My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1758 Euphemistic Guess

Chapter 1758 Euphemistic Guess

On December [-]th of the first year of Yongping, the dragon, the last great court meeting in the first year of Yongping.

Today, five days have passed since Ren Qingrui's incident, Liu Mingzhi stayed in the mansion and did not show up, not even the court meeting on December [-]th.

The matter between Ren Qingrui's father and daughter and a group of officials who were involved was made public by Li Ye in the court, and all the officials were in an uproar, and finally dealt with the matter intensively according to Li Ye's wishes.

The father of the Demon Empress Ren Qingrui, the patriarch Ren Wenyue has been missing ever since he was released from Zhao Prison by Young Master Liu. After the incident of Ren Qingrui broke out, the guards in the palace, the forbidden army, and the servants of the third department searched every corner of the capital like a carpet. No trace of Ren Wenyue was found.

The sea arrest documents issued by the Sanfa Department to the capital and the neighboring prefectures were completely silent, and there was no news about Ren Wenyue in the city gate entry records of the various prefectures, not even a person who looked similar to him was found.

Ren Guozhang, who had embezzled a large amount of money to repair the imperial mausoleum, seemed to have evaporated out of thin air.

If all the officials who were involved with Ren Wenyue had not pleaded guilty and were brought to justice by the officials of the third department, the officials in the DPRK and China would have even doubted whether the matter of Ren Wenyue was just a dream of themselves and others.

A well-behaved living person disappeared without any warning, which is really unbelievable.

Everyone knows that Ren Wenyue absconded in fear of crime, but how he escaped is a bit unimaginable.

As the new year approached, a large number of yamen servants lost the good days of Xiumu, and under the orders of the superiors, they began to search for the traces of Ren Wenyue aimlessly.

The crowing of the rooster awakened Young Master Liu from his deep sleep.

Stretching his back with his back stretched, First Young Master Liu let out a sigh and lifted the curtain of the bed to take a look at the sky outside.

"I go!"

Young Master Liu patted his chest, and looked angrily at the empress who was holding her fragrant cheeks and playing with her hair, who was staring at her with a lazy expression.

"Why did you wake up so early? You shouldn't, you were so tired yesterday that you didn't even want to talk!"

The queen stretched her waist in a huff, and the flimsy obscene clothes revealed the snow-white skin inside.

The queen gently leaned on the head of the bed and stretched her fair neck: "I'm used to it. I woke up earlier in the Kingdom of Jin than now. The second time the rooster crows, I'm going to take a shower and change clothes to go to the morning court. Wake up." After a while, seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I will not disturb you."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Look, what's so good about being an emperor, he sleeps later than a dog and wakes up earlier than a chicken."

"Everyone says that the emperor is good, An Zhi's mediocrity is humane!"

The empress gently combed the hair that had fallen on her collarbone, and looked curiously at First Young Master Liu who was putting on her clothes and getting ready to get up.

"What are you doing? Don't tell Wanyan that you are going to court? How did I hear that you, Young Master Liu, went to court for three days fishing and two days drying nets? Why are you so diligent today? ?”

Liu Mingzhi put on his clothes slowly, and smiled wryly twice.

"One moment and another, there must be a degree of laziness. You don't have to go to the small court, but you have to go to the big court meeting, let alone the last big court meeting this year."

"In the first day of junior high school, it was time to enter the days of rest and muting, but because forget it, it's just some mundane things that are not worth mentioning, so let's not talk about it."

"It's over now, and Xiumu's life was delayed until the fifteenth day before the last court meeting."

"It's time to settle accounts with the Queen of Autumn with the rewards from the big bank."

The queen lifted the curtain of the bed and looked at Young Master Liu's complicated expression: "It seems that you have already prepared your heart! You have mobilized 40 troops from the Western Regions that do not belong to you. It seems that you have nothing to do with your position as the side-by-side king. "

"However, it can be regarded as a good result, much stronger than a decisive decision."

"After all, according to the law, you don't even have the chance to return to Beijing, and you will commit suicide and apologize in northern Xinjiang."

Liu Mingzhi put on his python-patterned jade belt and glared at the queen angrily: "What's the matter, you are very happy that your man was punished, aren't you?"

"It seems that you haven't punished you enough yesterday. Don't worry, the days are still long. I have plenty of time to slowly prepare you, a charming and enchanting queen."

The empress gave First Young Master Liu a coquettish look, and lay down with her cheeks on her back.

"My old lady is waiting for you, just don't come back crying after the court breaks up."

"Don't worry, you won't get what you want."

"I won't quarrel with you, my young master is going to wash up, you should sleep more, you will grow old if you don't get enough sleep, when you grow old, I will immediately abandon you and find a young and lovely little beauty to have fun with. "

What responded to Young Master Liu was an exquisite embroidered shoe.

The queen looked quietly at First Young Master Liu who ran out of the room with her head in her arms, raised her hand with a smile and knocked on the wooden wall beside her.

"Little goblin, did you not have a good rest last night? Was the movement too loud, making your heart arouse?"

"I can't help it, who made your sweetheart strong and fierce."

"I can't help it and I can't blame me. It's a pity, you can only be anxious but have no chance?"

After a while, there was a knock on the wall in the silent room.

"Slut, get out!"

"Hmph. My wife is happy, but you think about it, do you have that strength!"

The queen snorted a few times, turned around arrogantly, and twirled her messy hair thoughtfully with her slender fingers.

"Judging from the unconscionable reactions in the past few days, it seems that something big happened inside Dalong. It seems that Dajin has a few more chances to recuperate and recuperate."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to get anything out of my heartless tone. In this case, I can only start from other places."

Outside the gate of Liu Mansion, Liu Song held a torch and looked at Young Master Liu who was galloping towards the palace.

"Master, the snow is slippery, be careful."

"Understood, don't forget what I ordered you, prepare some not too expensive gifts, young master, I will be useful when I come back."

"I understand, young master, don't worry!"

"Shut up!"

"The general will see the prince, why did the prince come so early, the general is not used to it."

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse, handed the reins to the guards beside him, and looked at Yang Tai with a faint smile: "I went to bed early yesterday, and woke up when I couldn't sleep. How is the investigation of You Wenzhuo going?"

"He committed suicide. No trace of anyone related to him was found."

Liu Mingzhi nodded helplessly: "Another suicide, is death really so insignificant? Human life is really fragile and pitiful."

"This also just shows that the methods and influence of the people behind the scenes are as great as this king expected."

Yang Tai looked around, and moved towards First Young Master Liu.

"My lord, can you move forward and talk?"

"Of course, let's go over there!"

"My lord please."

At the corner of the palace gate, First Young Master Liu stopped, waiting for Yang Tai to speak.

"My lord, I'm afraid things will be difficult to progress."

"Several officials involved in the case committed suicide in fear of crime before the officials from the third department arrived. The remaining small shrimps could not provide any strong evidence at all. The head of the country, Ren Wenyue, disappeared, as if disappeared out of thin air."

"Your Majesty dispatched three thousand imperial troops, two thousand and three yamen servants, and two hundred inner guards to pursue them secretly, but in the end they found nothing."

"This Guozhang Ren seems to have grown wings and flew away, without leaving any traces."

"Brothers can only search blindly now. I hope the heavens have mercy and we can gain something."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly, with an extremely flat expression on his face, without any surprise at all, as if he had expected such a result long ago.

"What's the reaction from the DPRK?"

"The clouds are overcast, some people are happy and some are sad."

"Many people clearly have close contacts with Ren Guozhang, but once Ren Guozhang disappears, no strong evidence can be found, and we can only watch these officials get away with it."

"There is nothing the San Judiciary can do. After all, they are all important officials in the court. Without evidence, they can't be arrested and tortured in Zhao Prison to force a confession."

"Some small fish and shrimps with solid evidence, the evidence they ask is all irrelevant results, which can't prove anything at all!"

"It's hard, I'm afraid everyone will have a hard time this year."

Liu Mingzhi patted Yang Tai's shoulder with a light smile, turned around and hurried towards the palace.

"Not necessarily, this king is living quite comfortably."

Yang Tai looked blankly at Young Master Liu's retreating figure, shook his head helplessly, walked towards the palace gate and continued to stick to his post.

(End of this chapter)

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