Chapter 163 Autumn Four

As the night passed, some students were lighting up the lamp to write, some were falling asleep soundly, and everyone was working hard to change their destiny.

The sun was rising, and the Gongyuan was still quiet. Although Young Master Liu didn't hear the crowing of the rooster, he still opened his eyes early because of the biological clock.

There are no supplies for you to wash carefully in the Gongyuan. A wooden bucket half filled with water and a dark porcelain bowl are placed aside. Young Master Liu rinsed his mouth casually and spit into the spittoon. Exercise your body a little during the exam room.

"Oh, that's all for one day. You can't go crazy if you pass the exam for nine days and nine nights." That's right, Qiu Wei of the Dalong Dynasty has to pass the exam for nine days and nine nights. Although the time for candidates has become extremely sufficient, but Stuck in such a small room for nine days and nine nights in a row, if the quality of the heart is slightly poor, I am afraid that I will be forced to have a nervous breakdown.

Fortunately, these candidates are all focused on the test papers and have no time to take into account environmental issues.

After hastily wiping his face, Liu Mingzhi refocused on the test paper. There are still ten questions left to be solved. Don't be careless. He represents the hope of the whole village.

Picking up the pen to write again, Liu Mingzhi, who was going smoothly before, finally started to slow down in the last five questions, probably because he encountered the so-called finale question.

For the first time, Young Master Liu picked up the manuscript paper on the side and began to think about the questions on the test paper. After he had a little thought, he wrote it down. Finally, when the sun was rising, he completed all one hundred questions. The three-day test questions only cost It took about a day to get it done, I have to say that Young Master Liu is a bit fast.

Young Master Liu didn't bother to think about whether it's better for a man to be faster or slower, so he picked up all the answers and began to compare them one by one.

With a slap, the paperweight was directly pressed on the test paper. My ability is limited to this, and the result depends on God's will.

Liu Mingzhi casually ate some snacks, turned over and lay down on the simple bed and fell into a deep sleep. The so-called stealing half a day's leisure is just like taking a vacation.

Unknowingly, Liu Mingzhi felt continuous coughing and opened his sleepy eyes. It was the black-faced examiner from yesterday again. Why did this guy come again? He almost broke the young master yesterday, and he came again today. What do you want? This is it.

Pulling his ears, Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhao Fengshou suspiciously, and wanted to ask him if there was anything wrong, but he was afraid of breaking the rules, so he could only stare at Zhao Fengshou blankly.

Zhao Fengshou hummed again, raised his finger and pointed to the sky, indicating to Young Master Liu that it was getting late, and it was not appropriate to go to sleep at this time, it was time to get up and do the questions.

kindness?What do you mean, is there someone above him?Young Master Liu poked his head and looked up, only the endless blue sky and white clouds, nothing else.

Seeing Young Master Liu's appearance, Zhao Fengshou frowned and leaned over and said softly: "It's time to do the question."

Young Master Liu muttered like a thief, "The students are done."

Ok?Zhao Fengshou picked up the test paper under the paperweight with a puzzled expression and looked through it twice. He was stunned when he saw the whole sheet of answers without missing any questions, and he was really finished.

Zhao Fengshou looked back at Liu Mingzhi who was lying down again and clicked twice: "Wizard."

First Young Master Liu, who was a little drowsy after lying down again, was awakened by a light cough again. He had bed sickness, and the damn thing is endless, right? He just saw Qi Run, who was standing outside the examination room in a crimson official robe, immediately bowed his head and became Looked like a good baby.

Taking a stern look at First Young Master Liu who nodded and lowered his eyebrows, Qi Run frowned and left.

Liu Mingzhi held his chin in a daze, and didn't dare to sleep anymore. Qi Run would go back for a while, and he would definitely get angry when he saw that he fell asleep. If he told Qi Yun, he would probably be taken care of again. a meal.

But it's not an option to stay like this all the time. Young Master Liu thought of one thing, whether it is possible to hand in the papers in advance. It seems that there is no rule in the imperial examination that is not allowed to hand in the papers in advance.

Qi Yun didn't say it, his father-in-law didn't say it, and Wen Renshan didn't say it either. Indeed, there was really no such thing as whether the Longchao scientific examination could be submitted in advance. Ordinary scholars usually feel that there is not enough time. Handing in papers is something that has rarely happened in the imperial examinations.

Do you want to ask that black-faced examiner?Not being allowed to leave the Gongyuan does not mean that you can't chat with others in the Gongyuan. If you don't talk to others for nine days and nine nights, you might really go crazy!

Just thinking about this matter, Zhao Fengshou had been patrolling for a week and came back, just passing by Liu Mingzhi's examination room.


"En?" Zhao Fengshou stopped and looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously, wondering what he wanted to do?
"My lord, the students have to hand in their papers."

"What. Now. Are you going to... hand in the test paper?" Zhao Fengshou's words became incoherent. This is really unprecedented. There have always been cases of candidates handing in test papers in advance, but most of them are ordered by the yamen servants to serve as scholars. The executioner snatched the test paper.

Most of the scholars begged for a little more time, and wanted to write a few more splendid articles in order to win a good ranking. Isn't it just to become famous in one fell swoop after ten years of hard work?

"My lord, is there a rule that candidates are not allowed to submit test papers in advance?" Liu Mingzhi was a little uneasy. Could it be that the imperial examination is the same as the college entrance examination, that candidates are not allowed to submit test papers in advance.

"That's not true, but are you sure you want to hand in the papers? You know that once you've been named, you won't be able to regret it. It's better to re-examine it a few times. You know that the imperial examination is related to your life's destiny. Don't be careless. Be conceited." Zhao Fengshou began to remonstrate Liu Mingzhi softly and earnestly, he knew that Liu Mingzhi had finished the test questions, but time did not allow him to stay in one test room for a long time to take a closer look, so he could only take a rough look, so he I don't know the accuracy of Young Master Liu's answer.

Ever since seeing this candidate answer all the first [-] questions correctly yesterday, Zhao Fengshou has cherished his talents, so he pays close attention to this candidate. Naturally, he doesn't want him to hand in the paper so early. Less than half of the time has passed. If the student is careless and fails the exam, the ten-year window will be wasted.

Liu Mingzhi subconsciously glanced at the answer to the test paper, then gritted his teeth and nodded: "Reply to my lord, the student has thought it over clearly, and now I have to hand in the test paper."

Seeing that Liu Mingzhi had made up his mind to hand in the paper, Zhao Fengshou sighed and shook his head, and summoned the guards not far away.

The yamen servant came over and whispered, "My lord?"

Zhao Fengshou pointed to Young Master Liu's test paper: "Make a name for this candidate."

The yamen servant was a little hesitant, and also a little surprised. Although he was just a yamen servant, he also knew that the first session of Qiu Wei Jingyi took three days, and now it took only one and a half days to confuse an examinee's test paper. Name, isn't this trying to cut off people's backs?
"My lord, this."

"This big brother, it is the younger brother who voluntarily handed in the paper in advance, so I have to thank you."

After hearing Liu Mingzhi's words, the yamen servant couldn't say anything, so he took out a seal and paste and picked up Young Master Liu's test paper to paste his name.

"My lord, this candidate has not signed."

The yamen servant said softly that cold sweat broke out on Liu Mingzhi's frightened forehead, and he even forgot to write his name. What a secret, after checking the answers so many times, he only forgot his name.

Glancing at the yamen servant gratefully, Young Master Liu picked up a pen and wrote down his name on the test paper.

The yamen servant sealed up Liu Mingzhi's test paper, then put it on the table and stepped aside.

"Don't make any noise, just follow me out quietly."

"Yes." Regardless of the food box, Liu Mingzhi lifted his clothes and hurriedly walked behind Zhao Fengshou with his head bowed.

(End of this chapter)

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