Chapter 1967
In early September of the second year of Yongping.

Anzhou of Jin State fell again after Kanzhou. Although Wanyan Chizha led the soldiers and horses to spare no effort to resist, Wanyan Qingshan suddenly ran away and took the soldiers and horses away from the ancestral land, causing the troops to concentrate on attacking the city. Wanyan Chizha racked his brains to still Anzhou's fate has not changed.

Facing the powerful Northern Expeditionary Army, the fall of the Kingdom of Jin was the general trend, and forceful resistance could not reverse the crisis.

Although the excavated ravines outside Anzhou City are wide and deep, for the troops of the dragon outside the city, it is only a matter of time to find a way to fill those trenches under the cover of shieldmen, artillery fire and trebuchets.

To Yunyang, Zhang Kuang and the others, this was just the last dying struggle of the guards of the Kingdom of Jin.

Because the follow-up food and grass were not replenished in time, after Yunyang and the others took Anzhou, they stationed in Anzhou and temporarily repaired it, discussing new countermeasures.

It is planned to wait for the follow-up food and grass to arrive in the middle or late September, and then start to seize the capital of the Jin Kingdom, and strive to pacify the Jin Kingdom in one fell swoop before the end of the year.

Then, based on the Kingdom of Jin, look forward to the Turkic grassland in the spring of the coming year.

Try to win the entire Turkic territory within one year and unify the world in one fell swoop.

As a result, the last territory of the Kingdom of Jin was able to survive for a short period of time.

In the Guangming Palace of the Kingdom of Jin, the empress stared at the gloomy civil and military officials who had gone away, accompanied by Huier, and walked towards the harem with difficulty.

"His Majesty!"

The queen stared blankly at Wanyan Chizha and Yeluha who were following up, and they smiled sadly, with indescribable sadness and confusion in their bright eyes.

"The heavens are not fair, it seems that the Kingdom of Jin is doomed to perish in my hands, you have seen the situation in the court, and the courtiers have become disheartened towards me.

I no longer think that I still have a chance to keep the kingdom of Jin. "

The two Wanyan and Chizha rushed back to the capital of the Kingdom of Jin because the dragon soldiers and horses were resting for the time being. Looking at the empress' sad and negative look, they remembered the scene of today's court meeting where [-]% of the courtiers had already begun to persuade the empress to surrender. They looked at each other. With a silent sigh.

"Your Majesty! The old minister is incompetent!"

Seeing Wanyan Chizha beating his hands and stamping his feet, the Queen hastily stretched out her hand to stop her: "Uncle Wang, it's not your fault, it's my fault too!"

Wanyan Chizha raised his hand and hammered fiercely at Tingzhu beside him: "If it wasn't for the old man Wanyan Qingshan who fled the battle and made all of Dalong's troops concentrate in Anzhou and Kanzhou, what about the last two fortified cities?" As for falling under Dalong's soldiers so quickly.

This time, even if the old minister donated his old bones for the country, the old minister would have to take this old thing with him on the road.

If it weren't for him, I, Dajin, would still be able to survive this winter. "

The queen sighed silently, thinking of Wanyan Qingshan taking the last [-] soldiers from his ancestral land and fleeing away under the siege of the six guard cavalry of the Dalong New Army a month ago, his eyes were filled with hatred and hatred. have no choice.

"Uncle Wang, the matter is over, so don't talk about it anymore.

Perhaps it is really the trend of the times, the sky is dying, I Wan Yan politely said. "

The empress glanced around at the pavilions and pavilions in the palace with nostalgia, as if this was her last great river and mountain: "After all the people have gone to the ancestral land, you also return to the ancestral land with Yue'er and the last troops.

I want to live and die with Dajin. When the country falls, it will be the day when my life will die. "

"Your Majesty! Think again!"

Wan Yan smashed, Yeluha and the two hurriedly knelt down, looking earnestly at the determined queen.

"You don't need to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind.

My fault should not be borne by the common people. "

"Your Majesty, the old minister and the prince are looking for you for business. I hope Your Majesty will come up with an idea, and maybe there will be some turning point."

The queen looked at Yaluha weakly: "Old Aiqing, tell me, I will agree to everything."

Yaluha glanced at Wanyan Chizha on one side: "Your Majesty, after discussing with the prince, and persuading the people to go to the ancestral land, we will lead all the soldiers and horses to withdraw from our Dajin territory, go to the Turkic grassland, and continue to join forces with the Turks to fight enemy.

The surplus food in the hands of the people is enough to support them for a year and a half.

We can concentrate on dealing with the enemy. "

The queen shook her head silently: "The dragon will not give us this chance, don't let the soldiers die in vain."

The empress who had told Wanyan Chizha before that she would fight to the death and not surrender, after Wanyan Qingshan's incident, saw the dilapidated situation of Dajin and gradually looked away.

Why do you hurt the people when the sky is dead and the gold is dead.

It's fine to die, but it's fine for your own people.

"Your Majesty, now the old minister and brother Yale still have the last 19 remnants of soldiers, plus the [-] Jinwu Guards and [-] Yumasi soldiers in the capital, they still have the strength to fight.

If my Dajin wants to die, he must die from the last soldier, and die from the annihilation of the whole army.

Instead of abandoning the country and fleeing.

As long as His Majesty agrees, if you want to come to Taichang Khan, we are very welcome to lead troops into the Turkic Grassland and join hands to fight against the enemy.

My Dajin rose on horseback, but now I just belong to my ancestors.

The Turkic grassland has a vast territory. Compared with when we defend the city, we have to face the concentrated forces of the dragon. On the grassland, we can definitely have a protracted battle with the dragon. "

Wanyan Chi nodded agreeingly: "Your Majesty, the old minister also meant the same thing, Your Majesty, have you forgotten what Liu Mingzhi said to Princess Yue?
Jin can't die.

These days, the veteran has been thinking about what this sentence means, and now the veteran understands that as long as we are still alive, Jin will not perish.

On the grassland, although Dalong's artillery is still threatening, it is far less powerful than bombarding the city!
As long as you have the right time and place, even if you lose harmony, you may not have a chance to keep your foundation. "

When the empress heard Wanyan Chizha mention what the man had said to him, her gray eyes gradually regained some vitality, and she stared blankly at Wanyan Chizha.

"Jin, can't you die?"

"Your Majesty, defending to the death is a dead end, we can only reform to survive!"

"Mother, Uncle, Grandpa Yale."

While the queen was still hesitating, the little cutie walked over from nowhere and bowed respectfully to the three of them.

"The old minister is so beautiful, Yeluha!"

"See Her Royal Highness."

"Quick and free!"

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

The queen looked at the cutie with complicated eyes: "Yue'er, why are you here?"

The cute and lively eyes looked at the queen silently: "Mother, Yue'er heard what uncle and the others said, and thought it was very reasonable."

The queen was startled, and stared blankly at her daughter for a while: "Do you also think that we should abandon the city and garrison the Turkic Grassland to fight against the enemy?"

"Well, is there any other way besides this?"

The queen fell silent when she heard her daughter's rhetorical question, yes, besides waiting for the country to perish, is there any other way?
"I agree, you can arrange this matter!"

"Your Majesty is wise! I will take my leave."

The queen looked at the backs of the two people walking away in confusion, and withdrew the Turkic troops, and fought the final desperate struggle with the dragon soldiers. Is it right or wrong?


"Huh? What are you trying to say?"

"I want Night Wolf, the two uncles of Jiutu."

The empress suddenly turned her head to look at the timid cutie, her crescent eyebrows tightly frowned.

"What on earth do you want to do? If you don't tell me, I can give it to you, but at least you have to give me a reason."


"Hey, come with me to Shang's study!"

On September 22 of the second year of Yongping, the Dalong soldiers and horses, who had been replenished with food and grass, once again went northward with great might and strength, and launched the final crusade against the Kingdom of Jin.

However, a few days ago, after all the refugees crossed the capital of the Kingdom of Jin to their ancestral land, the last remnants of the Kingdom of Jin had quietly left for the Turkic Grassland under the leadership of the Queen.

Procrastinated by the suspicious tactics of a small number of soldiers, it took about ten days for the Northern Expedition army to easily capture the capital of the Kingdom of Jin, which had become an empty city.

In name, they conquered the entire territory of the Kingdom of Jin in one fell swoop.

Many generals of the speechless Northern Expedition army gathered together, but they didn't know what to say.

Has the Kingdom of Jin been pacified?
It can be said that it has been pacified, after all, even the capital of the Kingdom of Jin has been captured, so what if it is not pacified.

But the people of the Kingdom of Jin and the last remnants of the soldiers disappeared, what is going on.

In the end, under the investigation of the scouts, the traces of the Queen and the others were leaked.

After discussing with a group of generals, Yunyang sent back the battle report, and began to prepare the army again, and began to march into the Turkic grassland.

I thought that the offensive against the Turks would not be launched until the spring of next year, but I didn't expect that this year would already have to go to the Turks.

Now that the last remnants of the Kingdom of Jin have joined forces with the Turks, there is no need to waste time cleaning up the last remnants of the enemy one by one.

The army of the Northern Expedition, which took a short rest, headed westward in mighty force, approaching the Turks.

Two days later, Liu Mingzhi, who received the battle report, looked at the battle report in his hand with neither sadness nor joy, coughed a few times, and silently closed his deep eyes and sighed.

"Let's pass the letter to the imperial court! Let's start the matter of relocating the people!"

Song Qing silently patted Liu Mingzhi on the shoulder, not knowing what to persuade.

Looking at the trembling arms of the third younger brother, he understood that the third younger brother was not as indifferent as he appeared on the surface to the end of Jin Guo.

But recently the third brother has completely changed.

It became impossible to understand him.

Song Qing picked up the battle report, sat across from Liu Mingzhi and began to copy the battle report sent to the court.

(End of this chapter)

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