My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1167 I'm Sorry

Chapter 1167 I'm Sorry
Young Master Liu happily looked at the empress's cute expression, and thought to himself that he and his good daughter are indeed mother and daughter, they are just like carved out of the same mold!
The queen's bright eyes blinked and blinked, and she looked at First Young Master Liu in a dazed way, with the three-point charm of a cute little girl seeking knowledge.

Seeing Young Master Liu's mean look, the Empress glanced thoughtfully at Young Master Liu. After a while, the Empress seemed to understand, and glared at Young Master Liu coquettishly!
"You don't have a conscience, don't give the old lady a sloppy eye, and use your words here!"

"Do you know what the old lady means, in a word, let me see or not?"

First Young Master Liu looked at the Queen tangled, thinking that he could change the topic and turn the Queen's attention to other places, but he always underestimated the attraction of artillery to the Queen.

Thinking about it carefully, it would be strange if the queen's heart and ambition were not interested in this kind of siege power.

You must know that during the campaign against the Western Regions, the legends left behind by Young Master Liu's use of artillery are no longer a secret.

Although it can't be said that everyone knows it, as long as someone with a heart inquires a little bit, they can understand it and know it clearly.

A round of artillery goes down, and the walls of a city are rarely complete.

For this kind of big killer, how could the Queen not be sad.

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a long time, and hesitantly looked into the empress' eyes of seeking knowledge and anticipation.

"To put it bluntly, it is human nature for a person to be curious about unknown things, but it is also human nature for a person to want to possess powerful things!"

"You know better than me what human nature is. Once desires appear, it will be difficult to curb them!"

"Once the germ of desire has sprouted, it will gradually grow up, from a sprout to a towering tree, from a grain of sand to a mountain!"

"Listen to my advice, it's better not to know about artillery!"

"Because I can't guarantee it, and I can't control it myself. Once you see the power of the artillery, once you have a desire, what will happen!"

"The fate of desire is often unknown!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to gently hold the empress's bright wrist, and gently stroked the empress' less charming but more heroic cheek with one hand.

"To put it bluntly, don't look at whether it's good or not!"

With a look of hesitation in Empress Hao's eyes, she struggled for a long time, shook her head resolutely and raised her hand to cover the slightly rough back of Liu Mingzhi's hand on her cheek.

She understood the meaning of Liu Mingzhi's words, and after seeing the power of the artillery, she would have the desire to keep it for herself.

The artillery is also the most important thing for Dalong. Once he has an idea about the artillery, it means that the ground will be covered with dense corpses in the process of getting the artillery.

"Mingzhi, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening!"

"No matter what kind of result the two of us will lead to in the future, I just want to live to understand!"

"Victory must be calm, and defeat must be clear!"

"The artillery is no secret anymore. I just want to experience the power of the artillery. Since you can transport the artillery out of the city, it should not be difficult for you to fire two artillery pieces!"

Liu Mingzhi sighed melancholy, Nuhang will always be the empress he was familiar with when they first met.

After so many years, she has never changed. Time has changed a little of her face, but it has never changed her heart.

A heart that wants to dominate the world from beginning to end!
"Wanyan, you've already said that, Liu Mingzhi can't say anything more, it's fine to read, but I have a request!"

The queen looked at Liu Mingzhi in astonishment: "What request?"

"I'll let you see the power of the artillery, and you let me see the results of your dragon car!"

"To put it bluntly, you also know my nature very well. People are curious. This request is not too much for you!"

The empress froze with panic in her eyes, and immediately calmed down with a strong state of mind.

Slowly letting go of her palm covering Liu Mingzhi, the queen turned around and looked towards the winding mountains of Shanhaiguan.

"What kind of dragon car, bluntly I can't understand what you are talking about!"

"Liu Mingzhi, are you hungover? Why do you always say strange words that you can't understand!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced around, the place the queen was looking for could still hide people's eyes and ears, if he didn't go forward, he couldn't see his side at all.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the figure of the Queen looking at Shanhaiguan, walked over slowly, wrapped his arms around the Queen's slender waist from behind, and rested his chin on the Queen's fragrant shoulders, followed the Queen's eyes and looked into the distance go.

Although the queen was dressed in men's clothing, the faint fragrance still existed on her body, attacking Liu Mingzhi's sense of smell.

Liu Mingzhi thought that no one noticed this side, but he didn't know that there was a person behind the hill not far away, looking at the two of them with hazy eyes, and whispering with thin mist in his eyes.

"It turns out that what sister Wanyan said is true, brother-in-law!"

"But it's no big deal, one more is not much!"

Liu Mingzhi hugged the Queen's slender willow waist tightly, and gently rubbed his chin on the Queen's fragrant shoulder: "To put it bluntly, you should be very clear and understand where the dragon chariot came from!"

"Fei Xiong might hide some things from me, but he definitely won't hide anything from you!"

"He is a child of a genius, no, he is already a teenager now!"

"From the moment Fei Xiong would rather give up the throne to Dalong studying like me, I already knew that Fei Xiong will definitely be a famous figure in history in the future!"

"This world will change a little because of Liu Mingzhi's arrival, but Fei Xiong can make this world change drastically!"

"Although he is a person stepping on the shoulders of giants, no one will care about this, and no one will know about it!"

"The historian's memory of Fei Xiong will only make Fei Xiong a giant in the future!"

"No one will know how many giants he stepped on!"

"Later generations will only regard him as a pioneer, a pioneer who will last forever!"

"And you may destroy Feixiong by recalling him to the Kingdom of Jin. If this incident is recorded in the history books in the future, you will be judged as a fatuous monarch, a sister who strangles heroes!"

"Thousands of people cast aside, ten thousand insults!"

"A person carries his mission with him the moment he is born!"

"And the mission of Flying Bear's existence bluntly says that you will never understand it!"

"I hope that Fei Xiong can stick to his heart even if he returns to the Kingdom of Jin, and never forget his original intention!"

The queen's tender body trembled slightly as she looked at the distant scenery, the confusion in her eyes became more and more serious: "You must never forget your original intention!"

"Liu Mingzhi politely said that he didn't understand what you were talking about, but politely thought you were right!"

"Wanyan doesn't know why I have such a blind and ridiculous trust in your words!"

"Isn't this a ridiculous and funny thing!"

"It's just that what you said will be too illusory in the future. If you don't understand these, you can't care about so much!"

"Wanyan just wants to live well in the present moment, and finish what he should do. After Wanyan dies, let him fall into the sky, what does it have to do with me!"

"As for the evaluation of the history books, the Wanyan people are gone, so what can they interfere with?"

"It doesn't matter whether you have merit or failure! Everything will be left to future generations to judge!"

"The king of a country also has too much helplessness. The reason why the first emperor is the first emperor is because no one can influence his words and deeds!"

"I admire him politely, but I can't do what he does!"

"The world is changing every day, but it remains the same!"

"One life, one autumn of grass and trees, is nothing more than fame and fortune!"

"Without conscience, I politely said that I have done so many things to apologize to you and forced you. Although it was not my original wish, it was out of my heart!"

"Born to be an emperor, I'm sorry!"

(End of this chapter)

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