Chapter 1979 Leaked
Zhuota ignored Zhuo Lu's surprised words, whipped his horsewhip and galloped on the surrounding snow.

After about half a stick of incense, Zhuota returned to the original place, and a series of horseshoe prints were left on the snow field with a radius of half a mile.

"Commander, your body is itching, you want to ride a horse!"

"It looks like it to me, but it's understandable. I was bored in the yurt for a month or two, and I almost fell ill. Taking advantage of the snow today, it's not bad to take a good ride."

Zhuota frowned and looked at the eight Zhuolu who hadn't noticed anything wrong: "Shut up, don't you realize that the surroundings are too quiet?"

Seeing Zhuota's serious expression, the eight people realized that he was not joking, so they also put away their smiling faces, straightened up and looked around.

Mursha seemed to have reacted as well, and the horse wandered around for a while and then turned back.

"Commander, you are right, there is something wrong. From the time we came out to the way back, it seems that we have not encountered a single beast."

After Mu'ersha finished talking, the rest of the people also realized that the atmosphere on the grassland today is a little different from the past.

Zota got off his horse and ran towards the snow with all his strength, bending over from time to time to rummage through the snow, not paying attention to his red fingers from the cold.

Seeing Zhuota's movements, the rest of the people also got off their horses and scattered, just like Zhuota, rummaging through the thick snow to find something.

After a long time, the nine people reunited and shook their heads at each other.


"Neither do I."

"Neither do I!"

"I also."

The unanimous answer of the nine people made Zhuota's eyes become vigilant.

"Four directions, each attacking five miles, and then come here to meet."


The nine people, who all felt that something was wrong, dispersed and wandered around the snowy field, and they did not gather together until dusk fell.

"Commander, there is no sign of wolves in the east!"

"It's also in the west, south, and north. Not only are there no traces of wolves, but even other prey are gone. It's completely different from the occasional wild pheasants and wild yellow sheep in previous years."

Zota put the whip in his hand on his waist, took out a map from the horse's back, and flipped through it.

"From this period to the end of the year, it is the time when wolves are howling hungry and wolves come to our tribe to steal sheep. At this time in previous years, there will always be wolves wandering around our Turkic tribes waiting for an opportunity to attack the sheepfolds. We're getting close to our tribe, but we haven't found a single wolf, so there must be something wrong.

We just walked to the easternmost position, and less than a hundred miles to the east are the pastures and camps of the Chuyang tribe. It is said that there should be traces of wolves wandering around.

But there seemed to be no trace of wolves at all, which was obviously unreasonable.

Beasts like wolves are cunning and alert by nature. If they don't appear, they must have sensed the danger.

But we didn't receive an order to hunt wolves this year, how could they be aware of the danger?It can only show that this danger does not come from us Turks. "

"Could it be that the Dalong enemy army came in and attacked? It shouldn't be. Seven or eight tribes, including the Zhahe tribe, sent eagle archers to the east of the Chuyang tribe to investigate the movement of the enemy army stationed in the border city of the Kingdom of Jin. If they come to make a surprise attack, it is impossible that there is no movement."

Zota frowned and thought for a while, then looked around at the eight accomplices.

"Zhuolu, Muersha!"

"I am humble!"

"Don't be in a hurry to go back to the tribe, turn back and go east to investigate the situation. If the situation permits, try to go to the Chuyang tribe to have a look, pay attention to hiding your whereabouts, and evacuate immediately if you notice something is wrong."


"Tuobuhua, Spiluzan, you give the dry food and water on your body to Zhuolu and the others, in case of emergency."


"Mo Lu, Sang Da, you two also take more dry food and go to the royal court, and report this matter to the Great Khan."


"The rest will follow this commander back to the tribe and report the matter to the king."


Under the command of the commander Zhuota, the nine people scattered in all directions and rushed over the boundless snow field, gradually disappearing in the snow.

But Yunyang and the others didn't know that the Turkic people living on the grassland had already noticed something wrong based on the life experience accumulated from generation to generation.

Whether the army of the Northern Expedition can fulfill its wish and capture the Turkic royal court in one fell swoop depends on God's will.

The big tent of the Shibi Tribe, which was full of singing and dancing, suddenly became tense because of Zhuota's return.

King Shibi Lisi also became alert because of Zhuota's report, and sent an additional number of eagle archers to investigate the situation outside the tribe.

And quickly convened the top ten commanders under his command to discuss the matter in case of a sudden change.

Although Zhuolu, Mursha and the others who went to the Yangbu to investigate the situation have not yet returned, it is still unknown whether there will be an enemy surprise attack, but Spiles and the others are preparing a strategy to meet the enemy without delay.

If they were unprepared and caught off guard by the Dalong enemy, then the Shibi tribe would be in danger.

The Shibi tribe under the leadership of Spiles can be so valued by Zhang Kuang, how can this person be that kind of headstrong and conceited mindless person.

One day later, Yunyang, the Northern Expeditionary Army that was continuing to advance westward, was inevitably captured by Zhuolu, and the two of them found their whereabouts.

And Dalong's elite scouts also happened to discover the traces of the two of them.

Looking around, on the white snowfield everywhere, and there are Xuemu flying all over the sky blocking some of the sight, the two people and two horses are so distinctly exposed to the telescope of the dragon scout.

Zhuo Lu and the two who sensed something was wrong, turned their horses and retreated. The Dalong scouts also divided into two groups, going to report all the way, and started chasing down the two Turkic people who discovered their whereabouts.

Yunyang and the others learned from the scouts that their whereabouts might be revealed. Although they had already planned to reveal their whereabouts, the generals couldn't help but sigh when it was revealed so quickly.

However, the matter has come to this point, and we can only speed up the march, trying to launch a surprise attack before the Turkic scouts bring the whereabouts of the army back to the tribe.

Yunyang and Shi Bibu Zhuolu unfortunately encountered the same time during the march.

Mo Lu, who had been running all night and day, and Sang Da also rushed to the Turkic royal court despite the harsh environment.

After explaining their purpose to the guards, the two immediately received a report from their Great Khan of Taichang, Huyan Yunyao.

In the Turkic king's tent, Huyan Yunyao looked at the trembling Mo Lu and the two, frowning and slowly wandering in front of the two of them.

"Besides these, have you found any whereabouts of the enemy?"

"Back to the Great Khan, we haven't witnessed any traces of the enemy with our own eyes. Everything is just speculation by us and Commander Zhuota."

Huyan Yunyao and her second elder brother Hu Yanyu looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Are you sure there will be wolves attacking your sheep in your Shibibu at this time of year?"

"Reporting to the Great Khan, we are sure that our Shibi tribe is close to the border between Dalong Northern Border and Jin Kingdom. There is a Wild Wolf Valley near Shanhaiguan. At this time of year, the wolves that live there will come to our Shibi tribe. The whole tribe and the surrounding tribes, large and small, attacked the flock.

But this year, let alone a pack of wolves, I haven't seen a single wolf hair.

Commander Zhuota suspected that the wolves may have sensed the danger and dared not approach the tribe, but because of the war, our Turks did not encircle and kill the wolves this year. "

Huyan Yunyao pondered for a while, then looked at Huyanyu: "Second brother, what do you think?"

"It's hard to say, but the possibility of a surprise attack by the dragon soldiers and horses is very high. Apart from the fact that the evil spirit of the large army can make the beasts fearful, there are almost no other reasons to explain this situation.

However, the Zhahe tribe, the Chuyang tribe, the Turik tribe, and the Muli tribe. There are nine tribes in total. The more than 40 tribes together have not found the whereabouts of the dragon soldiers and horses at all?

With the number of their troops, looking around, Dalong's soldiers and horses may be found out as soon as they leave the city.

If they did launch a raid, we should have been informed by now. "

Huyan Yunyao's white jade hand beat her hard.

"Not surprisingly, the truce should have been too long, so the kings of the Zhahe tribe and the sheep tribe relaxed their vigilance and reduced the number of investigations, so the dragon soldiers took advantage of the loophole."

"That's probably the case, what are you going to do?"

"Come on!"

"See Khan!"

"Order the various tribes, the Dalong enemy army will make a surprise attack against the snow, and let the kings and leaders of all tribes prepare to respond to the enemy and retreat."


"Huyan Xufeng."

"Chen is here!"

"Immediately invite the Golden Empress to come to this Khan's tent to discuss matters."

"Follow the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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