Chapter 1782

Liu Mingzhi understood what Zhang Kuang said, and he didn't know whether to be happy or angry.

Originally, the prestige I left in the countries of the Western Regions due to the Western Expeditions has gradually been erased from the minds of the generals of the Western Regions.

Unexpectedly, a national war would re-establish the former prestige.

No matter how cold-blooded and ruthless Zhang Mo was when he was guarding Anxi Dufu, how serious he was.

However, compared to Liu Mingzhi who almost destroyed the countries of the Western Regions back then, Zhang Mo's prestige among the generals of the Western Regions is still a lot worse in some aspects.

After all, when Zhang Mo suppressed the Western Regions, it was a country-by-country suppression, but the Western Expedition Army led by Liu Mingzhi faced the coalition forces of the entire Western Regions of 38 countries.

Back then, Liu Mingzhi bombarded the city gate and the scene of horses stepping into the joint battalion had already left a deep impression on the generals of the Western Regions.

In this national war, Liu Mingzhi commanded troops and horses to capture Jin in one go, breaking through half of the country of the two countries, and reminded all the generals of the past when they almost perished under the iron cavalry of the Great Dragon's Western Expedition.

Zhang Mo's iron and blood was ruthless, and he suppressed local rebellions. Liu Dashuai's decisive killings destroyed the city and destroyed the country.

Comparing in this way, the judgment is judged.

The implication of Zhang Kuang's words is nothing more than that Zhang Mo still wants to use his own iron and blood methods to suppress these soldiers and horses from the Western Regions who dare not obey his restraint.

But because of Liu Mingzhi's face, he couldn't be so ruthless.

After all, the reason why the soldiers and horses of the 38 countries in the Western Regions traveled thousands of miles to support the national war in the northern borders was because of Liu Mingzhi's face.

They are now also soldiers under Liu Mingzhi's command. If he punishes those generals of the Western Regions without the tacit consent of this cousin, I'm afraid that if they meet again in the future, the two of them will lose face.

Liu Mingzhi re-lit a bag of cigarettes and puffed it out for a moment, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and nodded slightly as he looked at the wildly hopeful expression.

"My son understands what uncle means, and when we forget about it, my son will go back to the study and write a letter to the generals of the Western Regions, telling them to restrain themselves.

According to the treaty signed in the past, the soldiers and horses of the countries in the Western Regions are under the control of the Anxi Governor's Mansion. Even cousin Zhang Mo dared to disobey the words of the commander-in-chief, which is fine.

Don't worry, uncle, the boy will warn them.

If they dare to behave disrespect again, cousin Zhang Mo will deal with it. "

Zhang Kuang silently breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, since Zhi'er understands righteousness so well, uncle can feel relieved.

Now that the situation inside and outside the court is complicated, all eyes are on the Great Dragon Court, those of us who are courtiers must always consider everything for the court. "

"Of course the kid uncle said understands, it's just"

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's suddenly serious expression, Zhang Kuang's face was slightly condensed, and he glanced at Song Qing who was opposite, and found that his nephew also had a faint look of doubt.

Zhang Kuang looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise: "Just what? It's okay for Zhi'er to speak directly if he has something to say."

Liu Mingzhi stood up gently from the chair, knocked out the ashes in the cigarette pot, returned the cigarette bag to Song Qing, and walked steadily towards the hall door.

Seeing this, Zhang Kuang and the others had no choice but to get up and follow.

The three people who were speaking in the hall just now started wandering around the front yard of Liu Mansion in a blink of an eye.

Liu Mingzhi conveniently tore off a plum blossom planted in the courtyard, put it under the tip of his nose and sniffed lightly a few times.

"Uncle, brother, you are all generals who personally followed me to go out to the north, Jin Guo, Turkic people don't know what's going on now, don't you?

Judging from the situation in the court, His Majesty has the intention of gathering troops to go north again in the coming year, but the situation of the two countries is really as it was recorded in the military records, and the Ministry of War Minister read it in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. A one-shot situation?
I'm afraid you still have civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty, and even His Majesty takes it for granted. "

The hearts of the two were shocked, looking at Young Master Liu's serious expression, suspicion suddenly arose.

They looked at each other silently, and saw the incomprehension in each other's eyes one after another.

It is an indisputable fact that the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks have been captured half of the country. If it were not for the lack of food and grass, the two countries would have already fallen under the iron cavalry of the dragon.

Why did Liu Mingzhi say that the current situation is not like this?

Crazy, Song and Qing lowered their heads and pondered, thinking about the meaning of Liu Mingzhi's words.

Song Qing's expression was still slightly suspicious, Zhang Kuang seemed to understand something, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a sense of understanding.

"Zhi'er, you're talking about the Kingdom of Jin, the Turkic strong walls and clear fields?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled faintly, and turned his head to look at the questioning Song Qing: "It seems that you understand something, Uncle, under our offensive, the soldiers and horses of the two countries are fighting and retreating all the way, although half of the country has been captured. But have you estimated how much the real strength of the two countries has been lost?"

Song Qing, who was listening to the two people's words, also looked excited, and suddenly looked at Liu Mingzhi: "Although we captured half of the country of Jin, we killed all the soldiers from their prefectures and cities. But there are not many elite teachers.

Jin Guo is seeking perfection in retreat!
About [-]% of their true elite should remain.

In particular, the food and grass in their state capitals were either burned or removed before we arrived.

In this way, doesn't it mean that the power preserved by the two countries can still have a great impact on the northern border of our Dalong! "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's bewildered expression and nodded with a chuckle.

"It seems that you, brother, also understand that the Kingdom of Jin has strengthened its walls and cleared the country, and it seems that it has surrendered most of its territory in vain. However, it has retained their elite strength to make a comeback.

This is true of the Jin Dynasty, and so is the Turks.

Old Marshal Yun, Shuai Nangong and the other Turkic soldiers and horses they killed were just small tribes that hadn't had time to contact Wang Ting. The real big tribes had already followed Wang Ting to the north and retreated to Yinshan Mountain.

Our food and grass are difficult to support, so what if we have knocked down half of the country of the two countries?In the end, he had to give it back in vain.

In this way, the imperial courts of the two countries, which have lost half of the country but preserved their vitality, can return to recuperate immediately after we withdraw from the conquered territory. "

Looking at the astonished expressions of the two, Liu Mingzhi crushed the plum blossoms in his hands into a piece of flower paste, bowed his head and smiled wryly twice.

"Wild fire, in spring.

If we go all out and pay a certain price, we can naturally kill the soldiers and horses of the two countries who cannot retreat, and completely cut off the possibility of their resurgence.

Thus laying the cornerstone of world domination.

However, man is not as good as God, and my young master never imagined that Bei Zheng died not because of the strength of the enemy's army, but because of his own people.

This may be God's will.

The sky never perishes gold, and the two countries suddenly, even if we mortals rack our brains and work hard, what can we do? "

Zhang Kuang came back to his senses, his eyes fixed and he suddenly took a deep breath.

"If there is no outbreak of the epidemic after the heavy snow next year, if His Majesty raises his troops to march north, if the commander is changed, he can't think of the key point. Wouldn't there be a risk of complete defeat under the combined attack of the two countries' soldiers and horses showing weakness and being caught off guard? "

Liu Mingzhi sneered twice, looking at the snow on the courtyard wall with deep eyes.

"Uncle really knows how to put it nicely. Are you really the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom of Jin? If they take advantage of this opportunity, the Northern Expedition Army will suffer a crushing defeat.

It is not impossible to wipe out the whole army! "

(End of this chapter)

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