My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1255 Playing So Big

Chapter 1255 Playing So Big

After Young Master Liu returned home with the third princess on his back, he sent her back to his room and rushed towards the courtyard of Liu Zhi'an and his wife.

"Old man, what are you doing with the door closed in broad daylight? Did you secretly hide the beautiful little girl behind my mother's back? Let me tell you, I will take care of this matter for you."

Young Master Liu said teasing words in his mouth, telling Liu Zhi'an that he was here in a disguised form.

Without waiting for Liu Zhian's response, he pushed open the door of Liu Zhian's study.

Sure enough, although Liu Zhian was sitting on the chair, but from the way he panted slightly, it could be seen that Liu Zhian must have packed something hastily just now.

Looking at First Young Master Liu who pushed the door and walked in, Liu Zhian glared angrily: "Your father, I am not dead yet, what a mourning, I will be thirty soon, you, you, when will you be able to die?" Be really stable!"

"You can sit in the position of Ding Guogong like a bear, you are really blind!"

Young Master Liu didn't answer Liu Zhian's words, his eyes scanned the study room like a scanner.

"Old man, seeing you flustered like this, is it really unfortunate that my joke hit the spot, and there is really a cute little beauty hidden in the study?"

"You are really brave enough. Jinwu Zangjiao dared to hide in the house. Are you afraid that my mother will tear you alive if she finds out?"

"We are both men, of course I understand you. Seeing my mother getting older day by day, I can understand that I want to find a young and beautiful one!"

"But at least you have to be sneaky. It's really not good to be so blatant."

Liu Zhi'an shrank his neck and scanned the inside and outside of the study, glaring at First Young Master Liu fiercely: "Little bastard, don't set me up for this old man, when will this old man dislike your mother?"

"In the heart of this old man, your mother will always be the most beautiful woman. You think your mother's name, Jade Butterfly, is for nothing. Back then, your mother was also the most beautiful beauty in the East China Sea."

"It's no worse than your wives. This old man is not like you. He eats from the bowl and looks at the pot. The old man is loyal to your mother, and they are a couple for life."

"It's not like you little bastard. Even the big dragons can't play with you. You even went to wander abroad, making the old man's poor Luoyue little granddaughter unable to return home."

"The mules in our caravan are not as fancy as yours."

"The heavens really have no eyes. The old man is such a loyal and honest person, how could he give birth to such a playful thing like you?"

"When you were in the south of the Yangtze River, Ying'er had been your housekeeper for so long, and you didn't even touch a single finger. It would be better to call you a beast. I always feel a little bit of a beast."

"It's better now, it's better than a beast, be merciful everywhere."

"Be merciful, let's be merciful. A man with three wives and four concubines can say anything, but look for yourself, whoever you provoke and whoever you keep."

"Lily girl, Lian girl, one of the sword-wielding maidservants of the White Lotus Sect."

"Shan girl, Shan girl, the ninth elder of the White Lotus Sect, the orphan of General Jin Yi."

"Ya girl, the great elder of the White Lotus Sect."

"Wei'er's girl, Bai Lian, taught the old man to be reasonable. It doesn't count that Wei'er is the old man's fault."

"Qingshi girl, you know it yourself. Anyway, you have something to do with the white-headed king."

"These are not problems. Although they are more troublesome, in the eyes of the old man, they are not too much trouble. At best, they are just a little trouble."

"The only thing is that the empress of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Wanyan, said that you can't provoke a girl like Dalong, but you must provoke her."

"At this stage, even though the old man is not in the court, he still sees the same."

"Dalong, the Kingdom of Jin, and the Turks will fight sooner or later, and the biggest possibility is that the weather will warm up after the beginning of spring this year."

"After all, your father-in-law Li Zheng has just made a great fortune, and the court is temporarily unstable. Now is the best time for the two countries to go south."

"At that time, I will see what you do with your little bastard."

"Either you hit your wife, daughter, mother and daughter, or your wife beat you together with your daughter, mother and daughter."

"No matter who is hurt here, isn't it just cutting the old man's flesh?"

"Sin, you have caused more trouble in the past ten years than the old man in half his life."

"Fortunately, the old man was a little bit more aggressive and saved some money to protect himself."

"Otherwise, the grass on the old man's grave might be fucking higher than our courtyard wall."

"The old man also understands that in terms of filial piety, you have nothing to do with Dalong, and in terms of cheating, you are the first one who bears the brunt of Dalong."

"If I knew you were born, the old man sent you to the west 30 years in advance with a saffron flower."

"Sinister thing!"

First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhian's disgusted eyes who chattered towards him, and his face froze.

"Old man, let's talk about it, we don't bring personal attacks!"

"Besides, about Wanyan, I want to say that I was forced, do you believe it? Really, I was really forced, but I really have no way to retreat! That thing will end up in pieces if it takes a step back .”

"Ah fade."

"Fart, if you're not lustful, the Golden Queen can succeed. She directly threatened her with a sword against her little brother, and cut herself if she dared to force it. Do you think she can succeed? What will happen next?"

Young Master Liu's face darkened, and he paused when he wanted to serve tea: "Are you my real father? Can you say that?"

Liu Zhi'an picked up the tea and rolled his eyes at First Young Master Liu: "Ask your mother!"

"It's better not to ask, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand the excitement when you're too old."

"cough cough"

Liu Zhi'an wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth and looked around with a crimson face, obviously looking for the training stick.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Young Master Liu hurriedly sat upright to divert the old man's focus: "Old man, Your Majesty is talking about Xiaoxi today!"

Sure enough, Liu Zhian was startled, and slowly sat down on the chair, his face gradually became calm.

"It's finally here!"

"Old man, His Majesty is still a bit weaker in temperament than Father. I'm afraid he won't be able to control himself if he really walks this way."

Liu Zhi'an put down the handkerchief in his hand, and looked at First Young Master Liu in amazement: "What do you mean? You got stabbed right after you ascended the throne?"

"No, but Yan'er after the court is over today"

"It seems that your majesty has become a bit afraid of you, the patriarch of an incomparably rich country. I'm curious how you got along with the royal father in the first place."

"With a patriarch who is so rich that the country can be embarrassed and mutually beneficial, the father is called the hero of the world, and there is no one worthless under his reputation!"

Liu Zhi'an's face was a little melancholy: "The relationship between me and your father-in-law, Li Zheng, starts from the fact that I succeeded your grandfather as the head of the family after repeated attempts. At that time, he was still the crown prince, and Emperor Weihe was obsessed with the golden alchemy road. , the country’s prestige has been lost, and your father-in-law Li Zheng is bound to wash away. It’s okay not to mention what happened for more than 30 years.”

"It's just that girl Yan has suffered a lot. One is the dear brother and the other is the beloved husband. She is caught in the middle."

"She first said that her imperial brother called her to reward Cheng, and then vaguely mentioned the matter of the old man's family property, just to remind you."

"But on one side is the dearest brother, the emperor, and she can't speak too bluntly!"

"This girl is the one who most resembles your father-in-law Li Zheng. She knows how to balance, but she was born as a daughter."

"It's really embarrassing for her, after all, she is always the princess of Dalong."

"I know, so I didn't say anything."

"What do you think about this, old man?"

"Zhi'er, do you know how much money our Liu family has?"

Young Master Liu shook his head blankly: "I don't know, you live so hard, you don't know when you can pass on the family property, how would I know!"

"You motherfucker"

"Although our Liu family is a willow in the south of the Yangtze River, most of the old man's foundation is not in the south of the Yangtze River. People say that our Liu family can support half of Dalong's country."

"I tell you, this is not an exaggeration at all."

"One word from the old man, in the south of the Yellow River, tens of millions of people in the northwest of the Yangtze River can't even eat food!"

"Jiangnan Liu used money to establish his capital, this is the capital that I can bargain with your father-in-law Li Zheng!"

"In order to give you... money, the old man has killed too much."

"But people make money and birds die for food. The law of the jungle is the eternal truth in this world."

"It's been like this since time immemorial, hasn't it?"

"There is no unity in the world, and there must be no chaos in the rear. It is precisely because of this that Li Zheng dare not move the old man rashly, let alone Li Baiyu, who is a child."

"If Li Baiyu really would rather be broken than ruined, the old man will burn all the foundation of the Liu family with one word, and let me see how he will deal with the mess in the future!"

"I won't talk about these things, let's talk about Xiaoxi."

"Xiaoxi really doesn't want to be that so-called motherly queen. If so, this old man, as an uncle, can't see her being wronged unwillingly!"

"The old man and your aunt come here with your ears."

After a while, First Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an in surprise.

"Old man, are you playing so big?"

(End of this chapter)

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