Chapter 1721
Liu Mingzhi took the trouble to tell again about Ren Wenyue and He Zhang's embezzlement and repair of the imperial tomb's bank.

As for those little shrimps who are attached to them, Liu Mingzhi is not in a hurry, as long as the main culprit is dealt with, and they catch a bunch of them later, there will always be a day when Chao Gang will be wiped out.

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's words, Li Ye tightly grasped the faucet on the dragon chair with his palms, his joints were already a little white, and his eyes were filled with suppressed anger.

However, Liu Mingzhi not only saw the anger in Li Ye's eyes, but also saw the helplessness and fear mixed in the anger, and sighed silently.

Although I don't know what kind of torture the Gu worms in Li Ye's body have brought to Li Ye, but Li Ye's reaction is enough to show that Li Ye has been tortured to a certain extent by the Gu worms.

Li Ye glanced at the empress Ren Qingrui who was standing under the dragon platform, writhing her slender fingers, and looked around at the civil and military officials in the hall.

"Shoulder to shoulder king, is there some misunderstanding in this?"

"Ren Aiqing has dealt with a lot of troubles for me since she entered the court. Half of the ministers in the court are full of appreciation for Ren Aiqing."

"He has never slackened in the things I entrusted to him. Although what he has completed cannot be said to be perfect, it is enough to make me very happy."

"After the completion of the imperial mausoleum, I went to see it once, and there was no problem at all in terms of materials or workmanship. I even praised the ministers who participated in the repair of the imperial mausoleum in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty."

"But you said that you found evidence of their corruption and breaking the law from the accounts. Did something go wrong, which led to errors in the accounts?"

"Based on what I know about Ren Aiqing, he probably wouldn't do anything corrupt and perverted."

As soon as Li Ye's words fell, there was an uproar in the hall, and many officials looked at Li Ye sitting on the dragon chair and began to discuss in a low voice.

Although the case of Ren Wenyue's embezzlement and perverting the law has not passed the joint trial of the three divisions, and the case is officially closed, but just now in the palace they pleaded guilty and begged for mercy, and their appearance of sophistry is enough to show that the loopholes in the accounts that the King of Side-by-Shoulders found out are probably true .

As long as a detailed evidence is sorted out, the custodian Ren Guozhang and the others will be unable to argue.

After all, in the face of conclusive evidence, saying anything is futile.

Corrupting other silver taels is already a heinous act, let alone embezzling the silver taels used to repair the imperial tombs of two generations of former emperors.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the crime cannot be punished.

But the meaning in His Majesty's words is clearly to excuse Ren Guozhang and the others from their crimes.

For a while, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty could not tolerate different thoughts, and there were many discussions.

Many veteran officials in the court pondered for a moment, looked at Li Ye sitting on the dragon chair, and then at the queen Ren Qingrui standing under the dragon platform, thought for a while, and shook their heads with a sad expression.

Your Majesty, for the sake of the Empress Dowager.
Many old officials sighed silently and looked at Liu Mingzhi. Now they can only pin their hopes on the King of Side-by-Shoulders.

Ren Guozhang is becoming more and more powerful by relying on his daughter's favor in the court, and now the only one who can completely suppress him is the side-by-side king who has been graciously favored by two generations of previous emperors.

It's not that these veterans are unwilling to put their hopes on others.

However, even the empress dowager and the empress dowager can't curb Ren Wenyue's rise to power. Besides being king, who else can he rely on?

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Since the concubine's father entered the imperial court, he has been doing his utmost to handle court affairs for His Majesty, and never dared to neglect his duties or slack off."

"Now, after the side-by-side king entered Beijing, he indiscriminately escorted the concubine's father and a group of important ministers to Zhao Prison to await trial by the Three Judges, just because of some discrepancies in the accounts of the repairs to the imperial mausoleum."

"The concubine pleaded with my father, and the side-by-side king didn't show any face to the concubine, and even threatened to abolish the concubine's position."

"Your Majesty, the side-shoulder king seems to be being rude to his concubines, but in fact he is being rude to His Majesty."

"What to say to deal with my father and those important ministers who are loyal to the court is his due right as the assistant minister who controls the household department and the military department."

"The concubine's father is not only the householder appointed by His Majesty, but also the head of the state."

"It is the right of the assistant minister to deal with the affairs of the household department, and even the side-by-side king doesn't have the right to deal with the head of the country arbitrarily!"

"Your Majesty, you have to make decisions for your concubines, and make decisions for your father."

"My father has solved many troublesome matters in the court for His Majesty. How did the side-by-side king become a criminal who corrupted the law as soon as he returned to Beijing?"

"Your Majesty, isn't the side-by-side king too domineering? I see that he doesn't take you, the current emperor, seriously."

"Could it be that the king who is in charge of all military and government affairs in the 27 prefectures and 150 states of northern Xinjiang is not your majesty's subject?"

"As a subject, you actually threatened and intimidated the concubine, the empress. How can you ask the concubine to help you rule the harem in the future?"

"What's the difference between contempt for courtiers and concubines and contempt for His Majesty?"

"You have to be the master for your concubine!"

Because of Li Ye's words in the hall, there was a short period of calm. Ren Qingrui, who was standing under the dragon platform, suddenly looked at Li Ye, and began to avenge his grievances with soft and charming words. '.

Although Ren Qingrui's voice is clear and soft, charming and charming, as sweet as an oriole.

But Manchu civil and military listened to the words Ren Qingrui said just now, but they couldn't feel the slightest pleasantness, instead they felt chills down their spines.

Those words seemed to be to accuse Young Master Liu of his domineering behavior above the court, but in fact they were all words of condemnation.

It can be said that every word is thorny, with needles hidden in the cotton.

The meaning in the words was short of directly saying that Young Master Liu had a heart of disobedience in front of everyone.

Tong Sansi, Xia Gongming, Song Yu, Du Chenghao, and Qin Ziying, more than 20 veterans from the Li Zheng period, clenched their fists, gritted their teeth, and stared at Ren Qingrui's beautiful figure with trembling arms, wishing to see this long The stunner who looks like a fairy, the twenty-eight beauties, immediately strangles to death in the palace.

Demon Queen, what do you really care about?

Aren't these words clearly forcing His Majesty to separate himself from his fellow princes and ministers?
Have you forgotten what happened in the palace just now?
The Tiger Talisman is still in the hands of the King Side by Side. The 23 generals in the middle army only listen to the words of the Tiger Talisman. Could it be that you are deaf so you didn't hear it?
Don't you know what it means to have 20 elite iron cavalry who have experienced many battles and can be recruited?

Once His Majesty listens to your slander, what kind of injustice will he do to the side-by-side king.

This is chilling the heart of the side-by-side king, this is the king forcing the ministers to rebel.

The demon queen messed with my government and forced loyal ministers to rebel, which is tantamount to destroying our Dalong Jiangshan community.

You must die!You must die!
Some important officials stared at Ren Qingrui's beautiful figure and trembled angrily, with the same thought in their hearts, their eyes were fixed on Li Ye sitting on the dragon chair, and the anxiety in their eyes was self-evident.

Keep praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky to bless His Majesty, don't listen to the slander of the demon queen to force the king to rebel.

Otherwise, Dalong may face a turbulent civil strife that is several times more terrifying than the King of Shu!

(End of this chapter)

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