Chapter 1556 I Win

The queen stared blankly at the note in her hand, her expression became a little uncertain.

Liu Mingzhi at the side could easily see that the Queen's arm holding the note trembled slightly.

It took a long time for the empress to come back to her senses, and she subconsciously glanced at Young Master Liu at the side.

Seeing the surprised reaction on Young Master Liu's face, he muttered in his heart. It seemed that he had no conscience and did not guess that there would be such a content on top of the information.

Obviously, this plan was not within Young Master Liu's plan.

For a moment, the queen couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of the information.

Involuntarily, the empress felt tight when she thought of the words she had ordered the civil and military ministers to deliver the food and grass as soon as possible before she retreated from the court.

Could it be that one of the twelve grain transportation officials was really bought by the spies under Young Master Liu with a lot of money?

Picking up the note and looking at it again, looking at the bright figure of 15 taels, the queen suddenly lost her mind.

Just ask the world, no matter good or bad, regardless of loyalty and traitor, how many people can resist the temptation of 15 taels of silver.Even though the queen is the king of a country, she has to admit that 15 taels of silver is not a small sum.

No matter who owns 15 taels, it is enough for three generations of ancestors to live a life of prosperity and wealth without worrying about food and clothing.

But what made the empress helpless was that 15 taels of silver was just an insignificant amount in the eyes of the Liu family, and the empress had no doubt that Liu Zhian would throw out 15 taels of silver to help herself without any distress The son of the king returned to the dragon.

After all, the Liu family's reputation as wealthy as an enemy country is not for nothing.

All the coincidences collided together, making the Queen's heart wobble.

It's not that she doesn't want to trust the ministers under her command, but that she can't afford to gamble, because once she loses the bet, the idea of ​​keeping Liu Mingzhi will be completely void.

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's weird expression, the empress stood up holding the note, and gave First Young Master Liu a hard look.

"If you have no conscience, you should give up your heart. My mother said, I will definitely win this bet, and I must win!"

"I won't give you any chance to leave the palace."

Young Master Liu shrugged helplessly, looking innocently at the Queen's 'stern' eyes, looking very sad.

"To put it bluntly, you have seen it, and I have seen it too. It is a rescue operation arranged by their own savior eagerly and without authorization. I don't even know what's going on inside."

"The ministers under your rule can be bought by them, it only shows that they can't treat money like dung, can you blame me for this?"

"I was discovered by you without even knowing the specific information. I'm even more uncomfortable."

The queen glared at Young Master Liu who was full of innocence, tore the note in her hand into pieces and threw it on Young Master Liu.

"Wash your clothes well, and if you dare to step away from the Shangshufang Palace, don't blame me for being rude to you, I can't get out of bed for three days."

Hearing the empress' extremely threatening words, First Young Master Liu shuddered involuntarily, feeling a faint pain in his back.

Nodding his head with a wry smile, Liu Mingzhi smirked at the surroundings: "I want to leave the scope of the Shang Study Room, but I'm afraid some people won't give this young master a chance."

"Also a half-step innate master, I don't have the confidence to be able to fight against twenty."

"It's good to understand, please treat me well for my old lady."

The empress waved her fist at First Young Master Liu threateningly, then turned and walked towards Shang's study.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the empress's hurried steps, and an unspeakable smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

There are relaxation, reluctance, and sadness. It is hard to believe that a person can show so many expressions at the same time.

Liu Mingzhi picked up a piece of clothing and continued to wash it. He was wandering around the door of the Minister's study with dark eyes. Based on what she knew about the empress, he knew that the empress would definitely go to investigate those grain transport officials.

Sure enough, within a cup of tea time, 12 people headed by the bearded man stepped out of the palace wall and scattered towards the city.

Now there are eight masters watching him in the huge Shangshufang palace, Liu Mingzhi was completely relieved.

If the eight people want to guard the entire Shangshufang palace, they must increase the distance, so that the distance to monitor themselves will be much longer, as long as they secretly tie the prepared fabrics in the pretend drying clothes by using the action of drying clothes. On the gliding wing of the clothes hanger, when they realized it, they could use the gliding wing to fly out of the queen's iron wall with the help of lightness kung fu.

Just now Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly there were dense footsteps around him, Liu Mingzhi was startled from the bottom of his heart, and subconsciously glanced around.

The archers of the Jinwu Guard who had stepped forward before rushed towards Shangshufang one after another, gradually forming a circle to surround Shangshufang's palace.

Looking at the Jin Wuwei who had bowed his bow and raised an arrow and stared at him in a half-moon shape, Young Master Liu's mouth trembled twice.

It seemed that I had underestimated the queen's caution.

Although the hang glider has already exceeded the range of the bow and arrow after flying by the wind, it will take time to fly to the sky.

Liu Mingzhi had no doubt that he would be taken as a living target by these thousands of archers when he just took off into the air.

I have internal strength to form a body-protecting qi, but the hang glider doesn't have it.

It is not too simple for an arrow to penetrate the cloth on the hang glider.

Glancing at the specifications of the hang glider randomly placed not far away, Young Master Liu calculated in his heart that his internal strength was simply not enough to protect the entire hang glider with internal force.

Thinking of the fate of the gliding wing disintegrating in the air, Young Master Liu shuddered, feeling shuddering and creepy.

If you're lucky, you can get a whole body, but if you're unlucky, it's basically a mess of mud.

For a moment, First Young Master Liu muttered.

Perhaps this time, he was really going to be defeated by the queen.

In order to escape safely in the arrow formation of thousands of people, Liu Mingzhi has seen Qi Ya have this ability besides the innate master.

But Qi Ya has practiced stepping on the wind and snow to the level of great success, and she is only at the level of half a bucket of water at best.

Young Master Liu really didn't have the courage to gamble with his life.

Unless these archers are restrained and dare not shoot arrows with all their strength, then there must be something to restrain their actions.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help thinking of the word hostage.

As soon as the idea came up, Young Master Liu threw it out of his mind. There were only two hostages in the entire palace, one the queen and one the cutie.

Young Master Liu was reluctant to take anyone as a hostage, and besides, it was still a matter of two opinions on who became who's hostage on the side of the empress.

Liu Mingzhi sighed, his mind turned rapidly and began to think.

After a while, Young Master Liu's eyes lit up, he thought about it, and walked towards the hang glider with a wooden basin filled with clothes.

Seeing that no one came forward, Liu Mingzhi took out a piece of thick and wide cloth from the bottom of the basin as usual and draped it on the hang glider. on the wings, and then hang the clothes to dry on them.

After all, silk is slippery, and it is easy to damage the clothes if you are not careful. It is understandable for Young Master Liu to do so, and no one has any doubts.

From the window in Shang's study, Hui'er closely watched every move of First Young Master Liu drying his clothes, and looked back at the same bright-eyed queen who shook her head slightly.

"Just like before, he honestly hangs his clothes after washing. He doesn't have any intention of escaping. His location is the farthest from the imperial garden. If he wants to use lightness kung fu to leap over the palace wall, Feifeng can stop him in an instant. .”

"Having said that, why do I have a faint feeling in my heart!"

"Your Majesty is worried that Mr. Liu has other alternatives other than these two ways to leave the Kingdom of Jin?"

The queen shook her head slightly, her bright eyes narrowed slightly.

Looking at Young Master Liu who was drying the clothes, he pondered for a moment and suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"No, thinking about it carefully, I always feel that whether it's the letter paper or the man in black pretending to be the admiral's secret agent, it's a bit too coincidental. It seems to be deliberately diverting our attention."

"It's not good. Tiaohu Lishan, the root cause of leaving must be unconscionable self. Order Feifeng and the others to quickly surround the unconscionable group."


After the last rope was tied, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and clapped his hands, waved away the wet clothes on top and glanced in the direction of Shang's study.

"To put it bluntly, I won this bet after all."

The queen who had just leaped out of the window of Shang's study suddenly changed her face in surprise when she heard Young Master Liu's joyful words, and stared blankly at Young Master Liu raising what she always thought was a clothes hanger in her hand.

Although the empress didn't know what it was, her intuition told her that it was the utensil that young master Liu used to leave the Kingdom of Jin.

"Quick, stop him"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the eight figures in eight directions and quickly smiled at the eight afterimages surrounded by him. He waved his fingers into claws, and the Heavenly Sword placed on the stone table in the gazebo let out a shocking sword chant and rushed towards Young Master Liu. shoot away.

Liu Mingzhi held the skeleton of the hang glider in one hand, and held the Heavenly Sword in front of his chest in the other. He glanced contemptuously at the eight figures who were quickly encircling him.

"You eight go up together, Liu Mingzhi has nothing to fear."

The faces of the eight people changed in shock, with the shame of being underestimated on their faces, and their speed became faster, and the weapons in their hands were unsheathed and held in their hands.

"Take this young master's move and the ninth sword song is astonishing."

The loose robe on Young Master Liu's body was windless, and the sword energy gathered around him, and the Heavenly Sword trembled even more in Young Master Liu's hand.

Before the Heavenly Sword in Liu Mingzhi's hand was out of its sheath, he slapped the eight people horizontally.

The eight people hurriedly gathered their internal strength and swung the Heavenly Sword in First Young Master Liu's hand.

However, something unexpected happened to the nine of them. The aggressive Young Master Liu suddenly swung the Heavenly Sword across his chest.

Eight weapons of different shapes struck Young Master Liu's scabbard in an instant, and Young Master Liu, who had been fighting against all sides just now, was shocked by the combined force of eight people like a kite with a broken string. flew out.

The speed surpassed everyone's reaction, and flew out of the height of the Shangshufang hall in the blink of an eye, almost beyond the limit of the bow and arrow range.

Liu Mingzhi, who was flying horizontally in mid-air, turned over as a kite, holding the skeleton of the hang glider in both hands, looked back, glanced at everyone standing stunned on the ground, and waved.

By the time the archer reacted and wanted to release the arrow, it was too late, and he could only watch Young Master Liu's figure gradually soaring high with a stiff face.

Nine half-step geniuses fought in an instant, like lightning and flint, how could these Jin Wuwei, who only know rough fists and kicks, be able to deal with it.

"Thank you all for helping me, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. When I come to Dalong, I will invite you to drink. Uh-huh"

With a muffled snort, Young Master Liu blushed, and forcibly shouted out the last sentence.

"drink wine!"

"To put it bluntly, I won this bet, poof. I won."

"But I... am not happy at all, but I... have to go back... I have a reason why I can't... say it."

The queen flew under the gazebo, watching the hang glider gradually shrinking like a goshawk, she was so dazed that she couldn't regain her senses for a long time.

As her face became hot, the queen subconsciously raised her hand to wipe it. Looking at the red blood on her palm, the queen's expression suddenly became worried and sad.

"Would you rather be shocked by internal force to the point of self-harm than stay?"

"Your Majesty, the minister is incompetent!"

Everyone around Shang's study hurriedly knelt on the ground on one knee, looking at the empress with shame on their faces.

Hui'er looked worriedly at the empress' distraught look: "Your Majesty, are you all right? No one would have thought that a few sticks and a roll of cloth could make something soaring into the sky."

The queen shook her head silently, and walked towards Shang's study.

"You can never keep someone who is determined to leave."

"That's it, that's it!"

"Mother, Daddy left you a letter."

The queen stared blankly at the cutie: "Do you know that your father is leaving today?"

The little cutie held her mouth shut, lowered her head tearfully, not daring to look into the empress' eyes.

"Yue'er. Yue'er saw uncle flying in the air with this kind of thing at Dalong's house in Dalong."

"Why didn't you come early?"

"What about the letter?"


The queen tremblingly took the letter from the cutie's hand and flipped through it. After about a cup of tea, the queen put away the letter in her hand with an inexplicable expression, and walked towards the Shang's study.

"Your Majesty, you."

"I'm hungry, you ask the dining room to prepare some fried fish nuggets."

(End of this chapter)

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