My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1545 1 Mu Potian

Chapter 1545

Liu Mingzhi listened to the four words that Monk Hui Pharaoh meant, and there was something unkind in his eyes.

Gently turning the teacup in his hand, the rich tea-scented Jinshan cloud also made Liu Mingzhi feel so dull at this moment.

Quietly looking at the old monk Huifa who was rubbing his rosary beads with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, Liu Mingzhi dared not look directly at Huifa's eyes that were as clear as a pool of clear water.

These eyes are obviously as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but they seem to be able to see through people.

Liu Mingzhi now has a mysterious feeling, as if the monk Hui Pharaoh has seen through his heart, he seems to be naked in front of the monk Hui Pharaoh, without the slightest secret at all.

Liu Mingzhi never felt this kind of feeling from Li Buyi, a mysterious old master.

Gently putting down the teacup, Liu Mingzhi stared at Monk Hui Pharaoh with a complicated expression.

"Old Zen Master, Liu admires you. You are a truly eminent monk. You have given Liu a new understanding of monks."

Master Hui Pharaoh shook his head silently, clasped his hands together while holding the rosary, and slightly closed his eyes.

"Amitabha, those who have attained the Tao are no longer eminent monks. Donor Liu is absurd."

Liu Mingzhi leaned over and took the rice paper that Huifa put on the table, held it in his hand, and stared at the word "Wei" quietly.

The vertical line in the middle of the word Wei is like a sharp sword across the rice paper, revealing a faint taste of killing.

Words come from the heart?

Could it be that I, Liu Mingzhi, have always been a bloodthirsty person?
Could it be that this old monk really saw himself clearly from just a single font?

In this way, there are no secrets in this world.

Involuntarily, Liu Mingzhi remembered that in the early years when he accompanied Wenren Yunshu back to Jiangnan to look for the old man Wenrenzheng, when he ran into Li Buyi, a great master in the Qinhuai River, he seemed to ask Li Buyi to help him calculate a word.

Liu Mingzhi clearly remembered that it was an entry.

Li Buyi's answer to the word test is clearly remembered.

Mysterious, so mysterious that I can't guess what it means at all.

The destiny cannot be violated.

What exactly is destiny?

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help clenching the hand holding the rice paper, and he didn't come back to himself until he heard the sound of the paper being torn.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the rice paper that had been pierced by his nails, he hesitated for a moment and put the rice paper back.

"Old Zen Master, Liu doesn't want to know the content of the word test, but Liu only wants to know the result of the word test?"

Old monk Hui Pharaoh opened his eyes slightly, looked at Liu Mingzhi with a complicated expression and shook his head slightly: "Not enough time?"


"Lack of an opportunity."

"What is this opportunity?"

Old monk Hui's slightly opened eyes were completely opened, and he looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly with meaningful color in his eyes: "What is the opportunity, benefactor Liu should be clearer than the old monk."

"Should benefactor Liu already has the answer in his heart, but benefactor Liu has always been hesitant. Whether it is right or wrong to do so, the reason is nothing more than public and private, isn't it?"

Liu Mingzhi's complicated eyes suddenly shrank, and he looked at Huifa's clear and bright eyes in surprise and uncertainty.

"Liu wants to hear the old Zen master's answer."

Master Hui Pharaoh smiled lightly and shook his head: "The Buddha said: Don't say it, don't say it!"

"But old Zen master, you said just now that monks don't tell lies. Although the old Zen master didn't say anything, it may not be a lie if you don't tell the truth. The old abbot has violated the precepts, especially in the monastery. The old Zen master is asking the Buddha The heart is not firm."

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful."

When Liu Mingzhi heard the eight words gently confided by Pharaoh Hui, he knew that he had made up his mind not to say the answer he wanted to know.

"My Buddha is merciful? What is a Buddha in the eyes of the old Zen master?"

"Buddha is Buddha, I am me."

If it was in the past, Liu Mingzhi would definitely think that what Monk Hui Pharaoh said was nonsense, but for some reason at this time, Liu Mingzhi rarely calmed down to think carefully about what Monk Hui Pharaoh said.

Buddha is Buddha, and I am me.

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and meditated. Seeing this, Master Hui Pharaoh put down the rosary in his hand, picked up the wooden fish beside him and tapped it lightly.

Liu Mingzhi listened to the sound of the wooden fish echoing in his ears and remained unmoved. He still closed his eyes and meditated without feeling disturbed at all, as if the clear sound of the wooden fish in his ears did not exist.

After a long time, the tea is cold.

As the breeze entered the room through the window, Liu Mingzhi slowly opened his eyes, and the sound of the old monk's wooden fish also stopped abruptly.

The entire meditation room was completely silent.

"Old Zen Master, what is the result before the opportunity arrives?"

Master Hui Pharaoh was silent for a while, put down the wooden fish in his hand, picked up the piece of rice paper that was pierced by Young Master Liu's nails, and put it on the table.

Under Liu Mingzhi's puzzled gaze, he lightly pressed the palm of his right hand on the hole in the rice paper, and Liu Mingzhi clearly felt the strong wind flowing above the old monk's palm.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi was even more confused, not knowing what the old monk meant.

After the cup of tea, Master Hui Pharaoh raised his hand to pick up the rice paper, and the rice paper with holes and wrinkles in between has recovered to its original state.

If you don't watch carefully, you can't see the traces of those loopholes at all.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huifa in confusion: "Old Zen Master, what does this mean?"

"Break first and then erect."

Liu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment, looking thoughtfully at the rice paper in the hands of the old monk Hui Pharaoh, and kept silently chanting the four words broken and then erected in his heart.

"What is the price?"

"It's God's will!"

"Is it impossible to say?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you old Zen master for explaining the characters!"

Pharaoh Hui's calm eyes suddenly froze, and he looked at Liu Mingzhi with some hesitation in astonishment.

"Benefactor Liu really wants to get to the bottom of it?"

"It's a pity that the word test failed."

Old monk Hui Pharaoh sighed, tremblingly put down the rice paper in his hand, and looked at Young Master Liu with complicated eyes.

"What does Benefactor Liu think of my Buddhism?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Monk Hui Pharaoh in puzzlement, thought for a moment and nodded slightly.


Master Hui Pharaoh exhaled lightly, and sat up cross-legged gently, holding the rosary in both hands together.

Liu Mingzhi stared at Master Hui Pharaoh in astonishment. At this moment, the benevolent and benevolent old monk had a sense of majesty, as if he was not a person, but a statue of Buddha.

"Amitabha, it's okay, it's okay!"

"Since Benefactor Liu doesn't ask for a deep understanding, this old man will show off."

Master Hui Pharaoh picked up the rice paper and quietly looked at the word Wei on it.

"Those who have not written, Tianmu also."

"The benefactor's Wei character is erected, like a sharp sword, hiding the aura of killing, presumably the benefactor's hands are stained with a lot of blood."

"Without the head of the word Wei, there is a vertical under the sky. If there is a vertical in the world, it is injustice. The Three Kingdoms fought again and again, with countless casualties, and the world is not peaceful. Just this one character is clear."

"Heaven is one, not yet, the benefactor just said that the future is predictable but not immeasurable. The unification of the world means the future is predictable but not immeasurable."

"If the end of the word Wei is removed, the world will be peaceful, but on the other hand, look at the upper side of the word Wei."

"It's like a sharp sword, even if its tail is removed, it's still a sharp edge."

"Therefore, although the world is peaceful."

"There is also a sharp blade hanging above the sky, the sky is not the sky, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Liu Mingzhi stared in astonishment at the monk Hui Pharaoh who had a strange expression on his face.

"Old Zen Master, are you alright?"

"Amitabha, it's okay, it's okay! It's okay!"

"It's okay!"

"But your face."


Master Hui Pharaoh picked up the rosary beads on the side and rubbed them together.

Willows are trees.

If not, the sky and wood are integrated.

Before the word comes out, this is a broken piece of wood.
Liu Mingzhi looked at the old monk Huifa who was spurting out a mouthful of blood, and hurried to help him: "Old Zen master, what's wrong with you?"

"Benefactor Liu, don't say anything, don't say anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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