My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1284 Huyan Lotus Dew

Chapter 1284 Huyan Lotus Dew
After a while, Major Liu stuffed a roll of sheepskin map into his bosom, and sighed regretfully.

"It's more domineering than Shan'er, it's a pity that she has such a good figure!"

After scanning the longbows on the ground, Young Master Liu picked out a finely textured longbow and weighed it, and it should be Zhuomayi's longbow without accident.

After taking the quiver with more than a dozen arrows on the horse's back, Young Master Liu leaped and landed firmly on Fengxing's horse's back, turned the horse's head and carried the longbow on his body, and chased towards the northwest.

"Hurry up, brother, when the time comes, big brother will find you a beautiful filly and reward you well!"

Young Master Liu didn't know if Feng Xing really understood, he could clearly feel that Feng Xing's attacking speed became faster.

For a quarter of an hour or so, Young Master Liu saw a figure of a woman who was galloping to the northwest through the lens barrel of the binoculars.

Young Master Liu was overjoyed by the dress on the woman, this person was one of Zhuo Yima's group of women.

First Young Master Liu waved his whip lightly: "Good brother, hurry up!"

Turkic war horses are the best in terms of endurance and speed, but Young Master Liu's bloody BMW is even better.

The speed was gradually getting closer, Young Master Liu estimated the distance, took off the long bow on his back and began to bend the bow and set an arrow.

The woman seemed to have heard the sound of horseshoes behind her, and subconsciously looked back, just in time to see Young Master Liu bending his bow and aiming his arrow at her back.

The woman's pretty face changed in shock, and she quickly bent down and hung on the side of the horse. Just as the woman turned over and hung on the side of the horse's belly, an off-string arrow shot directly from the horse's back one foot high.

Young Master Liu shook his head regretfully, looking at Qianying hanging above the horse's belly, he secretly said a good trick.

But no matter how good your skills are, you will die today, Young Master Liu slightly turned his body sideways, bent his bow and set his arrows again and aimed at the horse's belly.

The arrow feather in his hand left the string and flew towards the woman's back.

The thing that surprised Young Master Liu happened again. The moment he released the arrow, the woman quickly turned on the horse's back, and the feather arrow skipped over the horse's mane and gradually lost its strength and landed on the grass.

Fucked again.

Young Master Liu frowned tightly. A Turkic woman's horsemanship is so powerful. It is no coincidence that Wu Guogong Wanbu Haibei confiscated and restored Hetao and Hetao.

The Turks' riding and shooting skills have to be admired.

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, and directly drew out three feathered arrows and put them on the bowstring.

Young Master Liu's pupils shrank before he opened his bow, he hurriedly bent over and turned sideways, two arrows shot past Young Young Master Liu the moment he bent over.

"Lianzhujian! It's amazing. Fortunately, my young master is not obsessed with sex. This is not a cute little beauty. This is obviously a group of tigress who kill people without blinking an eye!"

"What is this Zhuoyima's identity, and how can the girl beside her be so powerful!"

The more this is the case, the killing intent in Young Master Liu's heart becomes more and more obvious, the identities of these women must be unusual.

They knew the approximate location of Yun Xiaoxi, and in order to avoid accidents, this group of people had to cut grass and roots.

The bow and arrow in his hand was stretched for half a moon, and the bowstring was turned slightly, and the three feather arrows left the string.

Three feathered arrows from a bow shot forward in a triangular shape.

One pointed directly at the horse's back, and two flew towards the sides of the horse's belly.

The woman on the horseback also realized the unavoidable situation, and pulled the reins suddenly, the galloping horse neighed and raised its hooves, and the feathered arrow in the middle directly hit the horse's neck.

The war horse wailed, fell to the ground and wailed non-stop!

The woman on horseback was also thrown onto the grass, and rolled several times before stopping.

Young Master Liu reined in the horse slowly, circling around the woman's body,
The shadow of the camp could already be seen not far away, Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief.

I'm afraid that if it's a little later, the woman will rush back to the Zhuoma tribe's camp to report on her affairs.

Fearing that the Turkic eagle shooter with excellent eyesight or the patrolling scouts would find the trace, Young Master Liu leaned over and picked up the girl who was limp on the ground and galloped away.

Back at the place just now, Major General Liu, who had almost recovered, picked a war horse and threw it on the horse's back at will.

Seeing Zhuomayi's corpse, the girl's delicate face was obviously agitated, and she watched Young Master Liu grit her white teeth fiercely.

"Gounanren, you are indeed a spy of the Nanren. If you killed sister Zhuomayi, you will suffer retribution!"

Young Master Liu couldn't understand the girl's Turkic words, and looked at the girl who was staring at him fiercely indifferently. When the scabbard touched the girl's Tan Zhong acupoint, the girl couldn't move.

I can only roll my eyes, as if I want to eat myself!
First Young Master Liu looked around, got off his horse, drew out the Heavenly Sword from his waist and waved it.

The sword energy flew across, and pieces of grass were neatly turned upside down.

After half a day, under the terrified eyes of the girl, thirty haystacks that were slightly protruding, but not too unusual appeared in front of her eyes if she didn't observe carefully.

If you pass by, people who don't know what's below will just think it's a bunch of naturally raised grass.

Young Master Liu, who had destroyed the corpse and wiped away the traces, patted the dust on his hands, took out the wine gourd and washed his palms.

Putting away the Heavenly Sword, First Young Master Liu glanced at the thirty war horses not far away, and began to whip them one by one with the whip in his hand.

After a while, the war horses scattered and rushed away, Young Master Liu got on his horse and led the girl's rein and walked slowly towards the east.

The bonfire was burning, Young Master Liu chewed and ate the jerky slowly, and kept his eyes on the girl who looked at him resentfully.

"Can you understand Chinese?"

The girl looked at Young Master Liu unmoved, her pupils flickering slightly still did not escape First Young Master Liu's observation.

Liu Mingzhi smacked his lips playfully and drew out the Heavenly Sword, pointing his cold sword point directly at the girl's fair neck: "Forget it, since I don't understand Chinese, there is no need to keep you! This young master is very kind, and I will send you to you." Go with my little sister!"

The cold blade made the girl's delicate body tremble slightly, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

"But this young master doesn't like to kill people too happily, that's too boring."

"This young master likes to abuse people, first cut your exotic little face little by little, and it's best to take off all your clothes!"

"Didn't your sisters just say that they fell in love with this young master? This young master will give you a chance to get this young master's pure and clean body, and then I will kill you."

"Where should I start, young master?"

"Look at how tender your arms are. It seems that your status in the Zhuoma tribe is extraordinary. Otherwise, there are very few Turkic people with such well-maintained skin."

"Then cut off these arms first!"

The young girl's delicate body trembled suddenly, her arms hugged each other suddenly, looking at Young Master Liu's pretty eyes was more frightening than seeing a devil.

Young Master Liu flew forward and appeared directly in front of the girl. Before the girl had time to react, he grabbed the girl's ankles and gently lifted the corner of the obscene pants, revealing her fair calf.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what beautiful jade legs, I am really reluctant to cut off your slender jade legs, but who made this young master a pervert?"

"I will kill you after sleeping with you, this young master likes this feeling very much!"

The young girl's delicate body kept trembling, and she kept struggling backwards, but she couldn't break free from the ankles that Young Master Liu had imprisoned her.

The girl's demeanor shows that she really understands Chinese.

Young Master Liu smiled lightly and loosened the girl's fair ankle.

"Don't you understand me?"

"I'll give you one last chance to answer the question properly, and this young master may give you a way out!"

"Otherwise." Young Master Liu looked down at the Heavenly Sword in his hand and frowned at the girl.

"You know what happens!"

"What is your name?"

"Huhu. Huyan lotus dew!"

(End of this chapter)

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