My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1226 Try Another Person

Chapter 1226 Try Another Person

Liu Mingzhi turned the teacup in his hand calmly and looked slightly sideways at Liu Ying behind him.

"Auntie, I know you've already made plans, otherwise you wouldn't have come in person, but I still want to ask, are you and the old man sure you want to do this?"

"When you open a bow, there is no turning back!"

Liu Ying nodded without hesitation: "I'm sure, Xiao Mingming, the so-called order of parents and matchmaker's words may be okay in other wealthy families, but it doesn't work at all in our Liu family."

"Although Xiaoxi's surname is not Liu, she is a child of my sister, and she is of my sister's blood. She calls you cousin and your father uncle. She is half of the Liu family."

Liu Mingzhi retorted: "Why didn't there be any words from the matchmaker ordered by the parents? Yun'er and I are the words ordered by the matchmaker by the parents, aren't we doing well now?"

"Furthermore, you said that you and Yun'er were ordered by your parents and a matchmaker. If Yun'er is not a beautiful woman, but an ugly monster, are you sure you will agree to this marriage?"


Liu Mingzhi smiled awkwardly: "Well, I admit that at first I fell for Yun'er's beauty."

"and after?"

"Later we fell in love with each other, mandarin ducks and butterflies fly together."

"Sister, I think you are telling the truth, but what about Xiaoxi and the prince? If she and the prince are in love, not only will my aunt not interfere with this marriage, but she will also be happy to be prejudiced, happy, and happy." Cheerfully send Xiaoxi out of the pavilion."

"But you have also seen Xiaoxi's reaction. It is true that she is familiar with the prince, and it is true that she does not have a big bad feeling, but she cannot be a husband and wife."

"Xiaoxi is extremely reluctant to marry the prince as his concubine."

"Coupled with Xiaoxi's lively nature and eccentric temperament, in the harem full of intrigues and intrigues, sooner or later there will be no bones left for this kind of character to be eaten."

"My sister can't watch her go into the fire pit."

"Twisted melons are not sweet, my sister doesn't want to see her unhappy all her life."

"Your uncle and the old man in his family are stubborn, not as flexible as your father."

"My sister can only ask your father and Xiao Mingming for help in this matter."

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the teacup in his hand, and nodded with a complicated expression.

"My aunt has already said that, so I have nothing more to say. I have read the old man's letter, and then I will act according to plan."

"I won't doubt the old man's ability."

"Since he dared to write to me, it means that he is [-]% sure, at least [-]% sure. Now that it has reached this point, I will secretly assist you to help Xiaoxi get out of trouble."

But this [-]% difference may ruin the family.

Liu Mingzhi thought to himself, but didn't tell Liu Ying to listen.

Without your aunt who risked her life to save her, you, Liu Mingzhi, would not be where you are today.

Your aunt could die for you, and you can die for her too.

Liu Zhi'an's words echoed in his mind, still unable to be erased by Liu Dashao for a long time.

Liu Ying raised a coquettish smile on her lips, hugged First Young Master Liu tightly, moved to the side of her face and kissed her forcefully, and looked at Young Master Liu's embarrassed face with a smile.

"My sister knows that Xiao Mingming will not let her down."

Liu Mingzhi helplessly wiped the lip marks on his cheeks. After finishing his business, the pressure in his heart was gone, and Liu Ying became that female goblin who ate people but didn't spit out bones.

But this is still her own aunt, and Young Master Liu has no choice but to do nothing about it.

"Xiao Mingming, anyway, Xiaoxixi will not marry the prince as a concubine. I don't know what will happen in the future. The so-called closeness to the tower first gets the moon, and you bully if you want. My sister doesn't mind. They say that cousins ​​are born A pair, can you really bear the meat that is delivered to your mouth?"

"My sister doesn't mind if the fat and water don't flow into other people's fields. You have to work harder. If it really doesn't work, my sister really has to check it for you."

Liu Mingzhi listened to Liu Ying's teasing chatter behind him, but did not reply.

With a complex expression, he picked up the letter on the table and read it over and over again.

Li Zheng's body was already exhausted, and Liu Mingzhi couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart.

It has been seven years since the first meeting at Dangyang Academy in Xuande 26, and now in Rui'an.

In less than a few months, it will be ten years, and Li Zheng has also changed from the sun in the sky to the gloomy star he is today.

Liu Mingzhi tightly held the letter in his hand, closed his eyes and sighed faintly: "Ten years!"

The chattering Liu Ying was slightly startled when she heard Liu Mingzhi's sigh, leaned over and glanced at First Young Master Liu, seeing his extremely melancholy expression, she seemed to understand something.

"Xiao Mingming, there are some things that need to be looked at. Birth, old age, sickness and death are God's will, and no one can violate this kind of reincarnation."

"Your Majesty is, my sister is, and you will be too in the future. We will all have this day."

Liu Mingzhi slowly opened his eyes: "What is the specific state of Father's body, can we find out the news?"

Liu Ying lowered her head and pondered for a moment: "According to the news that the eyeliner in the palace occasionally heard from the private discussions of the eunuchs and maids is"


"What is it? Auntie, you said it!"

"I have already started to make a will, I don't know when I will be able to ascend to the imperial dragon!"

Ascension of Yulong was just a nice way of saying forced by Liu Ying. After death, funeral genius is the most accurate.

Liu Mingzhi silently put down the letter paper in his hand: "Is it already this bad? When I went to the north, my father still spoke in a manner full of anger."

"How did you get to this point in less than two years? Time is not forgiving."

"So Xiao Mingming, you have to look at it a little bit."

"Since His Majesty came to the throne, although he has been lazy occasionally, he has been diligent in government affairs most of the time. His Majesty is almost 50 years old, and he has reached the age of knowing the destiny."

"Among the previous emperors of our dynasty, this is already the longest-lived emperor."

"Compared to His Majesty's succession to the throne at the age of 13, His Highness the Crown Prince is already in his early 30s. To put it bluntly, if His Majesty is still in good health, where will the Crown Prince be?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly: "Auntie, I know what you want to say and what you mean."

"It's just that I can't help but feel a little emotional all the time. Father is still very good to me after all."

"Otherwise, how can I, a mere merchant's son, become one of the five Dukes of Dingguo in a short period of time."

"A lot of credit was given to me by my father, I understand this in my heart."

"Qin Xiaogong had a saying with Ming Chancellor Shang Yang back then, the public is like a pine and cypress, and I am like a green mountain. I will never lose each other."

"I only sighed that I met my father too late, and I also sighed that I met the prince too early."

Liu Ying sighed faintly, and raised her hand to gently stroke Young Master Liu's hair: "Xiao Mingming, my sister can understand your feelings, but I just want to tell you that there will never be a heart-to-heart relationship between a king and a minister."

"This has been the case throughout the ages, and this is a law that no one can change."

"The king is the king, and the minister is the minister."

"Don't think that you are the king's own person if you are favored, it's just a means for the king to consolidate the country and the country."

"Jiangshan Sheji, Li Min people, do you know why Jiangshan Sheji should be placed first?"

"That's because in the eyes of the king, the country and the country are always more important, and affection is worthless in their eyes."

"Does it rarely happen in our dynasty that the day and night are demoted? Let alone, in order to pave the way for the prince, you are the best example."

Liu Mingzhi took the bright wrist that Liu Ying put on his head, and walked towards the window sill.

"A letter to the nine heavens in the morning, and eight thousand in Chaoyang Road in the evening."

Liu Ying's eyes brightened: "Good sentence, what is the whole poem?"

"Forget it, it's just plagiarized poems from predecessors."

Liu Ying hugged Eldest Young Master Liu's arms on her plump chest and began to act coquettishly: "Sister doesn't believe me, Xiao Mingming, you are dishonest, so just listen to my sister!"

"Auntie, you don't need to deliberately divert my thoughts to comfort me. I'm fine, but I couldn't accept it for a while. I'm much better now."

"Well, as long as you know what my sister thinks."

"Auntie, it's getting late, go and see the creek, otherwise your return to Yunzhou will be delayed."

"Okay, you heartless, you want to drive my sister away, right?"

"I don't mean that. If my aunt doesn't want to leave, she can stay here at any time. My house has plenty of rooms. My aunt can stay as long as she wants."

With a smile on her face, Liu Ying leaned in front of First Young Master Liu and blew on the fragrance.

"Okay, my sister will live with you for a while as you said. My sister hasn't hugged you to sleep with you for a long time. I miss you a lot. Tonight I can finally get my wish."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Ying, who had charming eyes, with a disgusted look on his face: "Well, Auntie, you are here again, go and see Xiaoxi!"

"What my sister said is true. Although I can't do anything, at least it can feast your eyes. My sister doesn't mind."

"However, if you become a beast, my sister can't resist, so I have no choice but to obey you. After all, my sister is a delicate and weak woman! Hey, hey."

Young Master Liu pointed at the door with a crimson face and yelled at Liu Ying: "Liu Ying, can you go away, if you don't go out again, my young master will scold people!"

"whispering sound"

Liu Ying waved her hands casually, twisted her plump delicate body and walked towards the door.

"You little friend who doesn't know what to do, come over whenever you figure it out, my sister is waiting for you!"

After Liu Ying left, Young Master Liu beat and kicked the window sill frantically.

"Nobody bullies people like that, it's because my aunt dares to bully people so much, but you can try it with someone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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