Chapter 2001
When Zeng Hai and the group saw Liu Mingzhi stop more than ten steps away, looking at the beautiful scenery of Fengyundu, they stood there and waited tightly without opening their mouths to disturb.

Not long after, Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze and fixed his eyes on the old friend Zeng Hai.

"Old Zeng, in this icy and snowy place where the wind is howling, you don't stay in the palace to enjoy your blessings, why did you come to this wilderness?
If you want to enjoy the snow scenery, wouldn't the beauty of the capital be thousands of times better than this Fengyun Ferry? "

Zeng Hai looked at Liu Mingzhi's half-smiling but not joking appearance, gave a wry smile, and stared at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes as he pulled out a roll of imperial edict from his cuff.

"My lord was joking, we don't have so much leisure time, but after seeing this decree, your lord should understand why we are here!"

Liu Mingzhi stared at the imperial decree in Zeng Hai's hand with lowered eyebrows for a moment: "It's another decree to send this king back to Beijing to report on his duties?"

Zeng Hai nodded noncommittally, took the imperial decree in both hands, and walked towards Liu Mingzhi respectfully.

"Since the prince already knows the purpose of the imperial decree, shall we announce it?"

Liu Mingzhi smacked his lips and looked up.

"Two days ago, Mr. Zeng, your senior Fuhai Fu Gonggong also came to Xinzhou post with such a volume of imperial decree. At the beginning, he agreed that everything will be discussed after the king returns to Beijing.

However, there are still a few days away from the capital, and His Majesty has made another decree.

What is the meaning of this?
Including the previous four edicts, this is the fifth one.

This king really doesn't understand how bad the current court has become, so much so that His Majesty so eagerly hopes that this king will return to Beijing to fix this mess.

However, on the way back to Beijing, this king ran into General Xiahou's food and grass army by chance.

Judging from the number of carriages and the amount of food and grass, if the imperial court becomes a mess, it will definitely not be able to raise such a large amount of food and grass within two months.

Lao Zeng, you said that all the officials worked together to support the great cause of the Northern Expedition. Do you need this king to go back and serve as the regent who is in charge of the country's affairs?
Isn't everything going well in court without me, Liu Mingzhi?Why do I have to go back and work hard?
Everything is entrusted to me, what do you want His Majesty to do?What are the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty doing?

Is it really so important to the imperial court whether I return to Beijing or not? "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's disappointed reaction, Zeng Hai sighed and shook his head silently.

"My lord, we can't guess what your majesty is thinking, and we dare not guess, but we hope that your lord will return to Beijing with the order.

Now the Northern Expedition army is reporting success, the capture of the Turks is just around the corner, the world will soon be unified, the frontier country will become an inner palace, and the task of the prince to obey the emperor's will to guard the country will also exist in name only.

If you don't return to Beijing at this time, when will you wait?
Returning to Beijing at this time to gain a firm foothold, the prince is still the prince with one person under one man and above ten thousand people. If he does not return to Beijing to report on his duties at this time, after the world is unified, the officials of various ministries who assisted the Northern Expedition Army will certainly take credit for it.

When the prince returns to Beijing to report on his duties, it is bound to be difficult for him to move an inch above the court.

The prince has been in the temple for more than ten years and has been immersed in power and art for many years. It is impossible for him not to know that what we are talking about is not a joke.

That being the case, why does the prince have to stick to the northern border and refuse to return to the court to report on his duties?
Thunder, rain and dew are the grace of the king, not to mention that His Majesty has tolerated the prince again and again, never strictly ordered the prince, and always persuaded him with kind words.

Although the prince did not obey His Majesty in the past, he never disobeyed His Majesty's wishes. Why can't he understand His Majesty's painstaking efforts now?
In history, even the world-renowned sages and sages, no one has the honor of asking the emperor to return to the capital to report on his duties five times.

My lord, accept the order! "

Listening to Lao Zeng's sincere words of admonition, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and remained silent for a while with a hint of distress on his face.

"Old Zeng, if the king still refuses to obey the edict, will he not have to go to Beijing anymore?"

"No, the lord still refuses to accept the imperial decree, and we will return to Beijing in disgrace just like the previous two times."

"Since this is the case, then, as Eunuch Fuhai said, we can discuss everything in the capital.

Old Zeng, I will disappoint you again. "

Liu Mingzhi never changed his tone, and once again rejected Li Ye's imperial decree, which made Lao Zeng tremble a little while holding the imperial decree in his hands.

With a soft plop, under Liu Mingzhi's stunned gaze, Zeng Hai knelt on the snow in front of Liu Mingzhi, raised his hands and handed the imperial decree over his head to Liu Mingzhi, his eyes full of pleading.

"My lord, because of the old friendship between you and me for many years, this old slave has the guts to ask you to sell me some thin noodles, so you will accept the imperial edict and return to Beijing to report on your duties.

Is it okay to just be an old slave and beg you?
Old slave please!
We are all fine, isn't that good?
I beg you!
Accept the order! "

While talking, Zeng Hai kept kowtowing his head against the frozen snow. When he raised his head, Zeng Hai's forehead was already flushed with blood oozing faintly.

It can be seen that Zeng Hai's behavior is indeed sincere, not a polite act of deceit.

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, hurriedly helped Zeng Hai up, and looked at Zeng Hai with a tangled expression.

"Old Zeng! Why are you doing this!"

"My lord, accept the order!"

"Hehe, Lao Zeng, from this point of view, His Majesty regards me, Liu Mingzhi, as someone who wants to support himself.

I, Liu Mingzhi, keep my word and always do what I say. I said that after I rule the world, I will return to Beijing to report on my duties. At that time, all the military and political power in northern Xinjiang can be handed over.

Why didn't His Majesty believe me even these few months.

If I, Liu Mingzhi, were really obsessed with power, why should I do my best to help him ascend the throne? Supporting a puppet majesty, Cao Cao, who coerced the emperor and made the princes, is just a piece of cake.

Why is it necessary to support him to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, and teach him everything?
This king has repeatedly resisted and failed to comply with the order. Do you even think that this king is supporting the soldiers with self-respect, intending to support the soldiers to stand on their own feet, and harboring the heart of disobedience and rebellion? "

"We dare not, and we will not suspect that the prince has a rebellious heart. We only hope that the prince can accept the order and return to Beijing."

"Give me a reason!"

Zeng Hai was taken aback for a moment, looking at Liu Mingzhi's deep gaze, he hesitated to speak.

"We don't know what to say, and we dare not speak nonsense.

Prince, let's go back to Beijing. After returning to Beijing, everything will be as calm as before.

If the prince insists on resisting the order and does not obey it, we don't know what unforeseen consequences will happen.

Why should you? "

Liu Mingzhi patted Zeng Hai's shoulder, and walked slowly towards the side of the official road with his hands behind his back, looking at the infinite scenery of Fengyundu, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were filled with melancholy.

"Old Zeng, Liu Mingzhi entered the temple in Beijing at the age of 19, and he did his best to assist his father, Emperor Ruizong. Although he felt guilty about the late emperor, he still did his best.

Until he fully supported His Majesty to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

You can all see what Liu Mingzhi did.

For the sake of unifying the world, even the Golden Empress and her daughter were put aside.

Liu Mingzhi devoted himself to helping the country, but in the end he ended up being jealous of the monarch and his subjects.

Why is this.

Liu Mingzhi resisted the edict five times and failed to obey, it was not because Liu Mingzhi harbored disobedience.

Rather, I want to fight for my breath.

This king wants to see how His Majesty will treat me in the end.

Lao Zeng, thank you for your kindness.

please come back.

Fortunately, we will meet again in the capital! "

(End of this chapter)

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