Chapter 1532 One hundred two bets
Liu Mingzhi looked down at the empress who was muttering to herself, raised her hand and gave the empress a finger on the forehead.

"Master Ben almost forgot about this matter if you didn't mention it. Although Master Ben didn't resent you for what happened last time, he did annoy you, a ruthless bitch!"

The empress rubbed her forehead aggrievedly, her pitiful appearance was exactly the same as that of the little cutie.

The big eyes are full of pity, which makes people not angry at all.

"You don't hate me for such a big thing, what else can you be annoyed about?"

Young Master Liu glared at Empress Bala with a pitiful look: "You should never use your daughter as a bait to do this, and you shouldn't use him as a bargaining chip to drive a wedge between our monarch and his ministers. Are you worried about your daughter's safety?"

"I know you are very powerful, and you have every step counted to win, but the world is impermanent."

"Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. Have you never thought about what kind of danger Yue'er will encounter if one of the calculations goes wrong?"

"Fortunately, there is no danger this time. If Yue'er is really in danger."

"Hey! How do you let me face you, and how do you face me?"

"No matter how much you desire to dominate the world, you should never involve your daughter in it!"

"Have you ever thought about it, she is only ten years old this year, no matter how powerful or smart she is, it still can't change the fact that she is a child."

"If it's normal and she enters the capital alone, I can still worry about her safety in the capital."

"But this time, I'm thousands of miles away, and it's beyond my reach to save her. The capital is currently in rebellion. Aren't you afraid that Yue'er will make trouble in the chaotic capital?"

When talking about Li Baiyu's matter, Young Master Liu with a calm face spoke about his daughter's matter, his tone involuntarily became a little bit more serious, even with a hint of reprimand.

The queen felt the sharpness of Young Master Liu's words, and subconsciously shrank her neck.

From this we can see why after the cutie gets into trouble, she shrinks her neck subconsciously when she sees her father getting angry.

"Wanyan, since she dared to let her go, she must have made a perfect plan!"

"I don't want Yue'er to be alone in danger, but in the whole world, besides Yue'er, is there anyone else who can change your color."

"Then can you not be afraid in case?"

The empress pursed her lips sullenly: "With your father's Liu Ye watching, it's no wonder what happened. My mother's every move is occasionally under Liu Ye's surveillance, let alone Yue'er, the granddaughter!"

"Speaking of business, what are you mumbling about?"

"It's nothing, I know I'm wrong!"

"Are you speaking in an apologetic tone? You are the one at fault. If you don't know, you might think that this young master has done something outrageous!"

"Then what do you want to do? The six-foot body is here, so you can kill or cut it up."

"Even if you want to tarnish Wanyan, I will admit it. Once you enter the city, you can do whatever you want. That's fine!"

Young Master Liu looked at the Queen who looked like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, his face stiffened a few times, seeing the Queen's resignation, the corners of Young Young Master Liu's eyes twitched twice, and with a slight lift of his arm, he pointed the Queen towards her Throw away your mount.

The empress landed steadily on the horseback, looked at First Young Master Liu blankly, wondering why he threw herself back.

Young Master Liu clipped his horse's belly and sprinted away with a whip, leaving behind a string of words that made the Queen gnash her teeth.

"Defile you? It's a beautiful idea."

"You are willing, but this young master is not willing!"

The Empress looked at Young Master Liu's fleeing back, gritted her silver teeth lightly, her bright eyes were full of resentment, she clenched her fists tightly and waved at Young Master Liu's back.

"Let's talk about it when we arrive in the Kingdom of Jin. My mother will see how crazy you can be."

Seeing Young Master Liu disappearing at the corner of the official road alone, the Queen chased after her with a whip.

The sun slanted westward slightly, and the tall and majestic city walls of Daizhou in the Kingdom of Jin gradually appeared in front of the two of them.

At this time, Young Master Liu had completely entered the territory of the Kingdom of Jin.

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi gently tugged at the reins of the horse, and stopped at a position about twenty steps away from the city gate of Daizhou. Looking at the people of the Kingdom of Jin coming in and out of the city gate, Liu Mingzhi focused his gaze on the people on the city wall. On the guard.

With a wide glance, Liu Mingzhi knew that these guards were all soldiers who had participated in the last national war, and their aura could not be concealed.

Perhaps in the last national war, although Jin Guo lost a lot of soldiers, it didn't hurt Jin Guo.

Thinking about it, Dalong has been resting and recuperating for 20 years, and Jin Guo is also recuperating. With the empress, the master of ZTE who works hard to govern, Jin Guo is not as good as Dalong, and it will not be far behind.

"Shut up!"

The queen grabbed the reins of the horse, and slowly stopped beside First Young Master Liu, looking at Liu Mingzhi's indifferent expression as he stared at Daizhou City, and smiled faintly.

"Revisiting the old place, isn't it very emotional?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't hide his surprise, and nodded slightly: "It's been ten years. The last time I passed by Daizhou was in the 27th year of Xuande. This young master led the Dalong Mission to the Kingdom of Jin to discuss the mutual market at the border."

"Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, Daizhou seems to have changed a lot, but nothing has changed!"

"It's not that Daizhou has changed, it's that your state of mind has changed. You remember that you were a small member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the time, and now you have become an extremely talented minister and can be named a side-by-side king."

"The you at that time were completely different from the you now!"

"Go into the city!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, looking at the smiling empress with an indescribable expression on his face.

"My young master has entered the city, so he really can't go back?"

The queen nodded with a half-smile, and took out a big dragon's bank note from her cuff and waved it in front of Young Master Liu. It turned out to be a 100 tael bank note.

Under Young Master Liu's amazed gaze, the empress raised her hand and gently pulled out the phoenix hairpin from her hair, and with a little force, the sharp tip of the hairpin pierced through the hundred taels of silver note in her hand.

The queen glanced at the people of the Kingdom of Jin who were entering and leaving the city gate, and her gaze was fixed on the barrier of the city wall.

With a pinch of the phoenix hairpin with her jade finger and a light wave of her lotus root arm, the golden hairpin in her hand shot towards the city wall.

When there was a soft clang, Feng Yuchai waited for the bank note to be inserted accurately into the tiny gap on the city wall.

The queen withdrew her gaze, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a light smile as she stretched her sore waist after riding a horse.

"As far as you are concerned, a bet of 100 taels is a polite bet that you won't be able to leave!"

Liu Mingzhi clicked his tongue twice with a strange expression: "You can think clearly, this is not a trivial matter of one penny or two pennies, but a huge bet of 100 taels of silver."

"Are you sure you don't think twice?"

"Hehe. Jiangshan can give you all the words, not to mention a hundred taels of silver!"

"Well, that's true, of course, but you forgot that the premise of your abdication is that I help you rule the world!"

"By the way, I regret it now, is there still time if I don't want to go to the city?"

The empress glanced playfully at First Young Master Liu, clapped her palms lightly, and clapped three times. A large number of men in black poured out from around and surrounded the young lady Liu and the queen.

If you look carefully, there are dozens of people, and you can see that none of them are mediocre when you look at their high and raised temples.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu looked at the queen and smiled wryly.

"You set up a net before I entered the city, aren't you a little too impatient!"

"Maybe, but this treatment is only available to you. Doesn't this mean that you are too important?"

"It seems that these 100 two young masters can't afford to gamble!"


First Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, groped for a moment from his bosom, took out a hundred-liang silver note and held it in his hand, and glanced at the admiral's secret agents around him.

Young Master Liu smiled slightly when he saw the hairpin on the head of a female secret.

"Girl, how about borrowing a hairpin?"

The female spy took off the hairpin without hesitation and threw it to Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi exerted a little force, and lifted it casually, and the hairpin took the silver ticket and shot towards the city wall, and inserted it into the city wall with the empress's phoenix hairpin.

"To put it bluntly, let's wait and see who owns the 200 taels of silver notes!"

The queen smiled unsurely, and turned her cherry lips at the gate of the city.

"Shoulder to shoulder king, please!"

"Your Majesty, please!"

Young Master Liu rode his horse towards the city gate, and began to scan the surrounding environment with piercing eyes!

A map began to be intertwined in his mind, thinking about the retreat route.

Seeing Young Master Liu's actions, the Empress stared at every place Young Master Liu had seen with a half-smile.

When you come to my old lady's territory, let your lightness skills be peerless, and my old lady makes you unable to straighten your waist every day, do you still want to fly?

It's hard to seize the opportunity, but it's not so easy to escape from the old lady's palm!

(End of this chapter)

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