My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1175 Much more interesting

Chapter 1175 Much more interesting
Qi Yun was dressed in a strong outfit, Qingsi was bound behind her back with a hair tie, holding a soft whip in her hand, and waved the whip in her hand at the four little padded jackets looking at her with a soft complexion.

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, Yue'er, the four of you are still young, it's not suitable for you to wear weapons like swords, but you can carry a whip for self-defense."

"The whip is also one of the [-] weapons. Once it is practiced to the level of mastery, its power is no less than that of a knife, gun and stick."

"The most important thing is that the whip is easy to hide. When not in use, it can be used as a belt and tied around the waist as a decorative item. When you encounter danger, you can immediately take off your self-defense."

"You all have a foundation in kung fu, mother will give you a few simple moves first, look after it."

As soon as Qi Yun's voice fell, her figure leaped slightly and rushed towards the martial arts field beside her.

Seeing this, the four little cute sisters immediately trotted and followed.

"The first move is the golden snake flying!"

Qi Yun turned and moved in the martial arts arena, her figure was neither too fast nor too slow, just enough for the four little cuties to see clearly, but it didn't look messy.

Every time the whip is swung, there will be a loud cracking sound. Qi Yun turns her flexible waist into the air, and the long whip in her hand shoots out like a hunting snake, hitting the stones used for decoration next to the martial arts arena. over the block.

There was a loud noise, and the stones on the side of the martial arts field cracked.


The four cuties stared dumbfounded at the rocks that had been smashed into pieces by the whips and let out a sound of exclamation.

"Come back to your senses! The second move, Flying Dragon Exploring the Moon!"

Compared with the flexible and elegant movements of the first move, the second move of Feilong Tanyue is extremely fierce under Qi Yun's display.

The soft whip was like a stiff stick waving vigorously in Qi Yun's hands, and the sound of air bursting was everywhere.

Young Master Liu, who was sitting in the gazebo, heard the sound of the Martial Arts Field, and helplessly put down the scroll in his hand and walked towards the Martial Arts Field.

Qi Yun stood still and exhaled, the whip in her hand became limp again, appearing powerless.

"Yue'er, your kung fu is better than your three older sisters, you should set an example for them first."

"Okay, Miss Yun!"

The little cutie ran towards Qi Yun with a smile, took the soft whip from Qi Yun's hand and waved it: "Mother Yun, get out of the way, the moon is about to begin!"

Qi Yun nodded slightly, walked to the side and told Liu Yiyi and the other three, "You three are watching, how does my sister practice!"

"Got it mother!"


The little cutie let out a soft drink and started waving the whip in her hand to practice in a decent manner. Although it was not as flexible and elegant as Qi Yun's posture, it felt a little more calm.

Qi Yun's beautiful eyes looked at the flickering cutie with a little bit of doubt, and her cherry lips whispered softly: "What kind of kung fu has this kid learned, and there are deadly killer moves everywhere!"


"It turned out to be a hand with muscles and bones. This is the torture method used by spies to interrogate prisoners. The Golden Empress is also true. Yue'er is not yet ten years old. Is it really good to let her practice such a cold and stern move?"

"Golden Snake Fly"

"Wife, what are you doing?"



Young Master Liu wailed and hurriedly covered the left side of his face, a long whip mark ran down his face, which was especially obvious.

When the little cutie heard her father's wailing, she hurriedly stopped and looked in the direction of her father.

Holding the whip in her hand, the little cutie leaned over to look at the scars on her father's face, her small mouth was slightly opened, and her big eyes were filled with a hint of astonishment.

"The moon is over!"

Qi Yun and the three little padded jackets immediately ran towards Young Master Liu after a short period of daze.

"Husband, how are you?"

"Daddy, Daddy, are you hurt?"

Young Master Liu raised his head while taking a breath, the hot feeling on his face was a reward from the hot little cutie to the hot dad.

"It's okay, it's better!"

Qi Yun hurriedly took out the handkerchief: "Husband, let go of your hands and see if you hurt your eyes!"

First Young Master Liu slowly let go of his palm, and a whip mark as long as his middle finger ran down his face like a knife scar.

Seeing this, Qi Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "It's all right, it's just that there is a red mark, I will apply it to you tomorrow and it will be fine!"

Qi Yun raised her wrist, calmed down, and a layer of cold air slowly came out of her body, Liu Yiyi and the three of them had a hearty fight and hurriedly retreated to the side.

At some point, Qi Yun slowly covered her husband's cheek with a thin layer of frost and began to rub it.

Young Master Liu groaned, the burning pain on his face disappeared a lot, only a slight numbness, very comfortable.

"Miss, please do me a favor!"

Qi Yun nodded slightly, and put down her palm: "Husband, it's all my fault. It's my concubine's whim to teach Yue'er and the others four self-defense methods."

"It's none of your business, don't blame yourself!"

"Liu Luoyue, little bastard, come here for me, are you going to murder your own father?"

The little cutie shrinks her neck, and looks at First Young Master Liu pitifully: "Daddy, Yue'er can go there, but daddy has to tell Yueer first, can daddy beat your daughter?"

"Of course it's fine, it's only natural for me to beat my child!"

"Does that mean that Yue'er will be beaten in the past?"

"What do you say?"

The little cutie wrinkled her nose, nodded reluctantly and walked towards First Young Master Liu, threw the whip aside and pouted her little butt obediently: "Beat me, let me beat you, anyway, Yue'er is not loved by grandma and uncle, Kill Yue'er!"

Young Master Liu looked at the cute little pout who was about to cry, and looked at Qi Yun who also had weird eyes with a tangled expression.

"Miss, why do you think it's Yue'er who has been wronged by the sky!"

Qi Yun glanced at the little cutie and shrugged at Young Master Liu: "Your husband, you can hit me if you can!"

"Hey, you are really reluctant to fight as a husband, I am today"

First Young Master Liu raised his palm, and hesitantly looked at the little cutie who stayed there obediently and motionless: "Yue'er, you should at least resist!"

The cutie shook her head stubbornly: "If you don't resist, admit it!"

"You deserve it. I owed you in my previous life, go play, go play, just pretend I'm blind and didn't see your whip."

"Daddy, why don't you hit him twice, otherwise Yue'er will feel very sorry."


Young Master Liu frowned, just about to raise his hand, but put it down helplessly, he really felt sorry for beating himself up.

Not far away, the three Liu Chengfeng brothers leaned on their hoes and looked at Young Master Liu earnestly: "Hit, my daughter is also my own, so why can't I hit him!"

"Beating us is like beating other people's children. Why is my little sister so reluctant to give up beating us? Are the three brothers not our own?"

"You are willing to hang us up and beat us with a whip, and we will be raised by stepmothers together!"

"Big Brother, Third Brother, I'm suddenly sad and want to drink. How about we drink some wine with Qiong Yulou, and get drunk to relieve all worries!"

"Big Brother, Second Brother, that's a brothel!"

"What's the matter with the brothel? It's also romantic to be a ghost under the peony flower. Xiaosan, it was a mistake for us to come to Yingzhou with the old man. It's better to stay in the capital with the grandfather and live a comfortable life."

"Is it really that fun?"

Liu Chengfeng and Liu Chengzhi looked at each other, exchanged eyes for a moment and smiled, then dropped the hoe in their hands and walked towards the front yard with Liu Chengqian's shoulders in their arms.

"Brother's third brother!"

"Second brother's good third brother!"

"Let's go, let's go, the three of us secretly go to see and see, as long as we don't tell, no one will know!"

"If you don't drink too much, you won't lose your temper, and you won't be able to spread the word!"

"Of course Dad won't know!"

"When the time comes, you will understand that women are much more interesting than the hoe you carry around all day!"

(End of this chapter)

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