My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1828 is also a veteran

Chapter 1828 is also a veteran

Looking at Li Ye's sincere appearance, Liu Mingzhi's gaze became complicated for a while, and the wine glass in his hand became as light as weight.

"Your Majesty is able to pick up what's left and make up for the vacancies, so that you can take precautions before they happen, and I feel very relieved!
Although His Majesty is young, he already possesses the demeanor of an enlightened monarch. Given time, he will surely be a flourishing and enlightened monarch who will last forever!
Since His Majesty has a question, I must know everything and say everything.

I don't know which department's officials His Majesty is asking about? "

Li Ye thought for a while, then lightly raised the wine glass in his hand to Liu Mingzhi: "Of course it's all the officials of the Six Departments and the Nine Ministers!
My uncle also knows that I have just ascended to the Great Treasure, and I have not yet fully understood the temperament and ability of the veteran officials. Seeing that they are about to retire and return to their hometowns, I am full of worries.

Without you, the pillars of the country, right-hand man and right-hand man, how can I govern this huge country like my grandfather and father.

Therefore, I hope that my uncle can understand my painstaking efforts and difficulties, and choose some successors for me, the ministers of the humerus to assist me in creating a prosperous Ruitai again. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his wine glass to touch Li Ye, then raised his head and drank down the wine in the glass.

"Six Departments and Nine Ministers! Your Majesty is ready for a big change in the court."

Li Ye's expression was complicated, and he nodded silently: "Uncle really has sharp eyes, although I can't bear it, I already have such a plan.

The left and right prime ministers, the left minister Wei Yong and Wei Aiqing have already retired, and the same is true for Jiang Yuanming and Jiang Aiqing, the six ministers of the household department.

Among the nine ministers, there are many omissions.

If I don't replenish talents for the imperial court in time, once all of you pillars and veterans retire and return to your hometown, how can I alone manage the vast mountains and rivers of Dalong, which is [-] miles away.

I thought about it, I plan to go to the left minister in person after the next year, Jiang Shangshu and his family, Lixian Corporal asked them to enter the court and be loyal to the court for another two years.

When the imperial team is stable, within five years I plan to replace the old with a new generation.

However, I also understand that this matter should not be rushed, and it is necessary to seek gradual progress, otherwise it will definitely cause panic inside and outside the government and the public.

I plan to replace them one by one, and select successors to fill the vacancies left by the bosses after they retire.

It's just that I have been in charge of the country for a short time, and I don't know much about some of the great talents in the court, and my uncle has been with them day and night for more than ten years, so he can naturally identify the top person among them.

That's why I asked this question today.

Let me say something that my uncle doesn't like to hear. Although my uncle was in his thirties, he is still in his thirties, and he is already considered a veteran of the court.

He is also the elder of the three dynasties who assisted Ruizong, Wuzong and Zhen.

If no one comes to pick you up in time, I really don't know what to do in the future. "

Liu Mingzhi played with the wine glass in his hand, and the corners of his mouth that seemed to be smiling but not smiling raised a hint of bitterness.

"Yes, Your Majesty is right, this minister is already in his thirties, and he is one of the oldest courtiers in the court!
There are talents from generation to generation, and a new generation replaces the old ones, which is very good, very good.

Your Majesty is far-sighted, and I admire you. "

"Uncle, I don't mean anything else. You are the one-word side-by-side king conferred by your father and emperor. You need to guard the northern border for generations and guard the border for the country. You can't stay in the court for a long time to solve my worries and problems.

I wanted to transfer my uncle back to the court more than once, but I was afraid that Lao Aiqing Xia would write a letter criticizing me for disregarding the ancestral ritual system and not knowing how to respect the late emperor.

This is the only way to do it now.

Once again, I hope my uncle can understand my difficulties. "

"Your Majesty is worrying too much, I understand, of course I understand.

Don't forget, Your Majesty, the sentence stated in the third policy of the country's governance policy written to His Majesty by the minister.

Thunder and rain are all grace.

As a courtier, you should be your majesty, and you will do your best for the imperial court and do the work of dogs and horses.

This is my honor and my duty! "

Li Ye nodded with gratified eyes, turned around and took the jug from Xiao Dezi's hand: "Uncle, I, a junior, poured wine for you, thank you for your unremitting loyalty to the court, and your careful teaching of me."

Liu Mingzhi greeted him with the wine glass in both hands, and he did not hide his gaze from taking a few glances at Xiao Dezi and the surrounding eunuchs and maids. .

"Thank you Your Majesty, I am bold."

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's eyes, Li Ye seemed to have realized what Young Master Liu meant. He put down the jug and gave Xiao Dezi a wink, signaling them to wait outside the hall.

Xiao Dezi nodded respectfully, and hurriedly waved his whisk to attract the surrounding eunuchs, and the little maids hurriedly walked towards the outside of the palace.

Xiao Dezi took advantage of the situation and led him to the gate of the palace.

In an instant, the imperial study room became quiet, only Liu Mingzhi and Li Ye were left sitting opposite each other at the wine table.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine glass, drank the wine in one gulp, bowed his head and pondered.

Li Ye didn't bother when he saw this, he nibbled slowly with the appetizers in his hands, waiting for his uncle's answer.

When the first rays of the setting sun shone through the crack of the window, Liu Mingzhi slowly raised his head.

"Six ministries and nine ministries, each performing its duties, each has its own differences. In prosperous times, the official ministries were the main ones, and in wartime, soldiers and households were the main ones.

Although the unification of the world is close at hand, it is still unknown when the world will be truly unified. Your Majesty needs to focus on the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households.

In the future, there will be a minister of the household department, Pan Yun, the servant of the household department, will be of great use.

However, it will take two years of hard work at this time. Pan Yun, a great talent, currently lacks courage and is somewhat indecisive. Since His Majesty intends to invite Jiang Shangshu to the court again, Pan Yun can learn more from Jiang Shangshu and wait for Jiang Shangshu. After resigning from his old age and returning to his hometown, Pan Yun will surely be His Majesty's sole leader in the Ministry of Household Affairs!
As for the military department in charge of the military, Zhang Mo, the arrogant son of Duke Huguo, can use it.

This person's courage and means are all the best choices, and he has lived in the Western Regions for a long time to control the countries in the Western Regions, and he has no deep friendship with his colleagues in the court.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of War and Military Affairs is very authoritative. This person has the right skills and connections, and he can succeed Song Yu Shangshu to perform his duties loyally for His Majesty.

The Ministry of Officials, the promotion and relegation of all officials is the most important thing in the court. Those who serve as ministers of the Ministry of Officials need to be upright, not corrupt and pervert the law, neglect their duties and sell officials, and know how to judge the situation and avoid being arrogant.

Qin Bin, the current Governor of Yingzhou, is qualified to be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

This person grew up in a poor family. When he was studying in the academy in the past, because of his birth, he hated the officialdom, but he had to flatter him.

Therefore, although this person is not the only person who will serve as Minister of the Ministry of Officials in the future, he can also focus on one or two considerations.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites and the clan's mansion, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are in charge of enlightening the world, and the ministers promote virtuous people without avoiding relatives. Now Qi Liang, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites, is more suitable.

Although the relationship between Qi Liang and his ministers is relatively close because of Qi Yun's relationship, since entering the court, he has kept a distance from his ministers all the time. You can take up the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and cooperate with the clan's government and the House of Internal Affairs to help His Majesty educate the world.

Minister of Industry"

Liu Mingzhi talked endlessly about the suitable candidates for the various divisions and ministries of the court in the future, and Li Ye had already brought the rice paper and vermilion pen before he knew it, and began to record it.

At this moment, it seems to have returned to the scene where the emperor and his ministers played against each other in the imperial study, and Liu Mingzhi taught Li Ye the policy of governing the country and the scene of suppressing the country.

What a harmony between the monarch and his subjects.

What a virtuous corporal.

As night fell, Liu Mingzhi's last sentence finally came to an end.

And Li Ye also stopped writing vigorously, and slowly put the ink brush aside, Li Ye looked at Liu Mingzhi gratefully.

"I am very grateful to my uncle for teaching me."

"Your Majesty, don't do this. Your Majesty can serve as a lesson from what I said, but not as the foundation.

The world changes, and no one will remain the same.

These people are suitable for the position mentioned by the minister now, but it does not mean that they will be suitable in the future! "

"I understand, I will use this roster as a reference."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at several candles lit in the hall at unknown times, and looked outside the hall.

I don't know when the sky has dimmed.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, and it's time for the minister to leave."

(End of this chapter)

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