Chapter 1299
Young Master Liu frowned slightly when he heard Liu Ying say good news and bad news.

After patting the folds of his clothes casually, First Young Master Liu walked towards the house.

Liu Ying took the gift box in Lingbi's hand, gave Lingbi a look, and Lingbi consciously fled towards the distance.

First Young Master Liu opened the chair for Liu Ying, and filled a cup of tea with the pot: "Auntie, let's talk about it after drinking a cup of tea!"

Liu Ying casually looked at the layout in the courtyard and smiled lightly: "It seems that you young couple are enjoying their lives!"

"Speaking of living here for so long, has Xiaoxixi cooked you?"

First Young Master Liu looked embarrassed, and rubbed his nose resentfully: "Auntie, let's get down to business first!"

"Since you have come from a long way, although it is not ruled out that you miss Xiaoxi, there must be something very important!"

"I have been away from the court for so long, did some power struggle happen to the other four auxiliary ministers above the court?"

Liu Ying picked up the tea and sipped it: "Are you going to hear the good news or the bad news first?"

Young Master Liu didn't hesitate: "Bad news, Zhi'er likes the feeling that all hardships are rewarding."

Liu Ying pondered for a moment, her phoenix eyes were a little complicated.

"A month ago, the Shadow Killer Guard captured a lot of guys who were sneaking around at my sister's house."

"My sister thinks you should be able to guess who it is?"

First Young Master Liu thought for a while, Yun Xiaoxi's words from a month ago recalled in his mind.

Cousin, although Li Baiyu concealed the incident about Xiaoxi on the surface with a tricky excuse, secretly he will definitely investigate the truth of this incident carefully.

After all, Xiaoxi's identity is extraordinary. Miss Yun's family is the future queen's identity. If this matter is not found out, Li Baiyu will not rest assured that there is a certain force threatening his throne.

So compared to the spies who are all-pervasive in Dalong, outside the pass is the safest place.

"The spy?"

Liu Ying smiled at the corner of her mouth, and clapped her hands lightly: "My sister knows that you can guess right right away! That's right, those guys from Spy Shadow."

"It seems that His Majesty is still brooding over the matter of Xiaoxi, and doesn't want this matter to pass away."

"There has never been a perfect case in the world. Nothing can stand the investigation. As long as you persevere in the investigation carefully, everything will come to light one day."

"Although Xiaoxi chose to live outside the customs for a long time, it doesn't mean that the truth about the bombing and fleeing marriage will not be revealed one day!"

Liu Mingzhi's face remained indifferent for a long time, he picked up the tea and drank it down in one gulp.

"I don't know how my aunt dealt with these spies?"

"That's the purpose of my sister's visit. My sister has been to your house once. Your father's opinion is up to you."

"These five spy spies who were captured by the Shadow Killer Guards are preparing for the Shadow Killer Guards to be secretly detained in a very secret place."

"Whether to dispose of it or find a way to let it go depends on what you mean?"

"If you let it go, you don't have to worry about the Shadow Killer being exposed, let alone worry that this matter will involve your sister."

"Although I don't know what agreement Your Majesty has reached with Eunuch, but my sister can be sure of one thing. For the time being, there will be no doubts about this matter between my sister and your Liu family."

"So, my sister wants to hear what you mean, what do you mean?"

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and rolled his eyes for a moment, the corners of his mouth slightly raised and he smiled lightly: "Auntie, in terms of emotion and reason, we are sorry for your majesty, if you say that if you use the spy shadow agent in your majesty's hand again Isn't it a little too unreasonable to kill them all?"

"Anyway, the present His Majesty still has the background of a Mingjun."

Liu Ying'e frowned slightly: "You mean to let go? But have you ever thought about it? Since Spy Shadow is wandering around Yun's house, and has even entered Yun's house, it means that the danger of this matter being exposed is a little bit more likely .”

First Young Master Liu raised his brows: "But aunt, have you ever thought about the danger of being exposed if the Spy is dead?"

"Although a person is dead, there can be no proof of death, but as long as the superiors of these five people are sure that these five people have disappeared from the world, they will definitely follow the line."

"The task scope of these five people will not be difficult to investigate at all."

"At that time, the dead will have more clues than the living."

"Since this is the case, we might as well divert the disaster to the east."

Liu Ying muttered for a moment and looked at First Young Master Liu with bright eyes: "Which feudal lord are you leading to?"

Young Master Liu smiled implicitly, took a little tea from his cup and wrote two words on the table.

Liu Ying swept lightly, and looked at First Young Master Liu playfully: "You really hold grudges enough, but it seems that it is not so easy to divert the trouble to the east!"

"It shouldn't be too difficult to inadvertently reveal one's identity by means of Shadow Killer, and cleverly make the five spies escape from prison!"

"Zhi'er thought, even Spy Shadow couldn't find out the existence of the Shadow Killer, it's so easy to handle this kind of thing!"

Liu Ying was silent for a moment: "Sister understands!"

First Young Master Liu stretched his waist: "The bad news can be regarded as turning the corner, so it's time for Auntie to tell you the good news!"

"Xiao Mingming, how long will the Three Kingdoms Covenant in Shanhaiguan expire?"

Young Master Liu muttered for a while and shook his head helplessly: "It has already existed in name only, Zhi'er can assure you that preparations have already begun between the Three Kingdoms!"

"Not to mention far away, my junior has already sent people to the Zhuoma tribe that is the closest to Jeju City!"

"As for the order, Zhi'er has no way of knowing for the time being!"

"Zhi'er from the Kingdom of Jin hasn't gone there yet, and I think he has already made a perfect plan with his mild-mannered temperament."

"Your Majesty, the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang and the 30 new cavalry are already gearing up."

"The war is about to break out, it's just that there is a lack of a trigger."

"That piece of paper is useless for a long time now, and the situation among the Three Kingdoms will change drastically within half a year!"

Liu Ying tapped the table lightly: "Based on your eyesight, where do you think the point of the explosion between the Three Kingdoms will be?"

Young Master Liu said without hesitation: "Shanhai Pass, the breaking point will be the mutual market among the three countries."

"It will evolve from a small friction to a war of the Three Kingdoms."

"Until the world is unified."

"The Kingdom of Jin and the Turks understand very well that the great dragons who have grown from a weak state to a behemoth will not give them any chance to continue to grow stronger."

"Even if they don't want to fight, they have to fight."

"The first emperor devoted his whole life to laying down the family property, just to see the world unified, and the great dragon stand in the east again, becoming the master of the world."

"Your Majesty is well aware of the late emperor's ambitions, so he naturally hopes to take advantage of the current opportunity to cut through the mess, rule the world, and achieve great things for the future."

"If God had given the first emperor another ten years, perhaps the Great War would have broken out long ago."

Liu Ying nodded silently: "Do you think you have the ability to pacify the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks?"

Liu Mingzhi was startled, as if he understood something, but he subconsciously asked Liu Ying!
"Is there any inevitable connection with good news about my aunt's problem?"

"Of course, you may be in command to set off."

(End of this chapter)

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