Chapter 1235
Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and nodded hurriedly: "Of course I want to, I dream of becoming a natural master, but my mentor also knows the student's qualifications."

"It's not impossible to become an innate master, but I don't know that it will be the year of the monkey."

Wen Renzheng looked at Young Master Liu who looked a bit disappointed and shook his head slightly: "Your aptitude itself is not bad, and you have all kinds of adventures like Acacia Gu in your body to help you, it's just that you are too lazy and have no ability to practice. Put things on your body!"

"Otherwise, you would have surpassed the realm of the eighth rank. Maybe a few years ago, you should have broken through the ninth rank and become a master!"

"Poor and rich in martial arts, some people have no way to learn from teachers, and because they don't have all kinds of medicinal materials to polish their foundations, so they can't be high or low."

"And you feel your conscience and think about it, your Liu family lacks these, or does your family lack these?"

"There are a lot of resources and you don't know how to use them. You only want to become a natural master, but you don't know how to work hard to achieve talent."

"Everyone wants to become a congenital master, but in the end, only a few people achieve congenital and become a land god."

"Talent is one thing, but hard work cannot be ignored."

"The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold."

"The premise of getting is first of all to pay!"

Young Master Liu looked at Wen Renzheng in embarrassment, thinking that the old man in his family used thousand-year-old ginseng as a tonic for him, and now he eats the mild medicinal ginseng to please the queen.

Thousand-year-old snow lotus seeds are used to make tea, and my family really does not lack these.

Now there are two ginseng plants in the warehouse, which were sent by the empress to nourish her body.

What Wen Renzheng said was true, he was really too muddy to support the wall.

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head silently: "Teacher, the student knows his mistake, and he must practice harder in the future!"

"I'll ask you again, are you willing to hit you?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded heavily: "Students are willing!"

"Why do you want to become an innate master?"

"Students study yin and yang more smoothly in order to comprehend the essence of martial arts. In order to eliminate the strong and help the weak, and save the weak!"

Wen Renzheng nodded with satisfaction, took out a book from his arms and threw it to First Young Master Liu: "Read the contents of this book by heart!"

"Don't memorize it by rote, it depends on the experience, not the content!"

"Students obey!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the book on the ground and sat down cross-legged. There was no written word on the book.

Although Liu Mingzhi didn't know what this book was, he calmed down and flipped through it silently.

Wen Renzheng sat on the chair and said quietly: "The Lingtai is clear and bright, there is no self and nothing."

The crackling sound of burning firewood and the smell of tea linger in the gazebo, which is refreshing.

Liu Mingzhi silently flipped through the frivolous books in his hand, without being affected at all.

Wen Renzheng gently sniffed the fragrance of tea in the gazebo, looked at Liu Mingzhi who had nothing but himself and finally nodded in satisfaction.

The teacup was passed to Wen Renzheng silently. It turned out that Wenren Yunshu had already boiled the tea.

Wen Renzheng moved gently, took the teacup without making any abnormal noise and slowly sipped the tea, while Wenren Yunshu refilled his grandfather's cup silently like a little maid.

After an unknown amount of time, First Young Master Liu stretched his waist and put down the book in his hand with a soft moan.

"Teacher, the students have already read it by heart!"

Wen Renzheng opened his narrowed eyes suddenly, put down the teacup in his hand and stood up quietly.

"Boy! I told you a few years ago that the Nine Styles of Sword Song is based on killing and defending on offense!"

"As long as you concentrate on practicing, it will be a matter of time before you reach the innate realm."

"Heavenly Sword and Nine Styles of Sword Song have been born side by side. All the successors of Heavenly Sword in the past are innate masters, coercing one side, but in your generation, you have produced such a useless thing!"

"Students know their mistakes, please forgive me!"

Wen Renzheng looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was seriously admitting his mistake, suddenly pinched his right hand into a sword finger and waved lightly, Young Master Liu, who was sitting cross-legged, was directly swept out of the pavilion by the sword energy.

After that, Wen Renzheng walked out of the gazebo without seeing any movement at all, looking at Young Master Liu who was about to land in the air, Wen Renzheng's hands became swords, and he changed the illusory and blurred moves.

The sword energy shot towards Young Master Liu's big acupoints one after another.


First Young Master Liu, who was flying in the air with a puzzled expression, suddenly let out a cry of pain!
Young Master Liu, who entered his body with sword energy one after another, felt heart-wrenching pain, and every acupuncture point seemed to be eaten by densely packed ants.

The itching was unbearable, mixed with pain as if the tendons were being torn.

Wen Ren Yun Shu looked at his sweetheart whose face was distorted in pain, and anxiously looked at Wen Ren Zheng.

"Grandpa, are you sure he'll be fine like this?"

Wen Renzheng waved his sword fingers with a serious face, and the sword energy accurately hit Young Master Liu's acupoints.

"Girl, boy Liu is only at the eighth stage. His tendons have not yet been completely expanded by internal force. Unlike you, the foundation of his tendons has already been tempered and stabilized. Grandpa must personally help him expand his tendons!"

"Otherwise, Grandpa's internal force will enter his body, and his tendons will not be able to bear it, but the blood vessels supported by Grandpa's internal force will burst and die!"

"External force enters the body to forcibly expand the tendons, and the heart-piercing pain is indispensable."

"This is impossible!"

"There is no shortcut in martial arts. If you want to stand out, you must endure the pain that ordinary people can't bear!"

When Wen Renzheng said this, the moves in his hands did not stop at all.

In Wenren Yunshu's astonished eyes, Wen Renzheng's figure flickered, and only afterimages around Young Master Liu could be seen flickering.

On the other hand, Young Master Liu's screams of pain were even stronger.

"Old man, you want to beat me. You want me. Life is better than death. You killed me. It's too uncomfortable."

"Where is the kid, don't you want to become a natural master? If you don't endure inhuman torture, how can you be reborn and rejuvenated?"

Wen Renzheng's words came from all directions, and the flowers and plants in the courtyard have been blown to this side by the strong wind generated by the sword energy.

Young Master Liu's cry of pain has become hoarse.

After half an hour, Young Master Liu groaned in pain and rolled to the ground, lying half dead on the stone slab.

The originally flexible eyes had already lost their color, like a patient who was on the verge of death with only one breath left.

If it weren't for the slightly heaving chest that was panting to show that Young Master Liu was still alive, Wenren Yun Shu definitely thought that Young Master Liu could no longer bear the pain and passed away.

Wen Renzheng's figure also gradually became clear, his face was a little abnormally red, his wrinkled forehead was covered with fine sweat, and Wen Renzheng was panting to support the court pillar beside him.

"If Shu'er is willing, why would Grandpa be so tired?"

"One rank is one heaven, and the eighth rank is an insurmountable moat compared to the ninth rank."

Wenren Yunshu took out a handkerchief and wiped Wenren's sweat, took a cup of tea and handed it over.

Looking at Young Master Liu who was lying like a corpse, Wenren Yun Shu had a clear look of worry on his brows: "Grandpa, is he alright?"

"It's okay, but today's suffering boy Liu didn't have so much suffering in his previous life."

"Forcibly expanding the tendons is like inserting a sharp long sword into the tendons. Only by experiencing this torture will you understand how painful it is."

Wenren Yunshu nodded reassuringly: "That's good, that's good. If I knew it was so uncomfortable, Shu'er would have accepted Grandpa's internal strength by herself. It's really good intentions to do bad things."

Wen Renzheng held a piece of rice paper in his hand and handed it to his granddaughter: "Go and call some of Liu Xiaozi's wives to come and let them prepare a pot of medicinal bath according to the medicinal materials on the prescription to soak Liu Xiaozi."

"When his tendons are nourished and shaped by the medicinal bath, grandpa can seal his inner strength into his eight extraordinary meridians!"

"As long as Liu Xiaozi makes good use of it, he can escape into the innate realm within two years!"

"Shu Er, here it is."

"Sister Shu'er, old man, our sisters are here!"

Wenren Yun Shu looked at Qi Yun and the girls who came hand in hand in surprise, and even Yun Qingshi, who was staying behind closed doors, stood aside with a worried face.

"Sister Yun, Sister Ya. Sister Lian'er, Yan'er, why are you here?"

The women looked at the half-dead husband lying on the stone slab worriedly: "The sound of the husband's pain is so loud, it's not strange that we are not deaf and can't hear it!"

Wen Renzheng let out a foul breath.

"Yun girl, you guys put Liu boy in the medicinal bath for an hour, so that he can rest at ease for a while."

"Yes, old man, the little girl and sister will leave first."

Qi Yun and the girls got together and carried First Young Master Liu towards the room. The third princess nodded slightly after receiving the prescription from Wenren Yunshu and hurriedly followed.

Wen Renzheng nodded in relief as he watched the disappearing figures of the girls.

"Fortunately, girls Yun and the others are reasonable people, otherwise, the old man would be so scolded that he couldn't hold his head up."

"Grandpa, Shu'er will help you to rest!"

As the sun set, the women took Young Master Liu out of the medicated bath, rinsed him with clean hot water, changed into clean obscene clothes, and carried the husband, who was unconscious or asleep, to the bed.

"Sister Yun, why did the old man beat up your husband like this?"

"That's right, although my husband is a little frivolous, he won't provoke the old man to be so furious!"

"Could it be because of sister Yun Shu?"

Qi Ya carefully arranged her husband's clothes, and shook her head slightly when she heard the women's resentful words.

"Sisters, stop thinking about it, the old man is not such a person, and sister Yun Shu is not such a person, there must be something deep in it!"

The third princess nodded slightly: "Yes, Sister Ya is right, you will know when your husband wakes up, don't guess now, to avoid misunderstandings!"

The girls looked at each other and nodded silently.

The third princess bent down to cover Young Master Liu with a silk quilt, looked at the soles of Young Young Master Liu's fat feet, and looked curiously at Qi Yun and the girls.

"Sister, sister, do you know how the scar on the sole of my husband's left foot came from? The entire sole of the foot is covered with scars. How could he suffer such a serious injury?"

"Ask my husband and he doesn't know what's going on!"

The girls looked at Qi Yun subconsciously. After all, Qi Yun was the first person to marry Young Master Liu, so she must know more about these things than herself and others.

Qi Yun shrugged helplessly: "I also asked my husband, and my husband said that when I was a child, I went fishing in the river and got stuck, and then I became like this."

"My husband can't tell me what's going on!"

"Just say that father-in-law and mother-in-law told him so."

"I really don't know what my husband was like when he was naughty when he was a child. The sole of his left foot has changed beyond recognition."

When they saw Qi Yun, they couldn't tell why, so the girls had to give up, since it wasn't an important matter anyway.

Qi Ya clapped her hands lightly: "Sisters, let's take turns taking care of my husband. I will be the first to take care of my husband. Go and rest first to refresh your spirits!"

"Yes, Sister Ya, thank you for your hard work!"

(End of this chapter)

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