared at First Young Master Liu with an unhappy expression, her pretty eyes full of resentment.

"I, Huyan Royal Court, are mostly cavalry. How can I use the iron tire bow that has a long range and great power but is quite laborious on horseback? You gave me the iron tire bow used by Huyan Royal Court's infantry. The arrows have nothing to eat What's the difference between the chicken ribs that are a pity that the meat is discarded?"

"What I want for the arrows of the Kingdom of Jin is the Phoenix Feather Sorrowful Soul Arrow and the Deadly Wooden Feather Arrow, which are relatively light arrows!"

"Master Liu keeps saying that our country of Jin and Turkic are not on the same page. Don't you feel ashamed when Master Liu said these words? You have done something shameful and you still keep berating others for their villainous behavior!"

"I don't know where did you get the courage and shame to be Liu? Is this the demeanor of a great country that you keep claiming?"

"Commander Wan is right. If Hu had done this, he would have been ashamed and ashamed. How could he have the face to sit here and explain it swearingly!"

"The eight-ox crossbow is the eight-ox crossbow, and the bed crossbow is the bed crossbow!"


"I, Huyanyun, Khan of Huyan Royal Court, why did you come from the same school as a shameless guy like you?"

"The behavior of a villain is ashamed to be with you!"

"A shameless scum with a kind face and a black heart!"

The two girls sneered at Eldest Young Master Liu, obviously, what Young Young Master Liu did on the rice paper treaty hurt the hearts of the two girls.

What I have worked so hard to get is a tasteless chicken rib that I can't eat and discard. I'm afraid it will be irritating to put this on anyone.

It's just a few words of cynicism, without turning their faces on the spot, it can be seen that the bearing of the two women is beyond ordinary!
Fortunately, I guarded against this shameless hand in advance, and carefully checked the contents of the contract. Otherwise, once the big seal was stamped, Young Master Liu would justify his words, and the two parties really had to smash their teeth into their stomachs. pharynx.

Young Master Liu looked at the two girls pointing fingers at him with resentment, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

There is no way, the handle is held in the hands of others, and I can't afford to be tough even if I want to.

"I haven't been to the Kingdom of Jin for a long time, and I haven't even been to the Turks. I thought that the military arrangement of your Turks and the Kingdom of Jin is very similar to my Dalong? Change, can I just change it?"

After getting the cannon, Liu Mingzhi actually didn't value bed crossbows as siege equipment anymore, but he still didn't want the bed crossbows and arrows that flowed out of his hands to shoot at his soldiers one day in the future.

I thought I could play sloppy eyes so I could get away with it, but the empress and Huyan Yunyao, two thoughtful people, still saw it at a glance.

So far, only the above content has been changed.

"Get another piece of rice paper, who knows if you won't admit it's your handwriting!"

"That's right, I don't believe you anymore, so I have to make another sheet and copy the contents of it word for word!"

"If you dare to do some shameless tricks, it's not you, Mr. Liu, who say you're leaving, but us!"

"No matter how bad the state of Jin is compared to Dalong, it won't let you be so bullied!"

"My official seconded the proposal. Mr. Liu has never left the word of sincerity. I hope Mr. Liu can show his sincerity!"

The two women behaved 'aggressively'. Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to restart writing on a piece of rice paper.

After the previous incident, the two women obviously doubted Young Master Liu's character. They leaned from left to right and surrounded Young Young Master Liu, staring intently at every word Young Young Master Liu wrote on the rice paper!

After a while, Liu Mingzhi put down the pen in his hand, looked up at the two girls who were almost hanging on him: "Is it okay now?"

The two looked at each other and nodded in satisfaction, took out their big seals from their arms and stamped them on the signature on the rice paper, then walked to their places to stamp their seals on their rice paper.

Then the three pieces of rice paper were all retreated in front of First Young Master Liu.

"The agreement has been completed, Mr. Liu will stamp the big seal and the talks between the three parties will be officially declared over!"

"Okay, seal, seal!"

Young Master Liu took out a seal from his sleeve and was about to put it on the rice paper when the two women grasped Liu Mingzhi's wrist and restrained Young Master Liu's movements.

Under Young Master Liu's bewildered expression, the two women bent over and leaned over to examine Young Master Liu's seal carefully, and finally shook the phoenix head slightly together.

"The seal of the Governor's Mansion!"

"Not enough portion!"

"We must stamp the official seal of the country!"


"Stop playing tricks!"

"It's a big deal, one shot and two parts!"

In just a short moment, the queen and the queen sang together without any discussion and forced First Young Master Liu to change the seal.

"Change, change! Isn't it okay for the governor to change?"

Liu Mingzhi put away the official seal and took out the Duke's seal from his arms again, pausing in front of the two women: "It's fine now, the character of the governor is left here, what do you have to worry about!"

"I think that when I was in Jinling back then, Ben Du was a famous honest young gentleman, an honest gentleman who never said anything else, I didn't know that, and I didn't know that!"

The two women nodded in satisfaction, but looked at Young Master Liu with contempt in their eyes.

If you are an honest young man, there will be no bad people in the world!
In particular, I don't know where the confidence comes from to dare to say that I have a good character, and I am not afraid of being struck by thunder!
Young Master Liu stamped his own seal on the three pieces of rice paper, and gently put away the big seal. Liu Mingzhi took his own contract and folded it carefully.

"Du Yu!"

"I am humble!"

Young Master Liu held up the rice paper and handed it in front of Du Yu: "If the paper is there, the paper is ashamed!"

"Du Yu, who is a low-ranking officer, has to order, the paper is in the people's hands, and the paper is ashamed and the people are dead!"

"Master Yu!"

"The subordinate is here!"

Although Yu Chengle didn't understand what Young Master Liu called him, he still walked over respectfully!
Young Master Liu looked at Yu Chengle with a light smile: "Did you bring the guy for dinner?"

Yu Chengle was taken aback, and looked at First Young Master Liu with an embarrassed expression: "Master Liu, before you came, you didn't tell me to ask the officials to prepare the bowls and chopsticks!"


Young Master Liu let out a muffled cough, and looked at Yu Chengle with a strange expression. It turned out that he really didn't realize that Yu Chengle, an old man, had such a humorous personality!

"What the governor said was a blank memorial!"

"Bring it with you. This is for the lower officials to eat. Uh." Yu Chengle looked at First Young Master Liu resentfully: "It turns out that what the lord said meant that, but the lower officials thought it was."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly: "Bring two blank brochures!"


Yu Chengle seemed to understand something, and hurriedly groped for two memorials in his arms and spread them on the table, waiting for Liu Mingzhi to finish his pen, the anticipation in his eyes was evident.

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a moment, then sat on the chair and began to write with a pen.

"My minister, Liu Mingzhi, has lived up to his father's great trust. After six years with Rui'an, the border crossing has been revitalized, and a prosperous family is just around the corner!"

"My son Liu Mingzhi nodded his head, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"My son, Liu Mingzhi, wrote the pen, and Yu Chengle, the governor of Yingzhou, was talented and loyal. My son suggested that Yu Chengle temporarily act as the governor of Yingzhou, for a period of three months, pending review. The officials are well-versed, and the officials can be selected for appointment! "

"My son Liu Mingzhi nodded, long live long live!"

Liu Mingzhi happily closed the paper and handed it to Yu Chengle: "The governor of Yingzhou is very important among the twelve prefectures under the jurisdiction of Yingzhou Prefecture. You must set an example for the rest of your colleagues and don't let the governor down." Thanks for the recommendation!"

"Xiaguan. Xiaguan Yu Chengle, thank you for your promotion!"

(End of this chapter)

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