Chapter 1401
Li Baiyu sat on the city wall without hiding his figure.

After Li Baiyu boosted his morale, the imperial guards on the city wall began to carry defensive materials to the city wall full of energy.

Bundles of feathered arrows were transported to the city wall and distributed to the archers' quiver.

The shells are also stuffed into the barrel one by one by trained and familiar soldiers, ready to be fired at any time.

Although faced with 40 enemy troops outside the city, the [-] imperial guards above the city wall did not show any signs of cowardice. They all treated the rebels outside the city as meritorious service.

The capital, which was originally low in morale, became a world of difference the moment Li Baiyu climbed the tower.

Li Baiyu's inspiring means can be seen in general.

Li Baiyu knew that climbing the city wall by himself could not only boost morale, but also play a role in supervising the battle.

As long as he is there, the soldiers of the three armies will fight the enemy bravely. Even if the morale of the soldiers of the three armies plummets due to unexpected events caused by the huge force of the rebels, it will be reversed in a short time if he is in charge.

Seeing the soldiers of the three armies preparing fortifications in an orderly manner, Li Baiyu's confidence gradually increased.

After being an emperor for a year, Li Baiyu also understood that sometimes relying on benevolence, righteousness and morality alone cannot be an emperor.

Both kindness and power must be applied.

"Your Majesty, we are back."

Li Baiyu nodded slightly as he looked at the chief executive Zeng Hai who suddenly climbed up the tower.

"How is it?"

Zeng Hai did not shy away from the Ouchi guards around him, and the Ouchi guards who could be brought by Li Baiyu's side were trustworthy and loyal people.

"The old ancestor has already left the tomb of the late emperor and went out of the city to lurk. As long as there is a chance, he will solve the trouble for His Majesty."

"However, according to the news that our ancestors secretly sent back to us, the vassal lords seem to have recruited many martial arts masters for their own use. In a short period of time, our ancestors could not find a chance to make a move. I hope His Majesty will not blame you."

"It's okay, I understand Lao Zhou's difficulties."

"Since they raised their troops to rebel, they must have made a perfect plan."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Suddenly, a steady sound of horns came from outside the tranquil capital, breaking the tranquility inside and outside the capital.

Zeng Hai was startled and hurriedly looked outside the city.

"Your Majesty, the rebels have begun to recruit troops."

"Little sister, why are you here?"

Liu Ying scanned the surroundings, then moved lightly with lotus steps and Shi Shiran sat down on the stone bench opposite Liu Zhi'an.

Liu Zhi'an and Liu Ying'e, who looked calm and calm, held a cup of tea and sipped slowly, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and there was a hint of doubt in her beautiful eyes.

Looking at the tea Liu Zhian handed to her, Liu Ying took it and tasted it, moistened her throat and put it aside.

"Brother, the rebel army outside the city is huge, and the specific situation of the battle cannot be determined without a war. You still have the heart to drink tea?"

Liu Zhi'an raised his brows while playing with the teacup, and looked at Liu Ying indifferently: "What should you do if you don't drink tea? Brother, I have no power to restrain a chicken, so I can't let my brother help His Majesty defend the city, right?"

Liu Ying shook her head slightly: "Brother, you know that's not what I meant."

"The grievances between Zhi'er and the King of Shu are well known in the city. If the city is unfortunately destroyed, with the King of Shu's vengeful nature, shouldn't you take your family out of the city to avoid the war at this time?"

"Have you ever thought about it? It's good for His Majesty to keep the capital. If the capital is captured by the rebels, Li Yunlong's resentment towards Zhi'er will definitely fill the Liu family to arrest you and threaten Zhi'er."

"Little sister heard that Zhi'er is also traveling thousands of miles to the capital to save King Qin."

"Once you fall into Li Yunlong's hands and become hostages, Zhi'er will be tied up."

"Before the war starts now, you should immediately take your sister-in-law, a few nieces and daughters-in-law and the children out of the capital to avoid the sharp edge."

"With Liu Ye's strength, it's not a problem to take you out of the city now. Once the war breaks out, the capital will be surrounded by rebels, and you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

Liu Zhi'an looked at the anxious Liu Ying with a pretty face and smiled slightly, and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

Then he unhurriedly lifted the pot and poured himself a cup of tea.


"Why run away?"

"It's just a fight between a few children, the old man won't run away in despair!"

Liu Ying looked puzzled at the presence of the old God Liu Zhian, at this moment she really couldn't figure out what Liu Zhian was thinking.

"Brother, this is not the time to be conceited."

"The capital city has always been the territory of the Li family. The hidden piles we buried in the capital city will be useless against the army outside the city."

"The Liu family has a large population, can you take care of it?"

"The grievance between Zhi'er and Li Yunlong is a direct grievance, so we must guard against it."

"Although my younger sister comes from the Liu family, she is now a member of the Yun family. The Yun family has never had any grievances with these anti-kings."

"No matter who they sit on the throne, they cannot do without the support of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang. They dare not touch my little sister, but that doesn't mean they won't touch you because of Zhier."

"At that time, even if the three princesses come forward, they will not be able to protect you."

"Go now, before it's too late."

"Don't do things you're not sure about."

Liu Zhian drank the tea in the cup again and stretched himself.

"Have you ever seen your eldest brother do things you're not sure about?"

Liu Ying was startled.

"Brother, you."

Liu Zhi'an stood up slowly, and gently raised his hand to pat Liu Ying's fragrant shoulder.

"Don't worry, this brat Li Yunlong doesn't dare touch this old man yet."

"Don't worry, Zhi'er is not at home, as long as I, Liu Zhi'an, are around the Liu family, the sky will not fall."

"As you said, if unfortunately the capital is captured, no matter who they are the emperor will not dare to touch this old man."

"Otherwise, they will see millions of people rise up in the half of the country south of the Yangtze River."

Liu Ying'e frowned, and looked at Liu Zhi'an in astonishment: "Brother, don't you?"

"You guessed right, now the Liu family and all the merchants attached to the Liu family have received a letter."

"With the order of the old man, all the grain south of the Yangtze River will be burned."

"Even if you hold a gold brick in your hand, you don't even think about buying a stone of grain."

"The common people have no food, so you don't understand what will happen."

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment and nodded silently.

"My little sister understands, my little sister will go back first."

"What's the hurry, your sister-in-law made some cakes by herself, try it before leaving."

"Well, I'm going to find my sister-in-law."


After Liu Ying left, Liu Zhi'an tasted the tea again, glanced at the courtyard of the Three Princesses from time to time, chuckled and shook his head.

I don't know when Liu Yuan quietly walked behind Liu Zhi'an and bowed.

"Master, in the house in the west of the city that you let this old slave buy, according to your instructions, a secret road for several miles has been dug to the mountain forest behind Miao's village outside the city!"

"If there is an accident, you can evacuate the capital at any time."


"As for money, you can do things that even gods can't even if you can't understand them. Liu Yuan, are you right?"

Liu Yuan was startled, bowed his head in thought for a moment and nodded.

"The old slave believes that money can pass through the gods."

Liu Zhian put down his teacup and walked slowly towards the inner courtyard with his hands behind his back.

"If you're psychic, you can be psychic. Anyway, I don't believe in anything else, and I only believe in one word in my life."


The sound of war drums was suddenly heard outside the city, Liu Zhi'an glanced lightly and sighed.

"Li Zheng, what a good son you taught!"

(End of this chapter)

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