My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1169 Little Liuzi

Chapter 1169 Little Liuzi

Young Master Liu quietly approached the Queen: "Wanyan, why didn't Yue'er come with me? I promised her that when she grows peppers, she will have the most delicious hot pot!"

The empress glanced at First Young Master Liu, and pointed her mouth at a certain hill, "I won't let her come, but Huier just reported that this stinky girl is teasing the emperor to let the emperor bring her to Shanhaiguan, and now she is doing it." They're watching us secretly from behind the rocks over there!"

"Then let her come out, the hot pot is almost ready, how can she eat if she doesn't come out?"

The queen looked at First Young Master Liu quietly: "Are you sure? If Yiyue'er accidentally calls you daddy, it will be too late for you to regret it! There is no medicine for regret in this world!"

"Now the small Shanhaiguan Yingzuiyan has gathered Jin Guo, Turks, and Dalong. Are you sure you can block everyone's eyes and ears?"

"If the news reaches Dalong Emperor Li Zheng, do you know what will happen? Are you sure you want to call her out?"

Liu Mingzhi looked around hesitantly, seeing Huyan Yunyao's eyes curiously watching this side, he hastily turned his eyes away.

Huyan Yunyao with a bulging mouth who doesn't look angry.

"Call out, I'll go and explain to Yue'er in person, she's a smart child, she won't reveal herself!"

"I promised her that I would take her to eat hot pot myself, and I must do it! You wait here first, and I will ask Yue'er to come out!"

The queen was about to reach out her hand to stop her, but she finally withdrew her palm with complicated eyes, sat quietly in her seat and glanced at Young Master Liu's back inadvertently.

"Old woman, what did senior brother do?"

The queen withdrew her eyes and glanced at Huyan Yunyao who was looking at herself curiously, with a wicked smile on her lips: "He, he went to find a girl, and he will bring someone younger than you and older than you in a while." You are beautiful, and the little woman who is cuter than you comes out of the hill!"

"The key point is that he loves that little fairy more than you, and loves that little fairy there more!"

"If that little goblin suffers even the slightest bit of grievance, this guy will be very distressed!"


Huyan Yunyao clenched her teeth and looked in the direction of the queen's nuzui: "I don't believe it, you would be so magnanimous? He went to find a woman and you can still sit here safe and sound!"

"Hey, look at what you said, you are still too young. If you want to capture a man's heart, you have to tolerate everything about him!"

"Be magnanimous and not petty!"

What else did Huyan Yunyao want to say, Liu Da Shaole came out respectfully to meet the cutie, as for Wanyan Chizha beside him, what happened to him, he fell to his death because he didn't have eyesight!

"Your Highness, be careful on your feet, don't fall!"

The little cutie glanced gracefully at the people who didn't notice, and glanced lightly at First Young Master Liu.

"Daddy, why do you look like an eunuch like this?"

"Hmm, brat, be careful what you say, and call me Master Liu, have you forgotten what I just taught you?"

Cutie nodded reluctantly: "Okay, Xiao Liuzi, lead the way for this princess!"

"What, brat, what do you call your father?"

"Hmm, Xiao Liuzi, please pay attention to your attitude, you have to be realistic in acting!"

Young Master Liu nodded with a dark complexion, glanced at the cutie, secretly thinking about how to fix this lawless little girl's film in the future.

After a glance, many people have noticed the eyes here, Young Master Liu gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Yes, Your Highness, please slow down!"

"Everyone, this is Her Royal Highness Princess Liu Wanyan Luoyue, who is supervising the actions of the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, Wan Yangwan. The banquet is about to begin, and Her Royal Highness Princess Jin must not be left aside!"

"My Dalong is a state of etiquette, how can I be so ignorant of etiquette, how about letting Her Royal Highness eat together?"

A group of Dalong's officials looked curiously at the little cutie standing beside Young Master Liu carved in pink jade. The little cutie was already seven years old, and she was becoming more and more beautiful.

Especially those big eyes that seem to be able to talk, revealing a cunning meaning, which makes people can't help but get close.

"My lord is right, Your Highness, please take your seat!"

"My dragon is a state of etiquette, how can I be rude, please take your seat, Your Royal Highness!"


All the officials in Yingzhou saluted one after another, and the little cutie gave a blessing with a light smile: "My princess, thank you for your kindness, you are welcome!"

"Your Excellency, the bottom of the pot is boiling, and the banquet can begin!"

"Master Hu, the beef and mutton have been cleaned!"

"Commander Wan, all the meals we brought have been handed over to Dalong's envoy!"

The queen glanced at Huyan Yunyao, who was staring at the cutie in a daze, got up and looked at First Young Master Liu with a chuckle, and saluted the cutie with all her gestures.

"Chen Wanyang sees Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Excuse me! Master Wan has worked so hard for my Dajin's diplomatic relations with Turks and Dalong. This princess will explain your achievements to the queen mother in detail. Your reward will be indispensable at that time!"

"Thank you Your Highness, this is what I should do!"

A group of officials of the Kingdom of Jin looked at the empress and the little cutie who were singing together, and couldn't help laughing, and hurriedly turned aside, for fear that His Majesty would blame themselves and others for losing their composure.

"Xiao Liuzi, let this princess come out to eat hot pot, first explain to this princess what this hot pot is!"


The queen burst out laughing when she heard the little cutie addressing Young Master Liu, feeling that Young Master Liu's complexion was turning dark and hurriedly glanced away.

Young Master Liu looked at the cutie with twitching corners of his mouth, and said to himself that the stinking girl is not big or small, and when the matter is over, the old man must let you know how the training stick is made.

If you don't beat you up, you don't know how the Generalissimo of Xizheng is the left servant of the household department.

A Duke who can't beat his daughter is not a good governor of the two governments!

"Your Highness, this hot pot is made from..."

Young Master Liu quietly explained the source of the slightly modified hot pot, and all the personnel from the Three Kingdoms quietly listened to Young Master Liu's analysis.

Many officials swallowed their saliva subconsciously, feeling their stomachs twitching involuntarily.

I haven't tried it, but it sounds delicious!

"Spicy taste is the essence of hot pot, so Ben Du took the liberty to name today's Shanhaiguan talks as hot pot diplomacy!"

"His Royal Highness, Bangchen explained clearly!"

The little cutie nodded seriously, and the figure of the old man who habitually patted other people's shoulders appeared in front of the little cutie, and he also wanted to subconsciously prepare to pat Young Master Liu on the shoulder!

However, due to her limited height, the little cutie could only pouted and patted Young Master Liu's thigh: "Well, little Liuzi, you are really talented!"

Smelly girl, you are even more talented. Dad's training stick is already hungry and thirsty, so you wait for me.

I can't beat you to death with your last name!
"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for the compliment!"

"Report, my lord, General Du has finished deploying the cannon, and you can fire and fire at any time!"

Young Master Liu straightened his face and looked around: "Masters, please move!"

Empress, Huyan Yunyao walked towards Du Yu without hesitation, Wanyan Chizha and Hu Yanyu silently nodded and followed.

Cutie subconsciously wants to hold Young Master Liu's hand, but thinking of her father's order, she can only follow along angrily!
"My lord, the humble job is finished!"

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the three cannons lined up in the wilderness of Shanhaiguan and took a deep breath!



Young Master Liu retreated to Xiaocuti's side: "Your Highness, I've offended you!"

After speaking, she covered her ears under her puzzled eyes!

Du Yu drew out the horizontal knife from his waist and pointed.

"Three rounds and three consecutive shots!"


(End of this chapter)

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