My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1817 Can you tolerate me?

Chapter 1817 Can you tolerate me?
Suzaku came and went quietly, leaving nothing behind except the faint fragrance of a girl on her body.

Liu Mingzhi warned Suzaku more than once that the fragrance on her body would betray her identity, but Suzaku said that she would only apply rouge and powder when she saw her, so Liu Mingzhi couldn't say anything more.

After Suzaku left, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and thought deeply, and kept massaging his temples with his fingers.

Recalling today's every move, word and deed about He Shu, Li Tao, mother and son, in his mind, he tried to see if he could detect some clues.

Regarding what happened after rescuing He Shu from the man in black, Liu Mingzhi thought over and over again but still didn't realize that there was anything wrong.

He Shu's reaction was completely like the relaxed look of the rest of his life after the catastrophe. The two of them rode together on the same horse. Although there was a slight distance between them intentionally, the change in her expression could not be avoided from behind He Shu. own gaze.

Almost nothing was too much of a problem.

Where is Li Tao?
Liu Mingzhi recalled the scene of meeting Li Tao in Huizhou over and over again in his mind, without feeling bored at all.

Regarding his own wealth and life, First Young Master Liu has always been extremely cautious, extremely patient, and does not allow any loopholes or negligence.

However, recalling Li Tao's reaction after seeing him over and over again, Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and after racking his brains, he still didn't notice anything wrong.

Is it really as Li Tao said, because of the light and his own speed, he didn't find anything.

Are his words worth believing?

If he saw his own face, why didn't he publicize it?

So what he said has [-]% credibility?

"Mother, it's great that you're finally back."

Recalling Li Tao's first words when he saw his mother, He Shu, Liu Mingzhi's eyes suddenly opened.

"Finally home!"

"Finally home!"

Does this sentence mean that Li Tao knows that He Shu will return home safe and sound, and will not be persecuted by critical life.

Otherwise, according to ordinary people's thinking, it should be generally believed that He Shu's fate should be to die after being humiliated.

Why did Li Tao say such a thing.

Liu Mingzhi put down his fingers on his temples, and tapped lightly on the table.

Thinking about it the other way around, could it be that Li Tao didn't think that the person who kidnapped his mother, He Shu, was a flower picker, but just wanted to use He Shu as a hostage to blackmail him into doing something.

It makes sense to think so.

The two conjectures, one positive and the other negative, made Liu Mingzhi's mind feel like a mess, and he couldn't think clearly.

Which outcome should I prefer?

thump. thump thump
There was a knock on the door, Liu Mingzhi looked towards the door, and took a few deep breaths to calm down his chaotic mood.


"Master, it's Ying'er, the white fungus and lotus seed soup you asked me to prepare is ready."

"come in!"

"it is good!"

The door of the study room opened in response, Ying'er was holding a tray in her hand, and there were two steaming porridge bowls on the tray, walking lightly into the room with lotus steps.

Seeing Young Master Liu sitting on the chair, Ying'er smiled softly, picked up one of the porridge bowls and put it in front of Liu Mingzhi.

"Young Master, this bowl is yours, and that bowl is for Sister Yun Shu. It has been filled with tonics to replenish qi and blood. Drink it while it's hot."

Liu Mingzhi took the porridge bowl with one hand, took Ying'er's fair wrist with the other hand, pulled her into his arms, and sat on his lap.

Ying'er looked at Young Master Liu obediently, moved her comfortable posture, and sat quietly in the young master's arms.

"It's not honest to have a porridge, so you're not tired."

"Of course I'm tired, but the young master just wants to hold you while drinking porridge."

"Master, it's important for you to take care of your body steadily, and Ying'er will drink porridge for you!"

"Okay, it's up to you. How is Yunxin doing recently? Can you survive reading and reading with Yiyi and the others?"

Ying'er put the spoon into Young Master Liu's mouth, and nodded silently: "Young master, don't worry, my daughter is very well-behaved, these days I follow Yiyi, Feifei and the others to learn to read and write, it's good to be careful!
It's a pity that it's not a man, otherwise, maybe in the future, I will be able to get a first name Jie Yuan like you, young master, and come back! "

"Stinky girl, what's wrong with being a man, young master, I just like daughters, and when young master recovers, let's have another good daughter, and then let the two sisters take good care of you."

Ying'er gave Young Master Liu a bewitching look: "It's easy to say, the child was born as soon as you said it was born."

"Then work hard, young master, I'm an old cow, it's worth dying on your fertile land."

"Bah, I know it's not serious. Don't say such depressing things in the future. The young master is still upright. Ying'er doesn't like to hear things that are not dead."

While talking, the bowl of lotus seed soup gradually bottomed out, Liu Mingzhi took the soup bowl and put it aside, hugging Yinger's plump waist tightly.

"My dear Yinger, it's not that the young master wants to say something depressing, but that the general situation is like this.

Nowadays, many people don't want to see the young master live well.

If I don't die, they won't have a chance to stand up.

If I don't die, young master, they won't dare to come out and make trouble.

Today, the court is not what it used to be. The old people are retiring, and those who have withdrawn have withdrawn. A large number of newcomers have entered the court.

After the beginning of spring, as soon as we go to the north, it's time for them to show their strengths and show their teeth and claws.

A new generation replaces the old ones, one king and one courtier. This court is no longer the court that the young master is familiar with, and the court is no longer the court that belongs to the young master.

When new forces rise up and gain a foothold, you will understand how foresight the young master is. "

Ying'er looked at Liu Mingzhi who had a heavy face, and raised her hand to caress Liu Mingzhi's cheek, which was pressed tightly against Young Master Liu's chest.

"Master, don't tell Ying'er about these intrigues anymore, Ying'er doesn't want to hear it, and Ying'er is also afraid.

Ying'er is the young master's maid, the young master's only maid, and will be her for the rest of her life.

Yinger only wants to see the young master doing well, and Yunxin grow up happily, marry and be a wife, take care of her husband and raise her children, that's all she needs. "

"Well, okay, the young master listens to you, and I will never tell you these unpleasant things again. The young master only picks good things to tell you."

Ying'er got up, her cherry lips tapped on the young master's lips.

"Well, the young master is so kind. Ying'er won't be with the young master for tenderness. It will waste your time. You should hurry up and send Sister Yunshu's lotus seed soup over. It won't taste good when it gets cold."

"My dear Yinger."

Liu Mingzhi put Ying'er down, picked up the remaining bowl of lotus seed soup, walked out of the study together, and walked towards the courtyard where Wenren Yunshu lived.

"Young master, Ying'er will go back first. Sister Yun Shu has just been in business, and Ying'er should be shy to follow her. You should go by yourself and spend more time whispering with her."

"Okay, be careful on the road and rest early!"

"Well, Ying'er is leaving."

Liu Mingzhi watched Yinger's disappearing figure, looked up at the dim starry sky, and walked towards Wenren Yunshu's courtyard with a sigh.

"Sigh, within two years, there will definitely be ups and downs.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, can you tolerate me?
I hope that I, Liu Mingzhi, won't end up alone. Counting all the affairs of the world, it's hard to win the emperor's heart!
I also hope that the next half of the chess game will not start! "

(End of this chapter)

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