My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1282 I have seen everything

Chapter 1282 I have seen everything

For more than ten years in his life, this is the first time that Young Master Liu has truly experienced the beautiful scenery of the Turkic grassland.

In the 27th year of Xuande, Liu Dashao was ordered to go to the Kingdom of Jin and the Turkic Grassland to discuss the matter of mutual trade at the border.Due to the rebellion of the kings of the Kingdom of Jin, the plan to send an envoy to Turks was shelved.

Although the border trade document was signed with Huyan Royal Court, which was gradually growing in strength, but this document was signed in the Kingdom of Jin.

Liu Mingzhi has never really set foot on the border of the grassland.

For more than ten years, Liu Mingzhi has been sent to the Kingdom of Jin and conquered the Western Regions, but he has never experienced what the Turkic Grassland looks like.

One person, one horse and one sword left the capital, stopped and stopped on the road, and walked around for nearly two months.

To this day, Young Master Liu went out of Yunzhou single-handedly to the southern grassland under the jurisdiction of Huyan Royal Court.

Looking at the lush green grassland, Young Master Liu couldn't help but feel refreshed.

The air, the environment, all these are charming scenery that will never be seen in later generations.

"The sky is blue, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep."

Young Master Liu stole a poem and began to recite it, gently stroking Fengxing's mane: "My good brother, this is the place where you gallop."

"The territory of the dragon is narrower after all."

"Perhaps only here can you run recklessly against the wind."

"The grassland is a gift from heaven to the Turks, and the horse is the darling of the grassland."

Feeling Fengxing's restless breathing, First Young Master Liu got off his horse and patted Fengxing's horse's back lightly.

"Brother, let's run like crazy!"

A good horse understands human nature, seems to understand the master's intentions, Fengxing neighs rhythmically, and Gao Yang gallops away with his hooves.

The horse's mane fluttered in the breeze on the grassland.

Young Master Liu took off the wine gourd from his waist and shook it a few times, with a look of regret on his brows.

"I would have known that this young master would have filled the wine shop in Yunzhou with wine."

There was no drop of wine left in the wine gourd, Young Master Liu looked around, the sparkling river dozens of steps away made Young Master Liu's eyes shine, and he rushed over with the wine gourd.

Between two months.

Dalong's Ding Guogong has long since disappeared, and there is an extra knight-errant in the world.

Eat wherever you go, sleep wherever you walk.

Many small-scale bandits in Dalong's territory were ruthless, but all the bandits who had killed passing merchants were hated by the local people, and the bandits who had been encircled and suppressed by the government soldiers several times but found nothing had their throats cut with a sharp sword.

Young Master Liu pressed the wine gourd into the water, filled it with clear river water, took a handful of river water with his hands, and drank it.

As for whether the river was polluted, Young Master Liu didn't need to worry at all.

The protection of the river water by the Turkic people is far more than that of the Dalong people. After all, they seldom dig wells, and their food, clothing, housing and transportation depend on God's will.

The importance of river water is no less important to the Turks than war horses.

"Ha good water!"

Young Master Liu looked around at the empty grassland, smiled, took off his clothes and jumped directly into the river which was not too shallow or too deep.

Going out is not like bathing in maid costumes like at home. If you don’t take a swim in such a clear river, you will feel sorry for the dust on your body.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of galloping horses startled Young Master Liu, and he hurriedly swam towards the river.

This is the territory of the Turkic people, and they cannot tolerate the slightest carelessness.

Young Master Liu had not yet swam to the river bank, dozens of horses stopped by the river, most of the horses were seventeen or eighteen years old, and the oldest was a Turkic woman who was no more than 25 years old, got off the horse with a water bag, and spoke Turkic boldly With a smile, he rushed towards the river.

It seems that the nearby tribes came to fetch water from the river.

First Young Master Liu hurriedly shrank into the river, neither coming out nor not coming out.

The river water is so clear that there is no place to hide at all.

Unsurprisingly, Young Master Liu was discovered. Dozens of Turkic women holding water bags looked at Young Master Liu with only one head on the river in surprise and caution.

He didn't show any shyness about Young Master Liu's naked appearance.

Dozens of pairs of eyes were fixed on Young Master Liu intently.

Young Master Liu looked at these Turkic women in embarrassment, and wanted to say hello but found that he could not speak Turkic at all.

After a while, dozens of Turkic women communicated in Turkic dialect, pointing at Young Master Liu.

"Looking at this man's attire, he should be a Dalong Han Chinese!"

"That's right, look at the clothes in the distance. It should be a knight-errant who roams the world with a big dragon. Why did he come to the area of ​​our Zhuoma tribe?"

"Sister Zhuomayi, what do you think we should do? This person is not a spy of Dalong, is he?"

Among the dozens of women, one was the oldest, with a prairie red face, and glared at the seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl beside her.

"Have you ever seen a few spies take a bath in the river naked without paying any attention to the news!"

"It's just that this person's identity must be a bit weird, but at least one can guess that this person is a bold person with high skills, otherwise how dare he leave the border alone and come to the territory of Huyan Royal Court to take a bath."

"Then what should we do? Should we send someone to report to Taichang Great Khan?"

"Wait, don't worry, see if you can figure out the identity of this person first!"

Young Master Liu stared blankly at a group of Turkic women who were chatting and chatting. What they said was completely in a state of confusion.

He wanted to put on the clothes, but dozens of women were staring at him, and he had no chance to put on the clothes because the clothes were by the river.

Although I was shameless, I really didn't have the courage to walk out of the river to get dressed in front of dozens of strange Turkic women.

Who knows if there are any strange rules in the Turkic Grassland, after seeing a man's body, he either asks the man to marry him or kills the man.

If there is such a strange rule, dozens of women will see him in front of him.

For me, wouldn't it make my already not strong body even worse!
"I'm in Xialiushu. I've met you sisters. I don't know if any of you understand Chinese?"

Hearing Young Master Liu's initiative to speak, dozens of women looked at each other, and the oldest Zhuomayi came out.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in the river belonging to our Zhuoma tribe?"

Young Master Liu looked at Zhuo Mayi in surprise, unexpectedly there was a woman who could speak Chinese.

"In Xialiushu, Dalong, a man from all over the world, came to the grassland to find an old friend from the past. Passing through the treasure land, he saw such a clean river, and came down to take a bath!"

"Don't worry, the river flows very fast, as long as you take water from the upper reaches, there will be no pollution at all!"

Zhuomayi stared at Young Master Liu for a while, then murmured Young Master Liu's name twice.

"Come out and put on your clothes first!"

"It's okay to wear clothes, girl, can you take your sisters to avoid it?"

Zhuomayi glanced at First Young Master Liu with a strange expression, and talked in Turkic to the sisters around her.

A moment later, dozens of women pointed at First Young Master Liu and sniggered.

Young Master Liu looked at Zhuomayi blankly: "My girl, what are they talking about? Why are you laughing?"

Zhuomayi patted her palms lightly with the whip, and pointed her mouth at the river.

"They say they've seen everything."

"I said that your capital is not bad, and I want to find you to be a man and give birth to a strong warrior!"

First Young Master Liu was startled, and subconsciously looked down at the river, Mu Ran curled up with a crimson face.

Nima, the water in this river is too clear!
(End of this chapter)

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