Chapter 1292
Yun Xiaoxi shook his head without hesitation, apparently rejecting First Young Master Liu's proposal.

"Cousin, Xiaoxi won't leave here!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yun Xiaoxi's firm expression in puzzlement: "Why? Although it's only a day away from Jeju City, once the Turks attack, they want to use you as a bargaining chip to threaten me."

"At that time, not only will your fraudulent death be leaked out, but your cousin and uncle will also be constrained."

"It's too unsafe for you to stay here!"

"Cousin, mother wrote to say that although Li Baiyu covered up the truth of this incident on the surface in order to keep his prestige from being hit, secretly he has been letting Ouchi's spy agents investigate this matter."

"In the face of all-pervasive spies and spies, is there a safer place in the world than outside the customs?"

"If I go back, I will be free from the potential crisis of the Turkic people, but if spies find out, I will not be able to cover up my escape from divorce."

"At that time, you will also be implicated."

"Two evils are the lesser of two evils. It is safer for Xiaoxi to stay outside the customs."

"Besides, you also said that Huyan Lotus Dew is just the eldest princess of Huyan Royal Court. After all, it is Huyan Yunyao who is in charge of Huyan Royal Court."

"When I was in Dalong in the past, when Xiaoxi stayed at your house for a while, Xiaoxi and Huyan Yunyao were considered acquainted, and they had a little friendship."

"From Xiaoxi's perspective, Huyan Yunyao will never do anything to me."

"Even if I misread the wrong person and she captures her as a bargaining chip, I just need to tell her that if she really dares to capture me and threaten you, the first person who wants to keep the secret is the Dragon Emperor Li Baiyu."

"After all, even if he knew that I was still living a good life outside the customs, Li Baiyu would not publicize this matter, and would only send someone to remove me secretly."

"Otherwise, if the matter leaks out, Li Baiyu's claim to the public that he conspired with his grandfather to capture the thief will be revealed, and his face will be severely damaged!"

"The result of keeping the secret is to attack Huyan Royal Court with all our strength."

"Xiaoxi thinks, with the name of your junior who is naturally handsome and talented in the world, he won't be confused about priorities!"

"At that time, instead of Xiaoxi becoming her bargaining chip, it will become a sharp sword hanging over her head!"

"the most important!"

Yun Xiaoxi raised her fair neck and stroked the muddy courtyard wall gently: "This is the place where Xiaoxi and cousin's bridal chamber spends the wedding night, and it is the home of Xiaoxi and cousin."

"Xiaoxi doesn't want to leave home!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned deeply and looked at Yun Xiaoxi's pretty side face: "Xiaoxi, so I really got to know you today."

"Your perspective on things is absolutely no less than that of an important minister in the court!"

"Cousin, Xiaoxi was born in Jiangmen. Although he has not participated in the affairs of the court, but he has been with grandpa for 20 years, so he naturally understands what is the overall situation and what is the general trend!"

"Cousin, you are worried that Xiaoxi Xiaoxi will know, but leaving is really not the best way!"

"What's more, Xiaoxi doesn't want to leave!"

"Xiaoxi really hates living here!"

"The color of fireworks in the world is the most soothing to the hearts of ordinary people."

"Xiaoxi is a mortal woman, so she should yearn for fireworks in the world!"

Liu Mingzhi gently embraced Yun Xiaoxi's fragrant shoulders into his arms.

"It's all my cousin's fault, just get rid of the little girl Huyan Lianlu as soon as possible, otherwise don't worry about it!"

"It's all my cousin's fault for trying to figure out the purpose of her going to Zhuoma's department, and the things on that map. If she had been removed long ago, she wouldn't have been allowed to escape."

"By the way, I tapped his acupoints yesterday, and you also said that you were locked. How this girl escaped is really incomprehensible."

"Didn't you hear a little movement yesterday? You also have kung fu, so you shouldn't be able to find everything!"

Yun Xiaoxi's pretty face was a little bright red, and her brows trembled slightly: "Lei Lei is in a coma!"

Young Master Liu's mouth twitched, and he pinched Yun Xiaoxi's pink earlobe subconsciously: "You stinky girl still has the face to say, fortunately you only gave me half a cup, if it's a pot or a cup, the two of us Don't even think about living, and both of them will definitely die."

"Choosing any one of those medicines is enough to drive people crazy, but you put so many of them!"

Yun Xiaoxi stared blankly at First Young Master Liu: "Impossible, I also put it in the porridge, why are you fine?"

Liu Mingzhi's face darkened: "I didn't drink that porridge at all, I dumped it in the manger, how could something happen?"

Yun Xiaoxi's cherry lips came out in a circle: "No wonder the big guy chased Xiaobai all the time yesterday. I wondered how he could be in heat after spring has passed for so long. It turned out to be the reason!"

"You stinky girl, you don't understand anything, don't put that kind of thing indiscriminately in the future, it will really kill you!"

"No matter what, Huyan lotus dew is always a hidden danger. I will stay here with you these days!"

"It would be better if there is no accident, if something bad happens, we will transfer immediately!"

"Really? Does that mean you can cook your cousin every day?"

Young Master Liu's face froze, he shook his head helplessly and bent down to hug Yun Xiaoxi horizontally and walked towards the house.

"Stupid girl, you still dare to think wildly, take care of your wounds, and forget the lesson of last night so quickly? You should rest well these few days, and leave the matter of herding sheep and horses to me first!"

"Cousin also has a good experience of the pastoral life of men farming and women weaving."

Yun Xiaoxi tightly circled his cousin's cousin and lowered his eyes slightly.

"I didn't forget, but"

Xiaoxi is painful and happy!

"But what?"


Huyan Yunyao was still reclining on the chair like a king of the mountain, her slender legs were dangling with nowhere to rest as before.

Holding a precise map in his hand, he watched it, and from time to time stared at the sand table from the corner of his eye at Hu Yanyu, who was dazed.

"Second brother, it's been a month. It is said that Lianlu girl should have sent my order to the Zhuoma tribe long ago. Why hasn't she come back to report? Did something happen in the middle?"

Hu Yanyu came back to his senses, and inserted the bamboo pole in his hand into the sand table: "It's useless to be anxious, just wait a little longer, let out the surname of Lianlu on the grassland, no one dares to do anything to her yet!"

"Besides, she is surrounded by thirty eagle archers to protect her, so there won't be any major problems, maybe there is some special reason that delayed the trip."

Huyan Yunyao slowly put away the map and rolled it up: "I hope!"

Casually throwing the map aside, Huyan Junyao jumped down with bare lotus feet, and walked towards the sand table.

"How is it? What's your opinion on the future melee of the Three Kingdoms?"

Hu Yanyu frowned slightly, subconsciously touching her chin.

"The situation is still a little unclear, so it's not easy to jump to conclusions."

"Whether it's one against two, or whether the three parties fight separately, it depends on the day when the agreement ends."

"Although my Turks have unified and ended the days of tribal separatism, the great dragon, the dragon, has also recovered from his recuperation, and he is completely flying through the clouds!"

"It's hard to say in the future."

"Aside from other things, the 30 new cavalry of the Turkic cavalry is an unknown number. Their mounts are all excellent war horses captured from the Western Regions."

"Our adult war horses are almost exhausted. Although the foal is ready to go into battle, it is still slightly insufficient compared to the well-trained adult war horses."

"In a word, we must brace ourselves for the next national war."

"This battle is not only related to who can rule the world, but also involves the life and death of my Turks."

"It can be said that the winner is king and the loser is bandit, or it can be said that victory leads to survival, and defeat leads to death!"

Huyan Yunyao breathed out with deep eyes: "Yes, in a national war that concerns the life and death of the Three Kingdoms, only God knows who will win."

"Report to the Great Khan, Your Royal Highness, General Muli and the others are back!"

(End of this chapter)

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