Chapter 1911
Yunyang took the letter of persuasion from the scouts and placed it on the sand table, listening calmly to what Wanyan Chizha asked the scouts to bring back.

"Marshal, that's all Jin Guo's coach Wan Yan Chizha has said."

"Go back and rest first!"

"Thank you, Marshal, I will resign from my humble position."

After the scouts left, Yunyang sat on the chair and fell silent. The surrounding generals looked at each other and sat down, waiting for Yunyang to speak.

Yun Yang, who had been meditating for a long time while stroking his beautiful white beard, sighed softly.

"I'm afraid the next battle will be difficult, and it will be many times more difficult than the battle south of Hezhou.

Even if we are strong and strong, we have to be careful to guard against Jin Guo's dying counterattack.

When attacking the city, you have to be extremely energetic. Don't let the Jin Guo soldiers take advantage of the loopholes. "

"I have to wait for orders."

Zhang Kuang got up and took out a note from his cuff and handed it to Yunyang: "Marshal, according to the intelligence content of our scout investigation, there are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in Jianzhou City. If there is a large budget, there should be 15. The army is stationed in the city.

In the several wars in the past three years, it can be regarded as the one where we have the most defenders in a fortified city.

Even though the king led the army together last time, the garrison strength of the twelve main cities in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin was less than half of that of Jianzhou City.

It seems that Empress Jin and Wanyan Chizha decided to fight us to the death in Jianzhou.

Moreover, the scouts found horseshoe prints in the west and north of the city. The general guessed that it should be the remnant Turkic enemy that General Cheng Kai and the others had hunted down and came to Jianzhou to join forces with the Jin army.

According to estimates from the horseshoe prints, the troop strength should be between [-] and [-], but the specific troop strength is still unclear.

Whether these cavalry are currently the full strength of the Turkic and Jianzhou joint forces is still under investigation. "

Yunyang took the information and flipped through it, passed it to the surrounding generals, and then he got up and walked to the sand table and stopped.

Leaning over to stare at the terrain around Jianzhou, Yunyang turned his eyes to Jizhou and the terrain and appearance of the two prefectures of Kanzhou.

"Generals, it seems that the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin are trying to use the advantages of the terrain to block our attack.

Jianzhou, Jizhou, and Kanzhou, these three cities are at an angle with each other, and the terrain is dangerous. We are not familiar with the surrounding situation, so we are easy to be attacked by them. "

Many generals who visited the information also stood up and surrounded the sand table.

Looking at the undulating terrain on the sand table, he also frowned.

The three cities of Jianzhou seem to be the inner city in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin, but judging from the terrain, they are far easier to defend and harder to attack than the twelve main cities in southern Xinjiang.

In the territory of the three prefectures, there are many mountains, dangerous roads, many natural moats, and dense forests and dangerous places emerge in endlessly.

The Kingdom of Jin spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build the city here, the fundamental reason is because of the terrain with many natural dangers.

What's more, they couldn't avoid it. The territory of these three cities was the only way for the capital of the Kingdom of Jin to lead to the southern border.

If the city is not built, the mountains and forests are reclaimed, the cultivated land is increased, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the environment of this dangerous area is gradually opened up, the northern land of Jin Kingdom and the southern border will be separated, and they can only take a detour.

However, if you make a detour, it will take 30 days to walk in such a large area.

This is a huge problem for military use, commerce, and people's travel.

Especially when using soldiers, it takes 30 more days to walk, and the day lily will be cold when it arrives at the destination.

With years of development, the hard work of the people of the Kingdom of Jin.

The dangerous land of Sanfu has also become a treasure land.

"Commander, with such a rough terrain, even if the artillery is constantly covering it, it will take a lot of money for our siege vehicles and other equipment to approach the city.

There is no problem with the cavalry attacking, but you can't use the cavalry to attack the city! "

"Cavalry attacking the city?"

Hearing Dongfang Ming's words, Yunyang murmured, narrowed his eyes and began to think.

After a long time, Yunyang's eyes lit up: "Yes, use cavalry to attack the city."



"Think twice, Commander, the cavalry attacking the city is tantamount to letting the brothers die."

Yunyang looked at the surprised expressions of the generals around him, and tapped the edge of the sand table lightly: "Don't make such a fuss, you first listen to my commander to explain the reason."

"I'm rude, please enlighten me, Marshal."

Yunyang grabbed the bamboo pole and leaned over the sand table to make gestures.

"As you said just now, even with artillery cover, it would cost a lot to transport the siege equipment under the city wall.

Although Jin Guo's artillery is not as good as ours, it is not a vegetarian either.

When transporting equipment to attack the city, if the progress of the soldiers is slow, it is easy to be bombarded by Jin Guo's artillery as a living target.

This commander thought so, and used the cavalry to launch a feint attack to cover the siege of the infantry brothers.

These terrains do not prevent the cavalry from rushing forward. The commander-in-chief intends to summon the sharpshooters of the entire army, with auxiliary soldiers holding shields in one hand, and the two of them will cover the infantry brothers on horseback.

Their main purpose was not to really attack the city, but to shoot the thunderbolt tied to the rain of arrows onto the city wall.

Then make a big detour and withdraw under the city wall.

If this plan works, it may be possible to destroy Jin's large number of artillery and shells in one fell swoop.

Give them a game of playing with fire.

Even if the effect is not good, but with the cover of artillery, catapults, and bed crossbows, with the strength of our cavalry, the continuous attack can buy enough time for the infantry soldiers to attack the city.

This is also a whim of this coach, and there may be many loopholes that this coach has never thought of.

How about you? "

The generals pondered for a long time, then nodded silently: "It is possible."

"The final general also seconded the proposal, but don't act recklessly, and you need to carefully consider the possible unfavorable situations."

"The last general also agrees. He also recommends careful deployment before attacking the city. After all, there are a lot of troops in the city. The arrow rain from their archers is still not a small threat to the cavalry brothers."

Yunyang nodded slightly: "Three days, let's use three days to come up with the safest strategy to attack the city, just to let the pawn brothers familiarize themselves with the terrain outside the city.

By the way, let the auxiliary soldiers find a way to take soil to fill those particularly inaccessible terrain. "

"I have to wait!"

Yunyang exhaled lightly, and inserted the bamboo pole into the sand table.

"If the plan doesn't work, you can't let the brothers forcefully attack the city, wasting their lives in vain.

Detour around Tingzhou by the Heihe River in the Kingdom of Jin, pass through Chunyang County, enter Beishan Mansion, pass through Luoyue Valley, and go straight to the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.

Use this as bait to lure Jin Guo soldiers and horses out of the city to take the bait.

The imperial city was under siege, it was at stake, Wanyan was all powerful, Yaluha and the others would not sit idly by.

Even if it is rumored that the Golden Queen abandons the city and moves south to Jianzhou, we can still take the cities of the northern states of the Kingdom of Jin besides the three prefectures of Jianzhou first.

Cut off all support from their rear, either they leave the city early, or wait for us to turn around and surround them, until they run out of food and grass, they have to go out of the city to fight.

Everything is done according to the situation, there is no need to take the lives of soldiers and soldiers to fight them because of the mere land of the three prefectures. "

"You are handsome and wise."

Zhang Kuang looked at Yunyang with clear eyes and bright hearts: "The commander used the book of 36 strategies of the side-by-side king, using false ways to attack Guo, and drawing salary from the bottom of the pot?"

Yunyang stroked his beard and nodded with a smile.

"That's what we borrowed from.

Little Liu is very good at using soldiers. Although we have led the army for decades, we can't rely on our seniority to look down on rising stars.

Jiang Lei's words when he attacked Songzhou made the old man feel deeply.

I feel that there is no end to learning! "

(End of this chapter)

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