My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1965 Kanzhou Broken

Chapter 1965 Kanzhou Broken

In early August of the second year of Dalong Yongping.

Together with the turmoil of the theft of the palace, the turmoil caused in several nearby palaces in Yingzhou gradually subsided over the past month.

According to rumors, Governor Qin of Yingzhou, Governor Jia of Fuzhou and more than 20 governors of the state were severely reprimanded by the king, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

Fortunately, the housekeeper of the palace came forward to clarify that the palace didn't lose any valuables, only some gold, silver and jewels were lost, and it didn't cause too much loss.

In the past month, martial law has been enforced in all the cities of Yingzhou. All martial arts masters with a little bit of kung fu background must register with the government and report their hometown credentials.

Anyone who conceals and fails to report will be detained on the spot once verified, and those who disobey will be killed.

For a while, the Northland, which appeared to be calm on the surface, was undercurrents in private. I don't know how many masters died under the cleansing of the government.

For this matter, instead of criticizing the ruthless behavior of the government and the side-by-side Wang Liu Mingzhi, the common people applauded wildly.

After all, in the eyes of the common people, if you are really innocent, why don't you go to the government to report your birth certificate, you must have a ghost in your heart.

From the beginning of the theft of the palace, the after-dinner chats in the teahouses and wine shops that the common people enjoyed talking about gradually disappeared.

Although some people occasionally mention it from time to time, it is not so eye-catching.

In the Wang's study room, Liu Mingzhi was concentrating on flipping through stacks of rice paper, on which was drawn a general figure of a figure, and next to it was recorded the person's life story and approximate identity.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi lit the stack of rice paper in his hand to the candle, and threw it into the brazier.

The 46 people who died under the siege by the government were all green forest heroes, bandits and reckless people who were stained with life-threatening lawsuits.

The reason why he didn't dare to report to the government was naturally not because it was related to the theft of the palace, but because he was afraid that his identity would be leaked and the illegal activities he had done before would be found out.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing, who was meditating around the sand table, and whispering to Ren Qingrui, who was wearing men's clothes, from time to time, smiled lightly and shook his head, and stopped at the window to look at the scenery in the courtyard.

Spy Shadow's ability far exceeded his expectations. This wave of knocking mountains and shaking tigers has been going on for more than a month, but there is not even a little storm.

This made Liu Mingzhi a little helpless, like hitting cotton with a charged fist.

It's just that Liu Mingzhi is still guessing whether this group of people are spy shadows or Ouchi bodyguards, or the old man in the Wei residence.

But no matter what their identities are, these people are inseparable from Li Ye.

Ordinary people who have the courage to covet the king's seal of the side-by-side king.

Not to mention what is the use of him getting it, if you want to buy and sell silver taels for a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, you have to have a buyer who dares to buy it.

It's not impossible for officials in the court, but it's just that ordinary officials don't have the ability and confidence to support so many half-talented masters.

"Third brother, come here."

"Huh? What's the matter? Ahem... what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi heard that people walked towards the sand table, and saw Song Qing pointing to a city with a puzzled look on his face.

Song Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi whose complexion didn't improve at all, but turned yellow, and sighed, how could the wind and cold be so severe.

But the third brother kept saying that it was okay, and it was useless to persuade him a few times, so he had to take one step at a time.

"Third brother, I'm afraid Kanzhou won't last long."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked at Anzhou's position: "You mean the matter of Yong'an Gong Nangong Ye's increase of troops in Anzhou?"

"That's right, according to the intelligence, Duke Yong'an sent [-] troops to Anzhou. Doesn't this mean that Kanzhou is already in danger? Otherwise, facing the dangerous Kanzhou and the flat Anzhou, why would Mr. Yun send troops to reinforce it?" Anzhou?
I think in all likelihood Kanzhou is about to fall. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to rest his chin and pondered for a while: "It's useless to speculate wildly, just wait for the battle report!"

"That's right, the war is changing rapidly, we are not in it, and there is no use in guessing, so how about a bet?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, looking at the cheerful Song Qing: "How do you gamble?"

"You and I each guess a time limit for the fall of Kanzhou, whoever gets closer wins, and the loser is invited to Zuichunlou.

But you can't cheat, I know you have spies in your hand to investigate the war, you have to guess with real evidence. "

"Okay, tell me first! I still have this gambling product, how can I give you something to play with your head."

Song Qing picked up a piece of information on the side and looked at it, bowed his head and pondered for a moment: "20 days, Kanzhou's terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, plus there are many soldiers and generals, even if it is in danger now, I'm afraid it won't take 20 days." not come down.

How many days are you? "

"Ten days!"

"Ten days? Although the army of the Northern Expedition was all elites, you underestimate the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin. Most of them are elite veterans who survived the last national war. With the strength of the city wall, they won't be able to survive for 20 days. Can't resist.

What's more, there are Turkic cavalry rushing outside to help, sneak attacking the camp of our main force, and blocking their progress of attacking the city. For ten days, you are afraid that it is a fool's dream.

Here's a chance for you to make a change. "

Liu Mingzhi clasped his hands together, quietly examined the sand table in front of him and shook his head with a smile.

"Then wait and see."

As soon as this was said, it meant that Liu Mingzhi had been bitten to death for ten days and this day would not be changed.

Song Qing shook his head helplessly, he didn't know where Liu Mingzhi's confidence came from, but since he didn't want to change, why should he chatter!

Anyway, it's just a harmless gamble.

As for winning or losing, it's just a bet on a meal of flowers and wine, it's nothing.

"Well, since you are full of confidence, I won't say anything more. It's better if you lose, and I can save some money."

Song Qing put the rice paper in his hand aside, and looked at the curious Ren Qingrui opposite.

"Brother Ren, you can help our two brothers to be a witness. I have 20 days, and he has [-] days. It will save him from losing when the time comes."

Ren Qingrui nodded blankly: "Okay!"

Ren Qingrui looked at the rivalry between the two brothers, his eyes were full of curiosity.

She really couldn't figure out how Liu Mingzhi and the others could figure out what the situation on the front line was like based on the reduced versions of the mountains, forests, swamps, city routes on the sand table in front of her.

Is this the decisive victory thousands of miles away as mentioned in the book of war?
So Ren Qingrui, who was full of doubts, asked her own doubts.

The two brothers looked at each other, Liu Mingzhi smiled and shook his head.

"Let's explain it to your little brother Ren, I still have something to do when I go out."

"Get out of here, you'll be the one to pick it up as soon as something happens."

Liu Mingzhi went out, Song Qing whispered to Ren Qingrui about the rules of the sand table deduction, and it was considered to relieve this homeless little girl from the boring days.

Eight days.

The latest battle report from Northern Xinjiang reached Young Master Liu.

Kanzhou, the three most dangerous cities in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin, after Jizhou and Jianzhou, resisted for 43 days under the front of the dragon soldiers, and finally broke through.

The fall of Kanzhou means that the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin and the central hinterland have completely fallen, leaving only the northern land still struggling.

Then Kanzhou was destroyed. Except for Anzhou, there were dozens of state capitals in the northern part of the Kingdom of Jin, and there was no strong city to defend.

How long they can last in the face of the menacing Northern Expedition army, which is full of fighting spirit, is a situation that the court of the Kingdom of Jin does not want to guess, nor dare to guess.

Song Qing looked at the battle report in his hand, and looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was sitting on the chair with a somewhat silent expression, with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Your uncle, you won't cheat, right? Eight days, Yaluha is not a reckless man, and his methods of using soldiers are not much better than Wanyan Chizha.

Compared with the generals of the six guards, they are evenly divided. How could Kanzhou, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, be captured in eight days with heavy defense. "

Before Liu Mingzhi's eyes, the ruins of Jianzhou City appeared, and he got up and walked towards the sand table.

"The fall of Kanzhou does not necessarily mean that it has been captured. Only when the battle report of cleaning up the battlefield comes can we know the outcome.

Sort out the battle report and pass it on to the imperial court! "

"No, what do you mean? You mean that the fall of Kanzhou was not due to the attack of the Northern Expeditionary Army?"

"Who knows? Let's tidy up, my young master is still in a hurry to go to Zuichunlou!"

(End of this chapter)

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