Chapter 1249
Ryan October 22, seven years.

Liu Mingzhi and the other four auxiliary ministers finally agreed on a [-]-day suspension period for Li Zheng after endless verbal disputes.

It also means that on the last day of seven years in Rui'an, Li Zheng's body will be buried in the royal tomb of Li's clan.

Although there is no specific date for the emperor's death, it depends entirely on the situation.

However, twelve days is indeed a bit too short.

Now it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, Xia Gongming, Yunyang's intention is to stop the coffin for three months before formally entering the coffin and sealing the emperor's mausoleum.

Although Zaifu left and right didn't make it clear, it can be seen that they are relatively more supportive of Xia Gongming's intentions.

However, Liu Mingzhi knew in his heart that the peace date agreed with Jin Guo and Turkic will soon become nominal in the spring of next year, and Dalong must enter stability and come out of Li Zheng's demise as soon as possible.

Only when the crown prince Li Baiyu ascended the throne as the emperor can the court be stabilized and people's hearts stabilized.

Otherwise, if the dragons and dragons have no leader, they will be at a loss when dealing with the possible large-scale southward movement of the Turkic and Jin Kingdoms.

In the three-day verbal dispute, Liu Mingzhi argued hard, and finally even used Li Zheng's last edict as a bargaining chip to put pressure on Xia Gongming and the others.

The first emperor decreed before his grand visit that all funerals should be kept simple and state affairs should not be delayed.

If you insist on stopping the coffin for three months, the crown prince will not be able to enthroned as emperor, leading to the collapse of the state affairs, and the failure of government orders, it is rebellion and disobedience.

Afterwards, Liu Mingzhi explained the advantages and disadvantages, and finally persuaded the two old stubborns to agree to set the period of death for twelve days.

On the New Year's Day of the coming year, Prince Li Baiyu was officially enthroned as emperor, took charge of Dalong, and changed the year name.

These twelve days were national mourning. Although Liu Mingzhi was a foreign minister, compared to the other four auxiliary ministers, he was extremely busy these days.

Just after convincing the foreign ministers, the Li clan in the Clan Mansion disagreed again.

In desperation, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to accompany Li Baiyu and continue to lobby those old stubborn people of Li Zheng's generation.

Fortunately, hard work pays off, and those old fellows of the Li family are also kind, showing respect to Li Zheng, but state affairs are more important.

Liu Mingzhi said that a country cannot be without a king for a day, otherwise the country will not be a country, and the words hit the hearts of these old guys.

In the end, he could only agree to a [-]-day suspension.

The three princesses brought their son Liu Chengqian in hemp and filial piety to guard the spirit of Li Zheng. Liu Mingzhi and the prince and queen Nangong Meng confessed their crimes, and finally returned to their former home with their tired bodies.

It stands to reason that Liu Mingzhi, as a son-in-law, should have guarded Li Zheng's spirit. After all, the husband-in-law of the eldest princess and the second princess, and the two brothers-in-law of Young Master Liu, have been guarding the spirit for several days.

But Nangong Meng knew that Liu Mingzhi, the son-in-law, had been running around for several days because of his son and deceased husband, so he allowed Liu Mingzhi to go home and rest.

These days, Qi Yun, Qinglian and others also rushed back from Yingzhou.

When they heard the news about Li Zheng's trip, everyone's expressions were not very good.

After all, the emperor has the kindness to know and meet his husband, and his courtiers have always praised him for being a good minister.

What's more, Li Zheng is the father-in-law of the husband and the father-in-law of the sister Li Yan. With each other involved, the mood of the girls is inevitably a little sad.

"Master, you are back!"

Just as Liu Mingzhi entered the house, Liu Song's father, Liu Yuan, came out with a cigarette stick in his mouth and saluted respectfully.

"Uncle Liu, you haven't rested yet!"

"Yeah, I can't sleep when I'm old, so I'll keep the gate safe."

"The old man has guarded the door for the master for most of his life, and he is used to such days."

Looking at Liu Yuan's gray-haired appearance, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently in his heart.

They are all old. It turns out that in a trance, many people are old.

Wen Renzheng went the old way and didn't know what happened to his health.

Li Zheng, the youngest, went first.

Life, what a fucking fuck.

The more people you know, the more times you have to go through life and death. It's so difficult to be bearish.

Supporting his tired body, Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the tobacco stick in Liu Yuan's hand: "Uncle Liu, let me try how your tobacco stick tastes."

Liu Mingzhi was also a smoker in his previous life. He wanted to swear martial law several times, but he made the oath several times if he didn't quit.

I didn't think much about this kind of thing in my next life.

Now that he is physically and mentally exhausted, seeing the pipe in Liu Yuan's hand, he naturally wants to take a sip to see if he can relieve his stress like in his previous life.

Li Zheng's death brought pressure on me, only I know how heavy it is.

He knew Li Zheng, but he didn't know the prince well.

Whether the prince will indulge himself like Li Zheng after he ascends the throne is still ambiguous.

If Li Baiyu and Li Zheng have completely different personalities, sooner or later there will be a gap between the monarch and his ministers, and it will only grow wider.

Liu Yuan looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise: "Wait a minute, master!"

After Liu Yuan finished speaking, he walked towards the doorway on the side, and after a while, he took out a brand new cigarette rod and handed it to Young Master Liu: "Young master, you may find it offensive if you haven't smoked it before, try it, if it doesn't work, don't smoke it."

Liu Mingzhi took the tobacco rod, took out the shredded tobacco and stuffed it skillfully into the tobacco pot, and put it on Liu Yuan's tobacco pot to light the fire.

Liu Yuan stared at First Young Master Liu in a daze, he had never seen the young master smoking, how could he act like an old smoker skillfully?

First Young Master Liu took a deep breath from the cigarette holder, and Mu Ran coughed sullenly with his face turning blue.

The tobacco rod has nothing but a spicy throat.

There is absolutely no feeling of enjoying relaxation in the later generations, it is completely two things.

Liu Mingzhi knocked out shreds of tobacco on the pavilion pillar and returned the tobacco rod to Liu Yuan: "It's even worse, Uncle Liu, you should rest early, I'll go back first!"

Liu Yuan stared in astonishment at the young master who was walking towards the inner courtyard with a sullen expression, and looked down at the cigarette stick in his hand.

"Isn't it a disease to suck cigarettes in your stomach?"

After speaking, he took two puffs of dry cigarettes and exhaled the smoke directly, revealing that he is not a god but a god.

"Husband, you are back, how are you doing? Have you negotiated with the other four elders and the Li family members today?"

Qi Yun looked at the husband who walked in, took the cloak from Liu Mingzhi's hand and asked subconsciously.

She also knew that her husband had been so busy with Li Zheng's affairs these days that he couldn't sleep or eat.

If it's about Jianghu affairs, I can still use my sword to clean up a few enemies for my husband, but I can't intervene in matters above the court.

"It's settled, a big vat of saliva was wasted, and if the negotiation fails, the husband will die of anger."

"Calm down, the elders also want to express their respect for His Majesty, and they all have good intentions. There is no way to say who is right and who is wrong."

"Don't worry, what should I do? Father's departure seems to put all the burden on my husband. I feel that I am not as tired as I am today after being in the court for so many years."

"By the way, where is the old man and mother?"

"Mother is making clothes for Yunxin in the room. After all, she is her youngest granddaughter. I don't know what father is doing. I haven't seen him for two days."

"I heard my mother say it casually, it seems that my aunt asked my father to discuss some things, and I didn't ask too much."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a complex expression: "Forget it, it's not easy for us to ask about the elders' affairs. Did you explain the matter that my husband asked you to tell Yu Chengle, the governor of Yingzhou?"

"My concubine has told Mr. Yu exactly what you mean, husband."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and gently rubbed his forehead: "Yingzhou, what's wrong with Fuzhou!"

"During the national mourning period, the generals of the six guards were still on their way back after paying homage to their father. If the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin had any other thoughts at this time, it would be a disaster."

Qi Yun's pretty face tightened: "Husband, are you talking bluntly, and your junior brother may take advantage of Dalong's unstable court to take advantage of the opportunity to go south?"

"It's hard to say, I'm not a roundworm in their stomachs, how can I know what they are thinking."

"No best, just in case."

"Now that the Three Kingdoms are at the same level, war will happen sooner or later. This is why my husband hopes that the prince will ascend the throne as soon as possible."

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, and a dragon cannot be chaotic!"

"Otherwise all the years of hard work for my husband and father will be in vain."

"Husband, think about things in a better way. After you and Sister Yan'er came back, there was heavy snowfall in northern Xinjiang. I'm afraid it might not be a big deal to go south."

"I hope it's as you say."

"Master, I have something to report!"

Liu Song's voice came, and Young Master Liu's brows that had been relieved just now became tense again: "Come in!"


"Liu Song, what's wrong?"

"Young Master, King Qing, King Shu and their invitations!"

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback, and stared at the greeting card in Liu Song's hand in astonishment: "The greeting card from them? They should be guarding the spirit of the father at this time, how could they hand it over?"

Liu Mingzhi stopped while talking, Li Yunlong and the others must have left for a while with an excuse and came to his side.

"The young master came home as soon as his front feet came home. Their eyes are really bright enough."

"No, just say that the young master is exhausted physically and mentally, and has already fallen asleep!"

"Yes, the little one retreats first!"

"and many more!"


Liu Mingzhi began to ponder with a cloudy expression, and after a long time, Liu Mingzhi sighed: "Forget it, just follow what I just said!"

"Tell them that something is really going on, and I will pay a visit in person when the national funeral is over."


After Liu Song left, Qi Yun looked at her husband with some concern: "My husband, the King of Shu and the others are no longer ordinary princes, but vassal princes in charge of one side. Would it be bad for them to lose face by speaking so bluntly?"

"Yun'er, during the funeral of Emperor Father, they came to visit me instead of guarding the coffin in the palace. Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart."

"Not seeing is the best way!"

"It is the general trend for the crown prince to ascend the throne. It is not a good thing to have close relations with the princes of various places at the moment!"

"Yes, I understand!"

Dragon Ryan is at the end of seven years.

The death of Li Zheng, the emperor of Dalong, was over and he was buried in the imperial mausoleum as scheduled.

Li Zheng abolished the rule of burial of living people and replaced them with pottery figurines.

The burial artifacts in the imperial mausoleum are the fewest among the Dalong emperors of all dynasties.

Li Zheng was a frugal doctor during his lifetime, and he was also frugal after his death.

Li Zheng's meaning is very clear, everything should be kept simple, no extravagance and waste.

Save the treasury expenditure, make every effort to prepare for the great cause of going north, and unify the world.

After discussion by the clan's office of the Ministry of Rites, during Li Zheng's lifetime, he was wise and well-versed throughout his life, so the temple name should be Long Ruizong.

The era belonging to Li Zheng has finally come to a successful conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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