Chapter 1188
After half a day, the bodies of the soldiers were buried, and Cheng Kai repeatedly instructed Jiang Lei to be careful about the deployment of the guns, and then ended his mission.

"Old Duke, we don't have much food and grass, and we leave all that can be left to you. It's just a little thought, old Duke, don't refuse!"

"The last general's mission has been completed, and it's time to go back and report back. I wish the old Duke a great victory in the Northern Expedition in advance!"

The three thousand cavalrymen behind Cheng Kai also looked at Wanbuhai and the Beizheng army behind him respectfully: "I wish the old Duke in advance, all my comrades, a great victory in the Beizheng!"

Wan Buhai nodded heavily: "The Northern Expedition is imminent, so I won't send you far!"

Cheng Kai clasped his hands together and said, "Take care, gentlemen, and leave!"

"Brothers, return to Yingzhou and return to your orders, drive!"

In the blink of an eye, three thousand cavalry rode away, leaving only a long line across the sky.

Wan Buhai withdrew his gaze and turned on his horse, holding up the saber in his hand: "Beat the drums and gather the generals!"

The sound of war drums resounded on the grassland again, and the 20 Northern Expeditionary Army looked at Wanbuhai riding slowly on horseback with admiration.

"Brothers, this is the Hetao Grassland. It is the heroic land where our ancestors shed blood and died for generations, and buried their bones in foreign lands."

"The land that countless martyrs fought desperately was forcibly plundered by the Turkic Hulu because I, Hanlang, was weak for a while!"

"The place where our ancestors lived, how can the barbarians be allowed to trust their horses here."

"Prancing horses and whipping to and fro over the bones of our ancestors!"

"I can't imitate the champion Hou Huo Qubing and drive the Hulu to the north of Yinshan Mountain for three thousand miles, but I can't just stand by and watch the Hulu act recklessly on our land, as if entering a land without people!"

"If you don't regain the lost land and expel the barbarians, what face will you have to meet our ancestors after a hundred years!"

Wan Buhai roared resolutely and strongly: "Recover our lands and mountains, expel the barbarians, and exalt the mighty power of China!"

Word of mouth spread, and in an instant, the 20 Northern Expeditionary Army roared and waved their weapons.

"Restore my rivers and mountains, show off my heavenly power!"

"Restore my rivers and mountains, show off my heavenly power!"

"Restore my rivers and mountains, show off my heavenly power!"

"Let's go!"

"The commander-in-chief has an order to attack the thieves!"

Amid the loud and majestic sound of horns, the 20 Northern Expeditionary Army headed directly towards the tribes of Jielisi and Ruermu.

They understood that as long as they took down the two biggest nails of the Shibisi Royal Court on the Hetao Grassland, most of the Hetao Grassland would be in the hands of Dalong.

Wan Buhai also planned to fight to the death, and even transferred two-thirds of the soldiers stationed in Heshuo, leaving only [-] soldiers and horses for Huyan Wangting to spread doubts.

Let them dare not easily set foot in the land of Heshuo.

Although Wan Buhai already knew that Huyan Royal Court, Jin Kingdom, and Dalong had signed a peace treaty for more than a year, Wan Buhai knew it well.

The so-called paperwork does not play much role at all.

Facing the Hetao Grassland with its vast territory and fertile pastures, it is impossible for Huyan Royal Court not to be indifferent.

The scheming of Huyan Wang Ting earlier almost made him lose his acquaintance, if it wasn't for Duke Jinguo who happened to bring a doctor with superb medical skills, just that trick made him mistakenly think that the East and West Wang Ting's strategy of joining forces would be enough for him to stay in bed Great.

Although the little girl Huyan Wangting is not very old, she is full of tricks and schemes to attack people's vital points.

You must never treat it with the eyes of ordinary people, you must guard against it!

It took half a day for the army to go north, and it was getting late.

The distance between the two tribes is less than [-] miles away from the uninterrupted investigation of dozens of scouts.

"Report, please report to the commander-in-chief, the situation in the Jielisi Department is not right!"

Wan Buhai tightened his whip and looked at the scout suspiciously: "What's going on, what's the difference?"

"Commander, the two armies are at war, and the Turkic tribes will send a large number of eagle archers to scout back and forth on the grassland every day."

"Now our army is less than [-] miles away from the Jielisi tribe. It is said that the eagle archers of the Jielisi tribe should have discovered our traces, but there is still no movement from the Jielisi tribe!"

"The lights are bright, but there are no traces of people. Could there be an ambush?"

"Order the three armies to stop advancing!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered that the three armies stop advancing!"

"Map, call all the generals to discuss!"


Wan Buhai picked up the map and looked at it for half a stick of incense, and all the generals rushed over on horseback.

"Marshal, what are you calling me to wait for?"

"It's getting late, do you want to stay here to recuperate?"

Wan Buhai signaled the generals to be silent, told the report of the scouts, and then held the map in front of the generals.

"Not long ago, we had a hand-to-hand battle with Jielisi and Ruermu. It is impossible for Jielisi to know that we may send troops northward at any time."

"But right now, there is no movement from the Jielisi Department, which is contrary to common sense, so there are two possibilities!"

"One is that the Jielisi Department set up a suspicious formation and set up an ambush waiting for us to attack the camp at night."

"Second, the Jielisi Department has already gone north to join forces with the Ruermu Department, which is about fifteen miles away. The scene in front of us is deliberately delaying our speed."

"The reason is nothing more than that he wants to borrow troops from Khan Spismourt of the Spies Royal Court, and then the three parties will encircle and kill us together."

"Either case is bad for us."

"The people in Jielisi's department are familiar with the terrain. We are alone and have no support."

"According to intelligence, the Jielisi Division can have about 9 soldiers, maybe even more, and most of them are cavalry. If they can't beat us, they can escape."

"But we can only pursue passively. Without backup, if we continue to go deep into the vast grassland alone and completely lose contact with the brothers in the grain and grass troops, we will easily encounter most of the Western Turkic troops outside the Hetao grassland!"

"The commander thought about it for a while. In order to avoid further losses, no matter what the plan of the Jielisi Department is, we must not be succeeded by them."

"The commander-in-chief intends to send a team of vanguard troops to attack Jielisi's department at night to investigate the truth. Which of you is willing to be the vanguard general?"

"This is a difficult and dangerous matter. I can give you time to think about it!"

"Don't think about it, the last general Wan Shoujiang is willing to serve as the vanguard general to attack the Jielisi Department at night!"

Rongweihou Cai Jun was taken aback and hurriedly shook his head: "No, you are."

Wan Buhai's expression darkened and he stared at Cai Jun: "Shut up!"

Cai Jun lowered his face helplessly and stayed aside silently.

Wan Buhai sighed and looked at Wan Shoujiang: "Shoujiang, I will give you [-] cavalry to attack the camp of Jielisi at night! Before you attack, the sword and shield soldiers will cover the artillery battalion, trebuchets and eight bull crossbows. Let’s sneak around, let’s do a long-range attack first!”

"As soon as the gunfire ends, you attack immediately!"

"The last general Wan Shoujiang has orders!"

Wan Buhai took out a command flag and handed it to Wan Shoujiang: "Let's order troops!"

"Farewell at the end!"

"The rest of the ministries, act according to the circumstances, divide the troops into three groups to encircle them, and pay attention to each sending 50 scouts to scout for about seven miles around the Jielisi's department."


"Everyone will obey!"

"The horses bound their feet, and the men took the crowns, and attacked the Jielisi tribe at night."


After the generals dispersed, Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun looked around with a complex expression and then looked at Wan Buhai.

"Marshal, let the last general go. Shoujiang is your youngest son. If something happens, how can you explain to the old sister-in-law!"

Wan Buhai glared at Cai Jun with a gloomy face, and waved his hand around while holding the rein.

"Shoujiang is my son, whose sons are these brothers?"

"Since you have chosen to fight on the battlefield, you must be aware of the shroud of horse leather!"

"Just because Shoujiang is my son, you can't charge forward!"

(End of this chapter)

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