My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2003 Is there still a chapter head?

Chapter 2003 Is there a way back
Liu Mingzhi looked at the group of people who came forward on horseback with a dazed expression.

Ever since his father, Emperor Li Zheng, became famous, the title of Prince Consort has become so strange and far away.

Everyone is addressed as the King of Side-by-Shoulders or Lord Liu. I haven't heard the title of Prince Consort for many years. As for how long, I almost can't remember.

It seems that since Father Huang became famous, very few people still call themselves that.

And the only one who still calls himself that is the old friend.

An old man who was loyal to Li Zheng and guarded the deserted imperial tomb for several years after Li Zheng's trip.

The old man with gray beard and hair.

Liu Mingzhi stared complicatedly at the group of people who were gradually approaching on the official road, and fixed his eyes on the old man in the lead.

"Old Zhou, even you have left the mountain, it seems that Liu Mingzhi is doomed this time."

"Shut up!"

Fifty fast horses stopped steadily on the official road thirty steps away from Liu Mingzhi. Zhou Fei, with white beard and hair and a hunched figure, got off the horse and walked slowly towards Liu Mingzhi with his hunched body.

"My son-in-law, long time no see, I'm being polite."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou indifferently, and nodded with regret.

"Yeah, long time no see, if it wasn't for your calling me son-in-law, this king would have almost forgotten that I, Liu Mingzhi, was originally one of the prince's son-in-law.

It's just that our meeting this time exceeded my expectations. "

In Lao Zhou's old eyes, there was only the joy of being reunited, and he stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi without haste.

"My son-in-law, what do you mean by these words? Our old bones are useless, and I can't even understand the meaning of what my son-in-law said."

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at Lao Zhou's way of greeting him as always, and let out a silent breath.

"Don't understand? If you don't understand, forget it.

Lao Zhou, long time no see, how are you? "

"Thank you son-in-law for your concern, our old bones are about to rot, I'm afraid we won't have a few more years to live, if we can see this old man, son-in-law again, death will be enough.

When we see the Lord in heaven, we can also say something to the son-in-law. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lao Zhou's frank smile and fell silent.

He didn't know what kind of mission Lao Zhou came with, but he knew that Lao Zhou had not changed, and he could still feel the true feelings contained in Lao Zhou's words.

Maybe Lao Zhou was unwilling to come, but he had to.

From the first acquaintance with Lao Zhou at Dangyang Academy, to the later acquaintance, he knows Lao Zhou's character and temperament too well.

Maybe he didn't want to come, but he couldn't come.

"Old Zhou, is Liu Mingzhi still inconsiderate in what he did to the court?"

Liu Mingzhi's straightforward question made Lao Zhou's cloudy eyes even cloudier, revealing a touch of grief.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's regretful eyes, he shook his head slightly.

"My son-in-law has done the utmost of benevolence and righteousness."

"Then why did you come to this situation today? Old Zhou, tell me, what I did to Li Ye is not enough?"

When Lao Zhou heard Liu Mingzhi call Li Ye by his name, there was no dissatisfaction on his face, he just shook his head silently.

"My son-in-law has done his duty to His Majesty, and he has reached a level that even Li's relatives, not to mention his courtiers, can't do."

"I have a lot of power in my hands, you know that!"


"Ever since I supported His Majesty's accession to the throne, have I ever acted with authority!"


"I have 30 battle cavalry bestowed by the late emperor, do you know that?"


"Have I, Liu Mingzhi, ever had the slightest intention of supporting the army and standing on my own?"


"The Empress of the Kingdom of Jin is my unnamed first wife, and the princess of the Kingdom of Jin is my own flesh and blood, right?"


"In order to help Dalong dominate the world, I personally led the three expeditions to Jintu and Jintu. This time, Old Commander Yun led the expedition. Although I didn't make any suggestions, I spared no effort in terms of food and grass support, but I have never been slack."


"Hehe. Old Zhou, then tell me, what is Liu Mingzhi not doing thoughtfully enough? Even if I, Liu Mingzhi, are suspected of treason because of having a son with the Empress of the Kingdom of Jin, it is true.

But why so far? "

Like Zeng Hai, Lao Zhou, the former chief executive who Zeng Hai would honorably call his ancestor, bent his knees, and knelt down in front of Liu Mingzhi with his dying body.

"My son-in-law, don't talk about it, it's the imperial court who is sorry for you.

but but"

"Speak, today, there is nothing that cannot be said!"

"My son-in-law, you don't violate the authority, you don't stand on your own, and you never have the heart of disobedience, but before you know it, your royal power has surpassed the imperial power.

Although you have done your best to His Majesty, but what happened in these years, if you think back to yourself, does the Emperor still exist in front of you?

On the day your majesty ascended the throne, tens of thousands of soldiers disobeyed the imperial decree, but you shouted them back.

The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty dared to argue with His Majesty, but no one dared to be hostile to you.

Although the millions of soldiers in the frontier army do not respect you, they all control you and submit to your majesty, son-in-law.

You are His Majesty, what should you think?
Your Majesty actually doesn't want to do this. If you return to Beijing to report on your duties steadily, everything will be safe and sound as before, but now your loyalty has exceeded the bottom line of an emperor.

It's not because His Majesty is ignorant, it's not because you are unfaithful.

Compared with Emperor Weihe's treatment of General Jin Yi, His Majesty has been more lenient and merciful to the son-in-law.

Prince Consort, listen to us and come back. "

"Although I, Liu Mingzhi, have committed no crimes, I am guilty of weight. Is that what you mean?"

Lao Zhou closed his eyes and nodded sadly.


Hearing Liu Mingzhi's sigh, Lao Zhou took out the imperial decree from his cuff and held it in his hand.

"Not only that, but has the son-in-law ever heard of stepping on seven stars?"

Liu Mingzhi stared at the heavy-faced Lao Zhou in astonishment: "Of course, this king has heard of the saying that one's foot on the seven stars is one's destiny, but what does this have to do with this king?"

"The son-in-law may be the so-called one who is on the seven stars and whose destiny belongs to him!"

Liu Mingzhi staggered back two steps, looking at Lao Zhou suspiciously.

"What did you say?"

"Let's say, the son-in-law may be the one whose feet are on the seven stars and whose destiny belongs to him!"

Liu Mingzhi trembled suddenly, hurriedly removed his shoes and socks in front of Lao Zhou, and looked down at the soles of his feet.

The right foot was blank, and the scar on the sole of the left foot came into view.

Liu Mingzhi put down his left foot in a daze to step on the cold snow, and looked at Lao Zhou who was staring at the soles of his feet in a daze.

"Old Zhou, you can see that it's just a scar, and there is no so-called Big Dipper. Is it because of this scar that I, Liu Mingzhi, should be charged with an unwarranted crime?"

Lao Zhou nodded with a painful expression, and looked away from the soles of Liu Mingzhi's feet.

"If the son-in-law wants to prove his innocence, he has no choice but to return to Beijing to report on his duties.

Prince-in-law, look at the thin face of our old bones, come back,
When I got back, it was as if nothing had happened. "

Liu Mingzhi staggered and walked towards the back. A moment later, a dead body with no breath was placed in front of Lao Zhou by Liu Mingzhi.

"All of them have made great achievements in battle, and they have made great achievements in defending the land. They have served in the army for several years, and they did not die on the battlefield, but died at the hands of their own people.

They died on the battlefield, and Liu Mingzhi, who died for the country, has nothing to say.

But they shouldn't die here, and they shouldn't die in the hands of people who may be their desperate protection.

I, Liu Mingzhi, may be guilty, but why are these meritorious ministers guilty?
My seventeen robed remains are here, Lao Zhou, you tell me, for public and private purposes.

Is there any way I can go back? "

(End of this chapter)

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