Chapter 135
In the Penglai Building by the Qinhuai River, in a boudoir, Su Weier was threading the handkerchief in her hand stitch by stitch.

The vivid and vivid pattern of mandarin ducks playing in the water jumps up, as if the real mandarin ducks are buckled upside down, and the embroidery is so natural that it is dazzling.

From time to time, Su Weier looked at the couples of mandarin ducks playing in the water outside the window, and then embroidered a few stitches, no wonder the skill was so behind, it turned out that there was a real reference.

When Su Weier lowered her head, a black figure stepped on the water, disturbing a few waves on the surface of the water. The figure was so spiritual that the black shadow leaped towards Su Weier's window without a sound, and was about to Su Weier, who was embroidered, was so frightened that she was out of her wits.

Su Weier subconsciously leaned back and looked at the man in black tremblingly: "Who are you? Why are you in my boudoir?"

The appearance of the man in black is unknown, but his voice is rich and weird, presumably he deliberately changed his voice to make it impossible to tell whether it was true or false: "It doesn't matter who I am, what is important is that I have something I want to give to Miss Ling." Look, I'm sure Miss Ling will be interested."

Su Weier's heart was full of huge waves, her eyes dodged and her words were vague and she didn't dare to look at the man in black: "What did you say that the little girl can't understand? Your Excellency, let's go quickly, it is inconvenient to keep guests in the women's boudoir."

The man in black sat on a chair beside him, and looked at the unstable Su Weier jokingly: "Su Weier, originally named Ling Weier, is the orphan of Ling Daoming, the former governor of Suzhou, and his brother Ling Yang lived in Xuande for 13 years. Ms. Ling, who was sent to the frontier and filled into the Jiaofang Division, no, I should call you Ms. Su now!"

Su Weier leaned on the chair weakly. It has been eight years. It has been eight years. Under the arrangement of uncle Song Yu and third uncle Liu Zhi'an, she thought that no one would know her identity. He came to the door and told his life experience.

Su Weier looked at the man in black with red eyes: "A gentleman will shut the door of the master's house for nothing. Since you know my life experience clearly, you must plan something when you come to meet me this time. You know that people don't know what to do." Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Hei Yi stood up and lingered outside the window: "Miss Su, don't be alarmed, I don't mean anything malicious here, I just want to give Miss Su something to watch." After speaking, he took out an invitation card from his sleeve and casually dropped it on the table.

Su Weier picked up the invitation in doubt and opened it, and the names of Liu Mingzhi and Qi Yun came into view directly.

A thunderbolt from the blue sky, although I have long given up hope that I can stay and fly with brother Zhi, but when this day really comes, I realize that I don't care but dare not care: "On the sixth day of June, three days?"

Putting down the invitation, Su Weier pretended to be innocent and looked at the man in black: "What do you mean, Your Excellency? Why did you tell the little girl about the joy of the eldest son of Liu Yuan's family? The little girl doesn't understand what you mean by sending the invitation to me?"

The man in black chuckled: "Miss Su, don't bear the pain in your heart. Cry if you want to. There's nothing shameful. You and Mr. Liu have been engaged in child marriage since childhood, and you have been in love since childhood. Now your husband You are about to marry another woman, do you really not have the slightest feeling of sadness?"

Su Weier looked at the man in black with a cold expression: "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, what else do you not know, these things have passed for so many years, Mr. Liu and I were just young and ignorant and ignorant, now we are growing up When I grow up, I realize how ridiculous my childhood feelings were, so when Mr. Liu gets married, he just goes to marry himself, so what does he have to do with the little girl?"

The man in black clapped his hands: "Okay, okay, what a loving little girl, I underestimated you. It's said that women are jealous, but I don't think so. Jealousy in women is also affectionate. The elder brother of the Liu family that you never forget in your heart is different. On the day of his big wedding with Miss Qi's family, he has a moment of love with another woman. He is so affectionate, but you are so affectionate, sad, sad, pity, pitiful."

"You don't want to pick the difference here. What does he and the other woman Wu Shan Yunyu have to do with me? You should tell the second lady of the Qi family instead of me."

"No, no, as the saying goes, love to the extreme is hate. You are more useful than Miss Qi. Think about your childish yellow mouth and childhood sweethearts when you were young, and look at today's one who is well-clothed and one who has been reduced to a brothel. Miss Su, a certain family If I can remove your status as a brothel, can you use it for me?"

"Oh? I didn't expect you to have such ability?" Su Weier didn't believe it. Song Yu and Liu Zhi'an's operation in the past few years could not make Jiaofang Secretary remove his roster. The man in black said Su Weier Of course I don't believe it.

"Hahaha, if you were in other places, you wouldn't dare to speak empty words, but in this area of ​​Jiangnan, a certain family still has some right to speak. If a certain family says it's okay, it's okay. It depends on whether Miss Su has intentions or not?"

"For your use? What does the little girl need to do?"

"A certain family needs money, and Miss Su needs to coordinate with it."

"Silver? Would you not hesitate to offend the official Jiaofang Secretary for money? Your Excellency must think highly of me, Su Weier."

"That's right, it's just for money, but you, Miss Su, are a character, so don't underestimate yourself too much."

Su Weier was stunned, and then a flash of light flashed in her eyes: "You are coveting the Liu family's property, and you want to rely on my relationship with Mr. Liu to mediate and achieve your ulterior purpose!"

"smart people!"

"Go away, put away your dirty thoughts, I don't welcome people with wolf ambitions like you here."

The man in black sighed and took out a piccolo and put it on the table: "A certain family is leaving. Miss Su will play the song "Jinling Moon" once she has figured it out, and someone will contact you!"


The man in black picked up the invitation card on the table and floated away, except for a few ripples on the river surface to prove that this person had really appeared.

Su Weier looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window and continued to embroider mandarin ducks. At some point, her pale fingers were covered with needles, and a pair of blood-stained mandarin ducks appeared spontaneously. It was so gorgeous and touching, but the woman didn't know it.

The blood stains the red Ropa, and the mandarin ducks are born in blood.

Boudoir embroidering and weaving girl, for whom is her love born?

Childish words by the lakeside of Suzhou, the shadow of a bamboo horse and green plum lake;
No one will meet the spring breeze for eight years, and the scenery is different every year.

"Young master, you are finally back, the master has been waiting for you for a long time."


"Ah? Yes!"

"Master, are you tired? Ying'er will beat your back for you."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the room of the red silk and red candles in Xipa, dazed, the red is festive, the red is dazzling, and the red is extremely ironic.

"Ying'er, step back first, the young master is tired!"

"Ying'er made the young master's bed."


After making the bed, Ying'er was about to undress the young master, but found that the jade pendant around the young master's waist was gone, and immediately became anxious: "Master, where is your jade pendant?"

"En? What jade pendant?"

"The jade pendant with your birth date is your token, young master, so don't lose it!"

"Maybe I forgot where it was, it's okay!"

"No, the jade pendant is your token, which represents the identity of the young master. With the token, you can collect 10 taels of silver in various banks of the Liu family. Don't be careless. I will report it to the master."

"No need, Yinger, you can step back first, and I will pass on to you if there is something to do."

Yinger pouted: "Oh, that Yinger will leave!"

thud thud
"Ying'er, didn't I tell you? Don't disturb me."

"Zhi'er, it's mother, Liu Song said you went back home, why don't you go see your parents, what are you doing silently in the room?"

"Mom? Come in."

Mrs. Liu couldn't hide her joy. Her son finally got married, and a wish was finally fulfilled, but Mrs. Liu was startled when she saw her son's pale face: "Zhi'er, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so abnormal?" , are you okay?"

Liu Mingzhi stood up and prepared to salute, but when he rolled his eyes, he passed out immediately.

"Zhi'er, don't scare mother, what's wrong with you? Come and call the doctor."

An old man with a goat beard put Liu Mingzhi's hand into the thin quilt: "Master Liu, Mrs. Liu, the eldest son is so anxious that he has become ill from depression."

Liu Zhian frowned: "Speak human!"

The doctor was taken aback.There was a black line on his forehead: "In other words, the eldest son has something on his mind."

{Say my book is not good, I can change it, follow everyone's opinions, is it too much to implicate my family? }
(End of this chapter)

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