My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1286 It's Useless to Call Uncle

Chapter 1286 It's Useless to Call Uncle (Monthly Ticket Plus Change)
Liu Mingzhi flicked his sword: "It's really a dead duck with a stubborn mouth. If this is the case, you can go on the road."

Liu Mingzhi's hand holding the Heavenly Sword trembled slightly, and looked at Huyan Lianlu, who was waiting to die with her white neck up, in astonishment: "What did you call me?"

Huyan Lianlu opened her pretty eyes slightly, and looked coldly at Young Master Liu's startled expression: "Liu Mingzhi!"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were a little flustered, he had wandered around the world for so long, and no one had ever recognized his identity, why did Huyan Lianlu in front of him know his name?
I have never seen Huyan Lianlu before, how did she know her identity?

Could it be that his whereabouts have been exposed?

"Impossible, I have never known my real name in the world, how do you know me?"

Huyan Lianlu's demeanor gradually became calm from the initial panic, quietly looking at the cold long sword in Young Master Liu's hand, and slowly stood up with her white neck facing the sharp sword Tip go.

"Kill this princess with full of doubts!"

"It's unfortunate that you are my princess. In order to prevent sister Zhuoyima from being leaked, you will kill me sooner or later!"

"This princess is a dead end on both sides, since this is the case, this princess has nothing to struggle for!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huyan Lianlu's neck that was leaning towards his sword tip, and subconsciously lowered the blade: "Do you think you can use this to threaten my young master?"

"As long as I kill you, no one will know the identity of this young master."

Huyan Lianlu sneered twice: "Aren't you unable to figure out why sister Zhuomayi wants to keep you?"

"Although I didn't tell her your identity, I told her that you are a figure with a very high status as a dragon!"

"Everyone with status on the grassland likes to raise a golden eagle. Don't you wonder where the golden eagle on my shoulder has gone?"

"There is a circle on the map you asked sister Zhuomayi for advice. I think there should be someone very important to you within the circle, right?"

"The Peruvian Ministry, which used to be deserted, is an easy place to find!"

Young Master Liu's heart was in a mess, he narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at Huyan Lianlu.

I didn't even observe carefully whether there was a golden eagle on this woman.

Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.

But Young Master Liu didn't have the confidence to gamble. The girl in front of her was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and her thoughtfulness was comparable to that of her junior brother Huyan Yunyao.

I really underestimated this woman.

How did she recognize her identity, and what is the purpose of coming to Zhuoma tribe as the eldest princess of Huyan Royal Court.

First Young Master Liu put down the Heavenly Sword, took out the map from Zhuomayi's arms, and slowly turned it over in the light of the fire.

However, Young Master Liu hadn't seen anything clearly, Huyan Lianlu rushed towards Young Master Liu, and it was too late for Young Master Liu to notice Huyan Lianlu's movement.

The map in his hand was directly thrown into the bonfire by Huyan Lianlu.

Huyan Lianlu's movements were so intense that one hand was pressed onto the burning firewood.

The stinging burning sensation did not make Huyan Lianlu react at all, and she looked at the sheepskin map with a burnt smell closely, showing a relaxed look.

With a crisp slap, Young Master Liu slapped Huyan Lianlu directly.

Looking at Huyan Lianlu and Liu Mingzhi, who was covering her cheek and laughing at herself, she was filled with regret.

I was too careless, I never thought that a little girl, Huyan Lianlu, would dare to snatch things from my hands.

Just now, he easily killed 30 people, making himself a little too conceited.

"Smelly girl, are you really not afraid that I will kill you with a sword?"

Huyan Lianlu slowly put down her palm, a bright red palm print reflecting the firelight was clear and dazzling on her face.

"I'm afraid, won't you kill me?"

"I'm here. In your hands, I have no hope of escaping at all. If you want to kill me, give me a good time."

If the majestic Great Dragon Dingguo didn't care about surrendering his status, he would have nothing to say to torture and kill this princess!

Young Master Liu really wanted to kill this ignorant little girl with a sword, but what if there was a golden eagle flying away from Huyan Menglu to send a message.

He just had to keep her alive, and if something happened to Yun Xiaoxi, she would be a bargaining chip.

Young Master Liu took out the wine gourd and poured it on the bonfire casually, threw Huyan Menglu directly on the horse's back, pulled the rein of the horse, got on the horse and rushed towards the east!

On Yun Xiaoxi's side, he had to speed up and rush back.

If it is really what Huyan Menglu said, it is really urgent!

What is the secret on the map? Huyan Lianlu's purpose is too late to get to the bottom of it. The most important purpose now is to ensure the safety of Yunxiaoxi.

Thinking that a person in his early thirties was actually teased by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, Young Master Liu felt uncomfortable.

I haven't tasted this kind of defeat for many years.

The two men, two horses, and two horses ate and slept all the way to the old part of Peru, which is about [-] miles away from the Zhuoma tribe.

It's just that one is voluntarily eating and sleeping in the open, and the other is forced to eat and sleep in the open.

Apart from the convenience along the way, Huyan Lianlu was under the surveillance of First Young Master Liu all the time.

Even when it was convenient, Young Master Liu would stay at a distance and use a rope to control Huyan Lianlu's movements. Without his mount, Young Master Liu was not worried that she would escape.

Naturally, it was impossible for Huyan Lianlu to accept her fate obediently, and Young Master Liu had discovered her several attempts to escape during the period.

If there are too many times, Huyan Lianlu will accept her fate.

Huyan Lianlu, the First Young Master Liu who used the lightness kung fu to hide and disappear, completely cut off the idea of ​​escaping.

This man was really terrifying, and his ability to appear and disappear was simply giving me a headache.

I have also heard that my second uncle learned martial arts from Dalong, but I have never seen my second uncle make a move.

I always thought that the so-called big dragon rivers and lakes were just exaggerations, how could someone in the world jump a few feet away.

Knowing that she met First Young Master Liu, Huyan Lianlu completely opened her eyes. It turns out that if she has never seen it, it does not mean that there is really no such mysterious thing as lightness kung fu.

Sunset and sunrise.

During Young Master Liu's several-day raid, he was less than five miles away from the area circled on the map.

Huyan Lianlu stared at First Young Master Liu's frowning brows: "Liu, your important old friend has been taken away by the people who came after this princess sent a message."

"No matter how fast a horse is, it can't be as fast as a golden eagle!"

First Young Master Liu scanned the surrounding environment and glared at Huyan Lianlu.

"Little girl, there is no convenient place for you here. If you don't want to do it in front of uncle, you'd better keep your mouth shut if uncle sees you naked!"

"You hum."

Huyan Menglu snorted and gritted her teeth, cursing the ancestors of Young Master Liu's family, but she didn't dare to let Young Master Liu hear it.


Young Master Liu rushed again, and it took about a stick of incense.

Young Master Liu looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

"It's really a place like a paradise, but Xiaoxi will pick a place."

Huyan Lianlu also looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her in amazement.

The red sunset like a fire is reflected by the river. Dozens of cattle and sheep are eating fat pastures by the river, and more than 20 strong horses are galloping on the grassland, but they will never leave a small folk courtyard in the middle. distance.

The appearance of a folk courtyard on the grassland is indeed a bit abrupt.

However, with the beautiful scenery between heaven and earth, not only will it not be abrupt, but it will be intoxicating like a paradise.

Huyan Menglu murmured softly: "How could there be such a fairyland-like place in the abandoned old part of Peru."

Young Master Liu looked at the curling smoke rising from the courtyard, and cast a cold glance at Huyan Lianlu.

"It looks like your death is coming soon!"

"But before you die, you can see such a scene, and you have the capital to brag when you arrive at the Palace of the King of Hell!"

Huyan Lianlu's pretty face turned pale: "You are my aunt's brother, and you are my uncle."

"Uncle, now I know I was wrong, okay?"

"Uncle? Calling uncle is useless!"

(End of this chapter)

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