My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1815 The Smart Woman

Chapter 1815 The Smart Woman

On the official road about two miles away from the south gate of the capital, Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and saluted He Shu who was riding on the horse with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Sister-in-law Huang, I just offended you in order to rush back to the capital before dark, please don't take it to heart.

The younger brother will definitely keep to himself the fact that we ride a horse together, and there will never be a third person to know, please rest assured, sister-in-law. "

He Shu nodded pretending to be calm: "Uncle, don't worry, the Ai family knows that you are an upright gentleman, and everything was done out of desperation.

You save Ai's family from the fire and water, don't worry about some small things. "

"My sister-in-law is considerate, so my younger brother is relieved. After my sister-in-law sits down, my younger brother will immediately drive the horse into the city for you."


Looking at He Shu's grateful eyes towards him, Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, took the reins and walked towards the city gate.

He Shu's side has been settled, let her know that he is her savior, not the thief who really took her away, and the rest is Zhao Wang Li Tao and his attendants.

I don't know if they have seen the true face of Lushan.

With my own half-step innate realm, under the confusion of my mind, I used my lightness kung fu with all my strength, so Li Tao and the others should not be able to see their own appearance.

This was just Liu Mingzhi's self-guessing in order to calm his chaotic mood. As for whether Li Tao and the others really saw his appearance, now everyone except Li Tao and the others did not know.

No matter what, He Shu had to be sent back first, at least the capital was still quiet now, and there was no disturbance about the hijacking of the empress dowager of the Western Palace, Concubine He.

For Liu Mingzhi, it was good news.

I don't know why Li Tao didn't reveal this matter, let the imperial army search for the thieves and save his mother. As for Li Tao's plans, he can only know after meeting him.

Zhao Wangfu.

The mansion where Li Tao lived temporarily before he left Beijing to become a feudal clan.

Liu Mingzhi led the horse and led He Shu all the way to King Zhao's mansion calmly.

The streets of the capital city were already full of common people wandering out of the city, so naturally, no one paid attention to the two of them, Young Master Liu and Young Master Liu.

The high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the capital don't know how much, who would care about two slightly luxuriously dressed beings.

After a few sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi led the horse to the gate of King Zhao's Mansion under the guidance of He Shu.

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi tugged at the reins, stopped slowly, raised his eyes and looked at the mansion in front of him four or five streets away from Liu's mansion.

Although it was not too far away from his home, it was the first time Liu Mingzhi saw the real appearance of King Zhao's Mansion.

Firstly, Liu Mingzhi was not in the capital all year round, and when he came back, he was very busy, and he rarely had time to wander around the capital.

The second reason is to avoid suspicion. Not long after Li Ye ascended the throne, Li Tao was sent back to the capital by Wan Mingliang and the others, and there were rumors that he intended to seize the throne.

Although it is not known whether it is true or not, there has been quite a disturbance in the capital.

My own identity is too special, so naturally I can't get too close to it.

Therefore, even before Li Baiyu became famous, Zhao Wang and Li Tao spent much more time playing and playing with his sons and daughters than Li Ye, the eldest son of the emperor, spent much more time together.

He brought his younger sister Li Jingyao, who had a marriage contract with his son Liu Chengzhi, to appear in Liu's mansion every now and then, playing with his children.

My impression of this child is still very good.

But now and then, after Li Ye ascended the throne, it seemed that he hadn't dealt with him for almost a year.

First he led the troops to fight against the enemy, and later Li Tao left Beijing to take up the feudal domain. This difference lasted for a year.

I don't know what the kid looks like.

Liu Mingzhi recovered from his daydreams, looked at the deserted gate of King Zhao's Mansion, and looked at He Shu who was riding a horse with some doubts.

"Sister-in-law, why is it so deserted outside the mansion, there is not even a guard."

He Shu turned over and got off the horse, stretched her sore slender waist, and chuckled twice with a hint of bitterness in her beautiful eyes.

"The Ai family and Tao'er will live in the Northwest for a long time, and the late emperor was newly mourned. We brought [-] soldiers from the palace to pay homage, but in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles, we placed the [-] soldiers in a post outside the city.

The palace is full of old people, so there are no soldiers guarding the gate of the palace.

If the guards had entered the city together, Ai's family would not have been taken out of the city by those two thieves. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Why don't I ask for an order to send fifty forbidden troops to the Zhao Palace to protect your safety during this period of time in the capital!"

"Forget it, don't cause trouble for His Majesty anymore, the hijacking of Ai's family is also a coincidence, if there are thieves every day, the capital is not the capital anymore!
To say something uncle doesn't like to hear, with Tao'er's current status, there is no place for our mother and son in the capital. If this is the case, why give Your Majesty the bad impression that our mother and son want to gain a firm foothold in the capital. "

As He Shu was talking, he sighed coquettishly, and saluted Young Master Liu.

"Uncle later, Aijia will knock on the door."

"Okay, sorry to bother you, Mrs. Huang."

Looking at He Shu's charming figure, Liu Mingzhi sighed inwardly with a complex expression, stroked the horse's mane and narrowed his eyes.

This is also a woman who is extremely smart and has a heart.

Knowing that the best thing to do is to stay away from the right and wrong place of the capital?
Perhaps Li Tao's success as the King of Zhao is inseparably related to the teachings of this wise woman.

"This old servant sees the empress dowager, a thousand years old, empress, you have come back, you haven't returned all night, this old slave is dying of anxiety."

"There is nothing wrong with the Ai family. The Ai family just went to visit an old friend and pass on the orders of the Ai family so that the maidservants in the mansion do not need to panic, let alone publicize the matter."

"The old slave has to order!"

"Uncle, please come in and have a cup of tea to warm yourself up!"

Naturally, Liu Mingzhi would not refuse. Not seeing Li Tao meant that the matter was not over yet, so he naturally would not give up the play halfway.

Looking around for a while, Liu Mingzhi looked at the shadowy figures around him, thought for a while, tied Feng Xing to the horse stake, walked towards the gate of King Zhao's mansion with great fanfare, without hesitation.

"Sister-in-law please first!"

"Uncle is a distinguished guest, please invite uncle first."

"Thank you, sister-in-law, please."

The moment the door of the mansion was closed, Liu Mingzhi caught a glimpse of figures flickering outside the corners of the mansion around the mansion of King Zhao from the corner of his eye, shook his head silently, and walked towards the inner courtyard of King Zhao's mansion under the guidance of He Shu. He had just entered the main hall. Li Tao came out in a hurry.

"Mother, it's great that you finally came back safe and sound."

"Stupid child, your mother and queen are safe, and you are worried. If your third uncle hadn't rescued her, the consequences of mourning the family would have been unimaginable. Thank you, third uncle."

"My son Li Tao has poor eyesight, and he is concerned about the safety of his mother. He never saw the third uncle coming, so he asks his uncle to forgive him."

Liu Mingzhi looked thoughtfully at Zhao Wang and Li Tao who bowed to him, and slowly raised his hand to help him up.

"King Zhao is free of courtesy, you and I are ministers in the same palace, and we are both princes. Don't perform such a grand ceremony, and you can just hand in the ceremony in the future."

"I don't dare. Although my uncle has the same official position as my uncle, but my uncle is my elder, and he has the kindness to rebuild our Li family. Uncle deserves this gift from my uncle."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Tao's well-behaved, humble and courteous appearance and sighed silently: "Although you are young, you already have the mellow virtue of being humble, gentle, and courteous to others. Heaven is alive, so you can smile at Jiuquan!"

"Thank you uncle for the compliment. The boy is not even one-tenth as good as the father. Empress, uncle, please, the boy has ordered someone to prepare tea for you."

He Shu looked at the courteous Li Tao with a slight smile, and nodded slightly at Liu Mingzhi.

"Uncle, the child's kindness, please!"

"Sister-in-law please first."

The two sat down, and Li Tao took the tea from the servants and handed it to the two of them one after another in a respectful manner.

"The queen mother drinks tea!"

"Uncle drinking tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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